View Full Version : State of the WWE

I <3 Negros
06-04-2004, 06:47 AM
Since the WWE is in pitiful shape I have decided to write a column on the State of the WWE. As a freelance columnist I can do this whenever and wherever I feel and If you don't like it tough. As we all know the WWE is in bad shape, very bad shape. If I was in that kind of shape I'd be breaking chairs on talk shows because I'd weigh 500 pounds (and no I don't know or care how much that is in that frenchy metric system). I have decided to break down show by show and tell you what I think is wrong with it. Let's start with the flagship show of the WWE, Raw.
On Raw they have a abundance of talent. The pure weight of the talent on Raw could crush a small country they have so much, but it still sucks. Now I have done extensive research (watched a couple episodes) and have finally figured out what is wrong with Raw: The writing sucks. I just have one question for the Raw writers: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOu have a abundance of talent on your show, not to mention one of the greatest heels ever on the mic, and the womens division and you still can't write worth crap! Now I don't know if they pay monkies to write it, or if the writers based the character of Eugene off themselves but I figure it's one of those two. Now there is just so much crap to mention that i'm just going to start with last weeks, I don't want to be here for several days. First they have a World Champ who is starting shows, by defending his tag title. Why the hell does he also need the tag title, he needs to defend his World Title. Then you have this big intro on how it's memorial day, one of America's greatest holidays and you give the tag belts to a couple of Anti-American heels. Are you just stupid? On Memorial day you keep the tag titles on the people who don't constantly insult America. Then you drop a big storyline like a bad habit because you need a World Title match at the PPV. You've already got your World Champ starting the show why bother putting him on the PPV> That storyline could have saved Raws ass. You also book a match which we've seen a hundred and fifty times but this time to make it different you put it inside a Hell in a Cell. Yes brilliant, it's like changing one note of a song and making it your own, does Vanilla Ice work for you now because he did a lot of that. Now don't get me wrong i'm not saying it'll be a bad match but I don't want to see it again but this time pay $30.
As for the women's division which barely exists anymore. You have a champion who rarely defends and no, and I mean no, fueds between Women. The womens division is a whole different column I can't even begin to get into where you've gone wrong with that.
Their are a few things good about Raw but I'm not going to get into those. I do have a solution though: Fire all the writers and replace them with Monkies with typewriters. You see this way you can't get any worse that it already is.
The only wrestling show worse than Raw. On Smackdown you have many talented wrestlers which you use as pillars to hold up the untalented. The young talent is lower on a totem pole that dirt, and the main eventers can barely move without breaking a hip. Now you do have some talented females on Smackdown, by talented I mean look good in a swimsuit because that's all you ever let us see. The general manager is a joke, and the cruiserweight division has become a way to put over a 90 year old man. Just brilliant booking on this show, fucking brilliant. I've got a great idea for you guys on Smackdown, you can ressurect George Burns and have him face Chavo classic (sounds like a damn soft drink) that way they'll both be about the same age, and in the same shape.
The only saving grace on Smackdown is....well....there is none. The only chance they have of getting a good rating on this show is finding a magic genie. And no for all of you reading this John Bradshaw Layfield is not the problem, either is The Undertaker they just don't have those pussy wrestling styles you like. They wrestle like men, fist to fist, hand to hand. And could put on one hell of a show booked right, but they won't be so don't worry.
That's it for the first edition of my column, and there will be more. You can send me feedback at S_w_sanders@usa.com but I really don't care about what you think, or have to say. If you didn't like it go to hell.


06-04-2004, 07:10 AM
The lack of use of simple grammar in this post made me not want to read it.

06-04-2004, 07:24 AM
First they have a World Champ who is starting shows, by defending his tag title. Why the hell does he also need the tag title, he needs to defend his World Title. Then you have this big intro on how it's memorial day, one of America's greatest holidays and you give the tag belts to a couple of Anti-American heels. Are you just stupid? On Memorial day you keep the tag titles on the people who don't constantly insult America. Then you drop a big storyline like a bad habit because you need a World Title match at the PPV. You've already got your World Champ starting the show why bother putting him on the PPV> That storyline could have saved Raws ass. Ok I think this was meant to get some heat, albeit cheap heat on La Resistance. Yeah, Benoit as double champ was bad in terms of booking, but look on the bright side of things, isn't he only World champ now and free to concentrate on Kane?

Their are a few things good about Raw but I'm not going to get into those. Why? Would it change our opinion of WWE so much?

The only saving grace on Smackdown is....well....there is none. The only chance they have of getting a good rating on this show is finding a magic genie. And no for all of you reading this John Bradshaw Layfield is not the problem, either is The Undertaker they just don't have those pussy wrestling styles you like. They wrestle like men, fist to fist, hand to hand. And could put on one hell of a show booked right, but they won't be so don't worry. Did you watch Smackdown? Undertaker always gets a hell of a pop whenever he comes out. Some people watch Smackdown just to see the Undertaker. And what's wrong with brawling? Cena's a brawler, and his in-ring abilities are passable. JBL... He's a great heel and cuts great promos, even though he can't wrestle to save his life. And yes Smackdown is indeed booked badly now, but Kurt Angle is. Not. A. Joke. His gimmick as a handicapped GM may be contradictory (standing up with a cast and all), but he's great on the mic, he is awesome as a heel, why not him?

06-04-2004, 07:59 AM
Anybody can come on these boards and find something to say about WWe that's negative, aggressive or just down-right bitchy.
No challenge there.
Everybody has done it.

However, the great thing about these boards is that your argument has to stand up to logical debate. So lets take an example:

The only saving grace on Smackdown is....well....there is none. The only chance they have of getting a good rating on this show is finding a magic genie. And no for all of you reading this John Bradshaw Layfield is not the problem, either is The Undertaker they just don't have those pussy wrestling styles you like. They wrestle like men, fist to fist, hand to hand. And could put on one hell of a show booked right, but they won't be so don't worry.

No saving grace? Eddie Guerroro is in great form and has been for the last couple of years, UnderTaker is doing what he does with aplomb, Mysterio, RVD, The Dudleys, even Booker T. All are bringing something to the table.
Add in the following Cena has, his ongoing feud with Dupree and you've got the basic ingredients for some good matches.

A Magic genie to improve ratings? NO-ONE would buy into that. Besides they've probably tried it already.

JBL - you're right in that you say that JBL isn't the problem. The problem there is that he is getting a sustained main event push.
People don't have a problem with wrestlers getting pushed in general, but when that wrestler has proven over the years that he has a limited moveset, no real speed, his strength is deserting him, he should have retired a couple of years ago, and hasn't made it onto Heat or Velocity for most of the last few years, then people are naturally going to have trouble buying into the idea of him suddenly being a main event contender.
So chalk that one off to shocking writing? fair enough.
Now then Bradshaw got his main event spot and what happened?
Eddie carried him for the entire match, had to do a horrendous blade job on himself and he's still suffering now.
To try and put Bradshaw over.
Did it work?
People still know that he's sh</>it and shouldn't be there when there are others more deserving of the spot.

As for comparing Undertaker and Bradshaw, as their styles are 'similar'?
They don't compare. Undertaker has been there, done that, sold the t-shirts. His moveset in comparison to Bradshaw's is massive, and he's proved that he doesn't need carried in a main event. Time and again.
The Undertaker rightfully carries the title 'Legend' where Bradshaw kind of deserves 'has-been & never should-be'

Pussy wrestling styles?
Apparently you like a brawl - so do I.
Doesn't mean that I can't appreciate the skill, talent and dedication that a lot of these other guys bring to the table.
Picking a few.....
Rey Mysterio can do things that I wouldn't have thought possible without batting an eyelid, and he takes big bumps all the time. Pussy? No.
Chris Benoit is labeled a great technical wrestler. If you've ever seen any of the Benoit/Angle matches, you'll never call him a pussy!
There are a hundred others, and while I enjoy a brawling type of match, it isn't everything.
That's one of the reason I wish Brock Lesnar would come back.
He had the build to be a complete Monster, a brawler. He had the skills to be technical, and the balls to be a high flyer. (alright he only done it once and landed nose-first, but it took courage anyway!)

So come back and defend your arguments.
Otherwise people will believe in your rep status.

06-04-2004, 08:10 AM
Yeah so today I had Cheerios for breakfast and I only need 13 more rep points to become 'The man' Help me out BB

06-04-2004, 08:16 AM
Yeah so today I had Cheerios for breakfast and I only need 13 more rep points to become 'The man' Help me out BB
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Ferocious again.

I WILL spread some rep around!

Molly fan 25
06-06-2004, 04:05 AM

06-06-2004, 08:54 AM
The lack of use of simple grammar in this post made me not want to read it.

Nacho Man
06-06-2004, 09:04 AM
The one thing about this post that entertained me is the dreadful use of analogies that you spout about nearly every point!:

If I was in that kind of shape I'd be breaking chairs on talk shows because I'd weigh 500 pounds.

The pure weight of the talent on Raw could crush a small country they have so much,

Now I don't know if they pay monkies (sic) to write it,

Yes brilliant, it's like changing one note of a song and making it your own, does Vanilla Ice work for you now because he did a lot of that.

talented wrestlers which you use as pillars to hold up the untalented.

Those kind of comments make you look like you are persuing some kind of heel DDP gimmick whereby your cliched ramblings attract heel heat from us... But that's not a good thing... it's.... a bad thing.

06-06-2004, 11:01 AM
That's funny 'dangerously', i was wondering why your rep status was so bad..now i know why.
You know what really pisses me off is not that the WWE is in a bad state at the moment(ofcourse it annoys me) but it seems like everyday i come on here we get a new article on how bad the wwe is and it's just what ive heard before.So unless you got something new to say don't f-uckin say it, you say there's no good things on smackdown? Well look at Eddie Guerrero, he's carrying smackdown right now with no help from bradshaw whatsoever, theres John Cena who we are beginning to see more of now, there's rene dupree who should be the US champion to give that lumberjack match some meaning, and it would've added the heat to the feud with John Cena, and they've got a future main event heel in place who's known as Mordecai, the Dudleyz are now making headlines with Paul Heyman, you don't watch smackdown do you? Didn't think so.
And as for raw, who is the greatest heel on the mic ever that your talking about? HHH? ..Don't make me laugh.HHH is one of the reasons why Raw is so f-ucking shit right now, burying everyone on the roster, and headlining the PPV ahead of the champion of the show doesn't exactly help things does it?Giving la resistance(sp?) the tag titles in their home place was a great idea and a big shock to me, you really need to be more educated on wrestling cos otherwise you would know it gives them more heat considering the day they won them on.
I agree that the writers are a bunch of dumbf-ucks at the moment, the cruiserweight division on smackdown could be used more than it has been, i like this whole chavo classic thing at the moment though so im not bothered by that, i just hope someday they start using real cruiserweights in real feuds in stead of two week ones against 500 pound guys, and make Chris Benoit the headline of Raw while hes champ is one thing they should start doing also.
Anyway overall i think your post is aload of bullshit that ive heard before, im gonna go off to bad rep you now i think.

Kane Knight
06-06-2004, 11:12 AM
I miss the days when he faked killing himself, and we didn't have to deal with him.

This is just utterly retarded. What are you, 9?

06-06-2004, 11:14 AM
By Freelance Columnist do you mean you don't have a job?
I wonder why, actually no, I don't.

06-06-2004, 12:42 PM
Anybody can spout off the problems with the show. Those are obvious. What you need to friggin do is post a way to fix them. That's entertaining and it makes you look like you're above the age of 7.

Also, Chavo Classic pwnz you, JACKASS!

06-06-2004, 01:35 PM
Mabye i can change this topic for the better**cracks knuckles**

When i read the header, for some reason it reminded me of the "State of RAW" address that Austin had, which turned into him stunning Jericho a couple times.
Oooooh Yeah.