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Lock Jaw 10-24-2013 12:09 AM

Dunno. All this show is doing for me at the moment is "ruining" the "special" feel that the superheroes/villains had in the "world".

Also, it makes me feel very "weird" seeing the "wider Marvel Universe" and not have Mutants being a part of it. Felt "odd" that they had to try to awkwardly find some sort of explanations for Scorch other than "he's a mutant".

Kalyx triaD 10-24-2013 04:39 AM

Nothing they can do about it, but we know Gifted is just their term for Mutants so whatever - the narrative payout is the same.

Kinda in love with the flower dress chick. Too cute.

Corporate CockSnogger 10-24-2013 04:50 AM

I just hope it doesn't go the way of Heroes and become a clusterfuck of undeveloped and uninteresting characters who just have cool looking superpowers and abilities.

Corporate CockSnogger 10-24-2013 04:50 AM

And you know, generally being shite.

Kalyx triaD 10-24-2013 04:52 AM

I'd hope that for any show really.

Shadow 10-24-2013 09:50 AM

Possibly. I'm not ruling it out but I'm also thinking Centipede has something to do with them. Or perhaps an Empire or a Horoscope-themed organization. The list of people who Shield has pissed off is endless.

Also, I have a feeling that Slingshot thing doesn't send shit to the sun. It sends things to SWORD.

parkmania 10-24-2013 01:14 PM

I'm thinking both Centipede and RS are parts of the whole. And since I was unaware of SWORD I took it at face value.

Miotch 10-24-2013 02:37 PM

Those suits they captured SCORCH in looked like A.I.M. suits to me, which would fall in line with their work with Extremis.

Lock Jaw 10-24-2013 02:39 PM

I wonder if Centipede and the group who is behind the eye cameras are the same people.

I hope not. Centipede seems kind of "meh", while the eye camera people were cool.

Kalyx triaD 10-24-2013 02:41 PM

Good catch there.

Tom Guycott 10-27-2013 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Iginfest (Post 4322529)
I just hope it doesn't go the way of Heroes and become a clusterfuck of undeveloped and uninteresting characters who just have cool looking superpowers and abilities.

To be fair to Heroes, it seemed like it was going to do great things before the writer's strike totally derailed that show. You'd think after taking a hiatus, they'd go back and research a show that's already in progress and not just kinda stumble about like it's brand new.

parkmania 10-27-2013 09:34 AM

The problem was that as soon as the strike was over, the deadlines to get SOMETHING on the air were ridiculously tight. The networks were so afraid of losing market share to whichever show got "back on the air" first that they expected the writers to churn stuff out NOW!

Tom Guycott 11-01-2013 12:02 AM

Same thing happened to Life. If it had time to breathe, it could have went in such grandiose (yet interconnected) directions. Instead, it's like they blew it up and tried to start the show over.

On topic:

I had a thought a few days ago. I think Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. would be an awesome way to incorporate The Flight Program. It would not only satisfy a wet dream of mine (Alpha Flight was actually my gateway drug into comics), but it would add some notable mutants without any "X" restriction entanglements, yet have enough people who don't have to break the bank with actual powers that need to be visually exploitave.

I mean, neither Hudson has any powers without the suit. Puck isn't technically a mutant either. Neither are Shaman or Talisman. If they include her on the hero side, Diamond Lil wouldn't break the bank in CG'ing effects. They're human enough to be relatable on the level the show is going for with "regular people in a newly recognized superhero world".

They could make a big deal about tracking down Sasquach, and SHIELD gets beat to the punch. You know, allow some insight into one of those "other" organizations alluded to that aren't an offshoot of Anonymous or the clandestine big bad they're building. It would make sense cannonically, as Guardian was supposed to be Canada's answer to Captain America. Hell, they could even weave in the story about Guardian getting killed and launch a joint op investigation while Heather puts the suit on to "Vindicate" her husband.

Also, Aurora and Northstar become huge sex symbols if they're cast right.

Kalyx triaD 11-01-2013 01:24 AM

Alpha Flight are in Marvel's 'Mutant' side of things so yeah Fox most likely has them on lock as well.

Tom Guycott 11-02-2013 04:34 AM

Possibly, but none of them were introduced... even back from Generation X, let alone any of the X-MEN/Wolverine franchise films even as easter eggs. They don't neccessarily have to delve into dealings with Logan or mutant registration unless they get referenced somehow in Days of Future Past.

Also, most of "powers" of the team can be explained away merely for the sake of the show by some triggering event (as in, not dormant until manifested through puberty, so to speak), enchanted item, or just plain science. Hell, Marrina is an alien, and aliens were already established with The Avengers. Her rise and fall is a story arc right there (following the same path as the example I gave above with trying to "contain" Walt, just with her instead), and she isn't such a "major" character where changing what ultimately happens to her will incur the wrath of fanboys the world over. Most people in todays climate of being introduced to people just from the movies will likely not even know who she is.

I mean, if you go overboard with including people like Snowbird AND Box AND Sasquatch AND the twins you may start raising issue, but *most* of the people I mentioned can fit in without any mutant dna explanation at all. Besides, it isn't neccessary to include the whole team. Guardian and/or Vindicator and maybe up to 4 more is good, and you can still eliminate any mutants from the lineup- just put over Department H as another organization of people in suits who took notice from "The Battle of New York".

Kalyx triaD 11-02-2013 05:54 AM

It's not first come first serve, it's a package deal.

Corporate CockSnogger 11-02-2013 02:22 PM

Just read that the Nov 19th episode will be a Thor: Dark World crossover. No guest appearances from any of the big guns apparently, but more that it'll be the team cleaning up some of the mess from the film.

Minor Thor 2 spoilers...
Kinda hope it's them hunting the Frost beast that's left running round London (and that it eats Ward). Would be a bit different seeing them fighting a genuine monster.

Kalyx triaD 11-02-2013 05:46 PM

Love the idea of episodes dealing with movie events either concurrently or presenting fallout. Should make the Winter Soldier 'tie-in' interesting since that deals more directly with SHIELD, and it may be a season finale thing. Things are getting hype.

Inadequacy 11-03-2013 12:47 AM

Your forgot the most important part: the episode will be directed by Star Trek TNG's Jonathen Frakes

SlickyTrickyDamon 11-03-2013 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Inadequacy (Post 4329104)
Your forgot the most important part: the episode will be directed by Star Trek TNG's Jonathen Frakes


Blonde Moment 11-03-2013 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Inadequacy (Post 4329104)
Your forgot the most important part: the episode will be directed by Star Trek TNG's Jonathen Frakes

Looking forward to it

YOUR Hero 11-03-2013 07:50 PM

Has this show been cancelled yet?

SlickyTrickyDamon 11-03-2013 09:54 PM

The ratings are lowering, but I don't think its in any risk right now. Disney owns Marvel and they know tv exposure is good for their movies. Problem with the show is people getting adjusted to the fact that its about real people in a world with superheroes. It's the people who are usually behind the scenes. If the audience can accept that they will be fine. It would be a mistake to unload alot of superheroes on the show. The show is about the team not the Avengers.

Tom Guycott 11-03-2013 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by SlickyTrickyDamon (Post 4329649)
The ratings are lowering, but I don't think its in any risk right now. Disney owns Marvel and they know tv exposure is good for their movies. Problem with the show is people getting adjusted to the fact that its about real people in a world with superheroes. It's the people who are usually behind the scenes. If the audience can accept that they will be fine. It would be a mistake to unload alot of superheroes on the show. The show is about the team not the Avengers.

You know, I would also mark out if they worked in Damage Control into this show.

YOUR Hero 11-04-2013 10:11 AM

It's not jut that it's about people behind the scenes and not super heroes or people with powers. Its that the acting is quite awful.

Kalyx triaD 11-04-2013 10:22 AM

Is it now?

Corporate CockSnogger 11-04-2013 10:36 AM

It is a bit. I'm all for giving this show time and I'm going to continue watching since I'm a huge Whedon fan and I'm fully invested in the marvel cinematic universe, but lets not look at this show with tinted glasses, its got a long way to go before its a good show and one of the main problems is the core cast. There's very little chemistry between any of the characters right now and one member of the cast in particular is ridiculously wooden.

Not exactly expecting The Wire or Breaking Bad levels of acting bit right now its leaving a fair bit to be desired.

parkmania 11-04-2013 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Iginfest (Post 4329860)
It is a bit. I'm all for giving this show time and I'm going to continue watching since I'm a huge Whedon fan and I'm fully invested in the marvel cinematic universe, but lets not look at this show with tinted glasses, its got a long way to go before its a good show and one of the main problems is the core cast. There's very little chemistry between any of the characters right now and one member of the cast in particular is ridiculously wooden.

Not exactly expecting The Wire or Breaking Bad levels of acting bit right now its leaving a fair bit to be desired.

This. Do people remember how bad the acting was for the first season of ST:TNG? Go back and watch some of the first eps and then compare that to 3rd or 4th season and tell me there's not a world of difference.

And the blame can't he hung solely on the actors. The writers, directors, and producers all have to get comfortable in their positions.

Shadow 11-04-2013 02:53 PM

Does anyone remember the way Buffy started out? Very awkward. Same with this show. Give it time to grow and I think it might surprise people.

Rammsteinmad 11-04-2013 03:20 PM

So far I'm not really enjoying it. I'll watch every episode anyway, since it's Marvel, and I feel it's all part of "the big story" of the Marvel Movieverse, but overall I've found a lot of the episodes to be pretty boring, and the acting is pretty rubbish.

Would prefer it if it was about legit, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents working behind the scenes in coherence with the movies. Having amateur field agents/kids/hackers etc doesn't really seem that interesting.

Tom Guycott 11-04-2013 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Shadow (Post 4329923)
Does anyone remember the way Buffy started out? Very awkward. Same with this show. Give it time to grow and I think it might surprise people.

People were kinda spoiled with Firefly. Pretty quick chemistry there. And we can all agree Ward is nothing remotely close to Mal. In acting or being a good character.

Also, people aren't really developed yet. You have to note they're creating compelling nobodies from the ground up in a world where the wholly established cannon has at the very least two decades or more of backstory. No easy feat. Compare this to, say, Arrow, where half the cast is someone the hardcore audience has at least an inkling of who they are expeced to be and what they're like. The closest we come with this group is Coulson, who has at most 10 minutes of total screen time pre-Avengers.

Skye, even before her revelation there, has the most personality thus far. In acting, she works it- as a character, she's gotten the most exposition for who she is, how she thinks, what her motivations may or may not be. Nobody else has come close to being really fleshed out thus far except maybe Agent May and her reluctant badassery. Ward shifts too much between "specialist" to complete baffoon, Coulson's just in charge, and Fitz/Simmons are like siblings/lovers of; which one is a germophobe.

Yes, Whedon's name carries with it not only built in apologists (of which I'm partly to blame) but built in lofty expectations as well (this *better* be as good as Firefly/Serenity, Buffy, Angel, Dr. Horible, and Avengers, and not so much Dollhouse.) But again, this show just started, and is really just mortar between the bricks of the movie franchises associated with it; glorified webisodes in a sense, with made-up people in the vein of Rise of The Imperfects.

Corporate CockSnogger 11-04-2013 04:58 PM

Dollhouse was great once it got over the hurdle of having the main character not have any memories of each episode, which granted was about 5 or 6 episodes in. Which again is another reason I'm going to stick with the show. But right now, no excuses, it's not as good as it could be considering all the potential it has.

I'm enjoying it enough. I don't hate it or anything that's going to stop me watching it, but it's just not all that gripping right now really.

SlickyTrickyDamon 11-04-2013 05:44 PM

Was the Diner that Skye and Gunn met the same one he took Fred to in Angel?

Shadow 11-05-2013 02:35 PM

More then likely.

Ironbite-this is the Whedonverse after all.

Kalyx triaD 11-05-2013 06:03 PM

Curious cover for the show. Could be nothing, but hell if it didn't cross people's minds.

parkmania 11-05-2013 09:00 PM

Y'know, I just realized something:

The show feels a lot different if instead of comparing it with the Marvel Cinematic Universe you think of it as a variation on The X-Files where we KNOW that aliens exist.

Kalyx triaD 11-06-2013 12:03 AM

Or an X-Files that focuses on Skinner and his staff.

Destor 11-06-2013 12:11 AM

Let me preface this: i am a hardcore Whedonite and junkie so i will watch this show every week till it goes away. HOWEVER i do not enjoy this nearly as much as i wish i did. Outside of sky i dont care about any of them none of them mesh with one another AT ALL coulson is painfully over pushed ad the writing is flat out bad. *sigh*

like shadow said though buffy wasnt buffy right out of the gate and mutant enemy always reacts to the fanbase. mid season break/season 2 will see this show start adapting to what it can be, or at least i hope. either way im here for the long haul.

Asmo 11-06-2013 04:36 AM

FZZT was refreshing. More so than the previous episodes. Could be because there was more Fitz and Simmons, and minimal Sky.

Shadow 11-06-2013 08:08 AM

Can I ask for Ward to get an actual character? We're starting to see that but god damn it I want more then the occasional flash.

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