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Kalyx triaD 11-20-2018 02:39 PM

Probably a higher degree of bullet magnetism is at play. I get a similar feel with Hanzo and Mei's ice shot. Probably a blanket buff to any low rate of fire precision attack, hell if I can hold headshots with Sombra or Soldier.

Fignuts 11-20-2018 06:36 PM

Feel like Sombra needs a bit more reduced spread. Think she had it at one point but then the tracer mains whined like every other time a character comes remotely close to countering her, and blizz caved in

Kalyx triaD 11-20-2018 06:45 PM

After the huge buff she got on her ability to troll, very unlikely she's getting anything that helps her do direct damage.

In fact there's a sort of civil war going on in the community regarding characters that can neutralize the more traditional 'shooter' characters, abilities that can stun, boop, or obstruct movement is pissing off the DPS babies. While the other side feels characters that subvert FPS conventions is part of OW's mechanical premise (of which I agree).

RP 01-07-2019 03:16 PM

So Soldier 76 is gay now.

Because.. we have to have gays in everything.

Shadow 01-07-2019 03:18 PM

.....wait. What?

Fignuts 01-07-2019 05:25 PM

Fignuts 01-07-2019 05:28 PM

In all seriousness, I don't care. It's been in the game's DNA from the start. It's always bben a game of people of different races, nationalities, and identities.

Kalyx triaD 01-08-2019 12:17 AM

Should have been Lucio, but I figured they'd be subversive to screw with people.

Shadow 01-08-2019 03:14 PM

I absolutely love it. I mean having Call of Duty himself be gay? God that's just delicious.

RP 01-08-2019 06:22 PM

Next short film they release, Ana will walk in on Soldier 76 rape blowing Reaper while he's passed out.

Drakul 01-17-2019 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by RP (Post 5212013)
So Soldier 76 is gay now.

Because.. we have to have gays in everything.

Multiple gay people exist in the Overwatch universe? It's almost like real life!


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 5212411)
Should have been Lucio, but I figured they'd be subversive to screw with people.

I've seen a few people say this and I'm not totally sure why people say Lucio, specifically. Is it because he's small and expressive or something? I'm not seeing what makes him so likely for people.


Originally Posted by RP (Post 5212596)
Next short film they release, Ana will walk in on Soldier 76 rape blowing Reaper while he's passed out.

I mean, if your first two reactions to a gay guy are "Urgh gays!" and rape, you've got a problem.

Drakul 01-17-2019 06:08 AM

Seriously, though. Soldier isn't suddenly gay. He was probably designed with this detail pretty early.

They said way back that the game had multiple LGBT characters, they even made a point to emphasis "multiple". They then said they weren't going to tell us who was or wasn't part of the LGBT community immediately because they wanted us to get familiar with the characters first, without having their sexuality or gender cloud how we saw them.
That was likely a good move because I highly doubt the community would have made Dad:76 a thing had we been told immediately he was gay, for example.

Kalyx triaD 01-17-2019 08:37 AM

Lucio being gay works because his backstory is a message of inclusivity and individual acceptance, expressed thru his activism concerning human-omnic relations. Him being gay would add to his motivations. People aren't saying it because he 'acts gay' or something, It's fitting thematically speaking.

Soldier, of all characters, being gay is subversive and clickbait. Even in the way of imitating life, somebody like Zarya is an extremely safe bet to be gay. It would even be socially significant given the LGBT issues in Russia. This is characterization a writer only concerned with story telling would do. But Blizzard's mythology authors aren't concerned with that, they do these things for the headlines. That's 90% how these developments are written; for the headline.

Tracer the poster girl on the box? Make her gay. Soldier, one of the most stereotypically male characters and crossover pick for new OW players? Make him gay. Zarya? Too 'obvious'. Lucio? Too 'obvious'.

It's not bad to use some semblance of archetypes to build characters, since fiction always has a sense of 'hyper reality' to it. Progressive writers mistake this for toxic stereotypes, even though that reflects life way better than their attempts to be subversive to make a point.

That is my issue with this and general Progressive writing, it's disengenuous. And most of the criticisms are from this enthusiast perspective, too, not some mass bigotry. The writing is shit. Characterizations are shit.

Fignuts 07-25-2019 07:51 PM

Solo team kill with reaper

I’ll embed later when I’m not on dumb mobile

Shadow 07-26-2019 09:20 AM

Wouldn't call that solo but that was nice.

Kalyx triaD 07-26-2019 04:35 PM

If he wasn't there it wouldn't have happened.

Fignuts 08-15-2019 05:05 AM

Kalyx triaD 08-15-2019 12:37 PM

Role Lock is the best thing that ever happened to this game.

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