View Full Version : Hulkamania

08-22-2004, 02:56 AM
<font color=cyan>OKay, I wrote this during Hogan's last push in the WWE... Anywho, I just thought I would share it with ya'll...

Ya know what, I was a Hulkamaniac before Hulkamania came back. It's not about an old wrestler who tapped out to Kurt Angle (Oh it's true) and it's not about a guy who got the living hell beat out of him by Brock Lesnar. It's not Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix. It's about pride, justice, and being healthy in every aspect. Even though I am a Hulkamaniac, I'm not going to buy the gaudy red and yellow shirts. But ya know what, it's running wild! I've said my prayers; I've taken my vitamins, one day wishing to have 24-inch pythons. I've felt strong about right and wrong, and I've always stood up for what I believed in. Seeing Hulk Hogan, from Venice Beach, CA for the first time, cut a promo, I found someone who is a better hero than The Hurricane.
We need more Hulk Hogans in real life. Someone who can strike fear into the hearts of the bad guys in this world with such power, someone who can take out the giants with something simple, and someone who can come back from the brink of death to gain victory and seek vengeance for a fallen friend.
I'm a fan of Hulk Hogan in the sprit, but not in the flesh. Just like The Four Horsemen will always be the most elite group of warriors, the nWo is all about brotherhood amongst friends, and DeGenration-X will be THE anti-authority icon with sophomoric antics and youth. Hulkamanaia will live on. Every time someone stands up for what they believe in, that's Hulkamania. Every time someone waves a flag for their nation with tremendous pride, that's Hulkamanaia. Every time the smaller guy stands up against all physical odds and take down the giant, that's Hulkamania.
We need the Hulk Hogan who slammed Andre The Giant down and hit him with that devastating leg drop. We need the Hulk Hogan who passionately refused The Million Dollar Man's offer to buy the WWF title. We need the Hulk Hogan who had legendary battles with The Ultimate Warrior and the man who got me into pro wrestling, Macho Man Randy Savage. OHHHHHHHH YEAAAAAAAAH! DIG IT! We need the Hulk Hogan who took a traitor to the woodshed and back. We need the Hulk Hogan who helped out a friend during a dark hour. We need the Hulk Hogan who fueled Hulkamania!
Even without Hulk Hogan, I believe Hulkamanaia would still go on. It would just have another name. If Jesus’ last name with Smith, then we'd live in a Smithin society. Maybe instead of Hulkamaniacs, we'd be Wariorrized. How about MachoManaics? How about Giants At Heart? Would be believe in truth, justice, law and order just like The Big Boss Man? It would be a little different, but I firmly believe yes.
A wrestling fed doesn't rely on one person. It relies on a group. The WWE could survive without The Rock, Triple H, Brock Lesnar, Eric Bishof, Stephanie McMahon, Earl Hebner, and even Hulk Hogan. Where's the proof? A main eventer suddenly drop out of sight for no apparent reason. No injury, no suspension, nothing. Steve Austin left the industry, and there are still wrestling fans. Now it needs some key people, but these people work their magic behind the stage. Linda McMahon, Kevin Dunn, Dean Malenko, Dr. Tom Pritchard, David Flair, John Guburik, and James A. Johnstone, only to name a few.
Now it wouldn't be the same, but Hulkamania still lives on. Yeah, I'm Warriorized, a Jerichoholic, to some extent an Edgehead, a Kaneinite, I bleed the green, I believe in truth, justice, law and order, I'm a creature of the night, a member of the ministry, a horseman at heart, I'm one of the millions (and millions) of Rock's fans, I wanted to be on the Lex Express, and oooooooooooooh yeah, I dig it! But ya know what, Hulkmania was the first. What was the second? Who was the second prez of the USA? Who plays the part of Robin in the old school Bat Man show? Who knows? All that matters is no one knows what the second wrestling cult following was, but it's dead now. The only thing worse than death is to be forgotten in the canals of time. Hulkmania is eternal, even if it loses its name.

Funky Fly
08-22-2004, 03:16 AM
Burt Ward was Robin, everyone knows that.[/completely missing the point]

Nice rant. You should write a column.

Cruiserweight 3:16
08-22-2004, 07:31 AM
Good Post :y: