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Triple A 06-21-2005 01:55 AM

I dunno. Like it was funny but I didn't laugh once. :(

The Miz 06-21-2005 02:00 AM

The flashbacks used to be the best part of the show, they have been so fucking bad recently.

Jake and the Fat Guy or whatever mightve been the least funny thing ever on there

Triple A 06-21-2005 02:08 AM

I dunno it was funny, like in my brain. My brain computed it as "funny" and I got the same feeling as if I was watching something funny, but I was not laughing. It was odd.

Shaggy 06-21-2005 10:48 AM

Looking back on the episode from last week I loved it when Peter was telling Cleveland about his wife with another man....

Peter : "Brian and I walked into your house and she was with some guy going BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM

Brian : Uhh Peter I dont think...

Peter: Hang on im not done...BAM BAM BAM and she was like OHH YEAHHH OHH YEAHH...BAM BAM BAM...You wanna take it from here Bam Bam?"

Bam Bam: "BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM.....You wanna take it from here Emril?

Emril: "BAM"

RoXer 06-21-2005 12:20 PM

I like the firetruck thing. Thats the only part I remember liking.

I dunno, Peter is becoming Homer Simpson. In a bad way. Like, the current Homer which has become sterotypical.

Savio 06-21-2005 01:48 PM

"The ambulances will have to wait" :lol:

Lotus 06-21-2005 07:02 PM

I thought that last night's Family Guy was the second best of the new batch of episodes. The whole Peter having that black dude as his counselor was gold, the Discovery Channel special on firetrucks; I thought it was fantaaaaaaaaaastic.

weather vane 06-21-2005 07:20 PM

I have loved everyone so far. I think you guys might be a little too picky.

YOUR Hero 06-21-2005 10:06 PM


Supreme Olajuwon 06-22-2005 12:42 AM

Last night's was pretty terrible but it had its moments. Especially the guy in Hiroshima.

RoXer 06-22-2005 12:53 AM

^^^hahaha, yeah. And Stewie telling the black joke.

Ok, it was pretty good.

Mr. Monday Morning 06-22-2005 06:22 AM

Family Guy movie, straight to DVD, Sept 27th

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - "Family Guy" creator Seth MacFarlane is preparing his long-awaited direct-to-DVD movie based on the exploits of his cartoon clan for a Sept. 27 release.

"It's been an enormous undertaking to juggle this with doing 35 new episodes of the show, but we think it turned out great," MacFarlane said of the film, his first full-length feature, and the first direct-to-video ever made off a television franchise.

The 83-minute, unrated "Family Guy Presents Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story" ($29.98) is based on the animated series MacFarlane created for Fox Television in the late 1990s. The irreverent series, aimed at adults rather than kids, went on the air in early 1999 and was canceled in 2003, only to be resurrected last month after an overwhelming demand for the show on DVD.

The first DVD set sold more than 2.5 million units, the second-highest sales tally of any TV-DVD release behind the first season of "Chappelle's Show," and two subsequent packages lifted the "Family Guy" franchise's total sales to about 4.5 million units.

That prompted Fox to take the unprecedented step of bringing back the show. The new season debuted in May and has since featured a bevy of guest voices, including
Drew Barrymore,
Jessica Biel, Jennifer Tilly and Adam West.

"Family Guy Presents Stewie Griffin" is something of a thank you to the show's fans who bought so many DVDs, MacFarlane said. "Fox had such a great amount of success with the previous DVD releases that I think they felt there was a built-in, surefire market for a 'Family Guy' DVD," he said. "It's also a lot easier to put out a DVD release than it is a theatrical film while you're doing a television series."

The movie finds Stewie, the maniacal baby genius, having a near-death experience that prompts him to change his ways. Instead of seeking to dominate the world, he sets out on a road trip to find his real father.

Guest vocal talent includes Barrymore and Ron Livingston, as well as three cast members of "Beverly Hills, 90210" -- Jason Priestley,
Jennie Garth and Tori Spelling -- "in a special gag," MacFarlane said.

The DVD will include several special features, including deleted scenes, still galleries, animatics and a commentary from MacFarlane.

"We also sandwiched special features around the movie," he said. "It begins with an animated movie premiere, with the family arriving to watch it, and then there's an after-party at the end."

20th Century Fox Home Entertainment is planning the biggest marketing campaign ever for a TV-spawned release, according to division worldwide president Mike Dunn. Plans include national print and TV advertising as well as a viral marketing campaign targeting college students at bars, clubs and fraternity parties; special screenings will be held for college students.

Chavo Classic 06-22-2005 07:45 AM


Jason Cage 06-22-2005 11:15 PM


Disturbed316 06-23-2005 08:06 AM

Wait, Peter isn't Stewie's father?

Shaggy 06-23-2005 08:17 AM

yea I also heard that Stewie finds out that hes actually gay.....which sorta expalins a whole crap load of events from the show.

Cant wait for it.

Xero 06-23-2005 10:24 AM

Great news. I can't wait.

Although, why do I see a Star Wars reference somewhere in the movie? "Stewie, I, am your father..."

Tornado 06-23-2005 11:53 AM

It had better arrive in the UK pretty sharpish.

RGWhat316 06-23-2005 11:52 PM

Too bad it's straight to DVD, but I already can't wait. September is too far away.

Lotus 06-24-2005 02:05 PM


In a good way.

Lotus 06-27-2005 07:34 PM

Last night's episode was very good. The cow kite thing was great, Stewie asking about Brian's book was great, and Chris's zit was funny as well.

Nervous Ferret 06-27-2005 07:43 PM

LOL @ Brian's book, the cow, the old guy watching Chris take his shirt off, and when Peter said "I remember when I became a man", ect. <- made me smile :D

Boomer 06-27-2005 09:23 PM

Lots of revisiting old stuff, which after a while could easily get old. I do like that Loretta left Cleveland. That will hopefully add some new and interesting storylines.

RoXer 06-27-2005 11:57 PM

Thats enough, John Mayer

The Miz 06-28-2005 12:05 AM

Cow Kite was the only thing I laughed at

El Santo 06-28-2005 01:15 AM

Had to laugh at the sad evil monkey. :)

Triple A 06-29-2005 05:12 AM

The Stewie novel shit was pretty rofl to me.

YOUR Hero 06-29-2005 10:16 AM


It was ok, but... well something's missing in these episodes. Thank god for Trailer Park Boys.

Butch 07-25-2005 04:28 PM

Family Guy Movie......Leaked
So yeah, apparently the straight-to-DVD Family Guy Movie is available to download. I haven't seen anything about this elsewhere and I got about another 7 hours of downloading to go so I'm not 100% sure it's genuine but I can't see why it wouldn't be, it's a reliable site for downloading the weekly episodes. Anyone else heard of the leak yet?

Oh yeah here's the link to the site containing the torrent . Anyone downloads it faster than me please confirm if it is the real deal.

Tornado 07-25-2005 05:14 PM

I've just got done watching it. it IS the real deal.
ROFLOL all the way through.

Lotus 07-25-2005 05:54 PM

Good lookin', Butch. I'll wait for it to come out on DVD, though. :)

Shadow 07-25-2005 05:56 PM

As will I. Funnier that way.

Plus all those DVD extras they load into it.

Triple A 07-25-2005 05:57 PM

Shut the fuck up about "funnier that way". It is the same exact shit you cocksucker. I am downloading it right now.

samichna 07-25-2005 05:58 PM

gonna dl that shit when i get my computer all hooked up

samichna 07-25-2005 06:02 PM

wtf go back on aim faggot

weather vane 07-25-2005 08:25 PM

I have no idea how to use torrents at all.

Blanka 07-25-2005 08:57 PM

download BitTorrent (google it) t

Sepholio 07-25-2005 10:23 PM

I can't seem to find the torrent for it >_<

Triple A 07-25-2005 11:15 PM

K I DLed it. Scrolled through a couple clips and yup, it is legit. Good times.

Shadow 07-25-2005 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Triple A
Shut the fuck up about "funnier that way". It is the same exact shit you cocksucker. I am downloading it right now.

No no no...I mistyped that.

I ment funner that way. I was stoned.

And the only cock I suck is Jeff Hardy's.

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