View Full Version : Gomez

Kane Knight
05-07-2008, 07:40 AM
I just heard How We operate--Live on KEXP's podcast (Granted, this is fairly old because I haven't listened to their song of the day cast in ages), and it was fairly good. What's worth checking out?

05-07-2008, 08:08 AM
I love Gomez - check out Liquid Skin (my favourite), as well as In Our Gun, Brig It On and Split The Difference.

Of those Split The Difference is IMO the weakest, but still quality.

Danny Electric
05-07-2008, 09:04 AM
Be my hangover girl, I had Liquid Skin somewhere too. Great album.

El Capitano Gatisto
05-07-2008, 01:44 PM
I thought I made a thread about them here years ago but seemingly not. Bring It On if their best album, followed by Liquid Skin and In Our Gun. Used to love Gomez and still do love those first two albums, I could listen to them back to back right now.

Split The Difference is alright, last album there I haven't listened to. I saw them live around the time it came out and none of their new work stood out for me, seemed to move away from their old, summery sound that I feel like I grew up with.

Kane Knight
05-08-2008, 04:25 PM
Wouldn't it just figure. Gomez is on eMusic, but none of the albums Nunder mentioned. Looks like I'll have to go aboot it the old fashioned way and buy the discs. :D

05-08-2008, 10:29 PM
Only song I've really loved from them is Notice.

Kane Knight
05-09-2008, 12:50 PM
I picked up a couple of CDs for cheap off half.com.

El Capitano Gatisto
05-09-2008, 01:50 PM
Bring It On and Liquid Skin are essential. If you got those you're pretty set. Perfect time of year to start listening to some Gomez too.

Kane Knight
05-17-2008, 07:26 AM
This is what I love about half.com. I got four of their CCs for like 15 bucks...The cost of a brand effin' new CD.

Liquid Skin's probably my favorite so far.