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Emperor Smeat 10-09-2010 06:24 PM


Khuntry 10-09-2010 11:21 PM


Kalyx triaD 10-10-2010 06:58 AM

Legit LOL

Extreme Angle 10-10-2010 07:16 AM

Finally got to Captain...

Kalyx triaD 10-10-2010 07:18 AM

Just hit Major few hours ago.

Kalyx triaD 10-10-2010 11:16 AM

Requiem 10-10-2010 12:15 PM

Yeah, just hit Major last night. Wonder when they're raising the level cap, and what kind of unlockables are after Lt. Col

Kalyx triaD 10-10-2010 01:09 PM

I put my armor in Iron Man colors just to see how it would look and it worked pretty well. Somebody should totally do that.

Gonzo 10-10-2010 04:03 PM

I like that helmet that you have on there Kalyx. I used it for quite a bit. Reminded me of a Stormtrooper. I think I use the Hazop with the thing that looks like a mining light now.

Kalyx triaD 10-11-2010 06:47 PM

I wonder if this game is prepared to get new armor pieces should Bungie ever decide to add more. It was a problem in Halo 3.

RoXer 10-11-2010 06:53 PM

Should have this next week

Kalyx triaD 10-11-2010 07:24 PM

Had a few customs on my maps the other night:

- Air Raid is actually unbalanced for Team Slayer. The Covy side basically raped the Spartan ship. Even though it was 4v3, there was some elements that needed change. I gave the Banshees longer respawn and replaced the rocket launcher (to the Spartan ship). Also removed some of the offensive items on the Covy ship to encourage the Spartan side successfully attacking the Covy ship. Covy will keep their 'space bridge'. Also started forging the invasion gametype, as well as a simple one flag CTF set-up. Unexpectedly, FFA slayer is a blast in Air Raid.

- Very happy with Holdoff's FFA and Team Slayer performance. Gonna forge other gametypes soon.

- Rule is fairly awesome for King of the Hill/Crazy King, but some people aren't cool with the initial spawns. Gonna add a new 'island', one conceptually opposed to shame island.

- Boosh Ball probably needs a bigger court, but definitely radar needs to be added.

- Gonna delete 'The Hulk' gametype and create a 'Thor' Juggernaut game. 'The Flash' will have a waypoint added to the ball carrier.

Will begin project 'Fireflies' map/gametype later on. Along with the Jeep Wars map, but I'm torn on whether it should be slayer or race. My guys got sweet maps on the way as well.

Gonzo 10-11-2010 08:25 PM

Kalyx, do you want to play tonight? None of my friends are on, and I hate playing alone.

Primal Chaos 87

Kalyx triaD 10-11-2010 08:35 PM

My bro is most likely playing Castlevania LoS. I usually log on later in the night.

Requiem 10-12-2010 12:03 AM

Got a clip saved to my file share that some of you might find hilarious. Check it out. :rofl:

Kalyx triaD 10-12-2010 12:05 AM

Added to active transfers.

Gonzo 10-12-2010 06:27 PM

I have a pretty ill clip of a triple assassination I did. It was team snipers on Pinnacle (I think that's the map.) It is the one with the big satellite dish in the middle, the sniper roost, and the tower cross the way from that. I assassinated two guys, sprinted after the third and tagged him at the bottom of a ramp. It's most sexcellent.

It's in my recommended files.

Primal Chaos 87

Kalyx triaD 10-13-2010 10:34 AM

I'll check that out, maybe dive into your fileshare.

I need to open up my NAT settings. Starting to piss me off.

RoXer 10-13-2010 06:56 PM


Kalyx triaD 10-13-2010 09:04 PM

RoXer's saga comes to a close.

Kalyx triaD 10-14-2010 02:41 AM

Bungie just credit banned a new crop of farmers. Awesome. And this time, a representative is actually replying to crybabies and citing Bungie's logs to utterly destroy people's excuses.


Originally Posted by QQ
yo Bungie what de hell i didnt even credit boost so if y did i get reset you know whhat i love halo i got the headset controller everything so wtf i didnt do -blam!- i got it ligit


Originally Posted by Bungie
Sorry, but there is no legitimate way to complete 25+ challenges for 1500 within the timespan between 10/12/2010 12:41:01 PM and 10/12/2010 1:26:29 PM.


Originally Posted by QQ 2
Damn, tthat mother -blam!- time i got it legit to major and they -blam!- resest, -blam!- you -blam!-es get a -blam!- a life before you lose your people how many -blam!-heads, are going to stand to this mother -blam!- retardation? who gives a -blam!-, if they "credit reset" or do any stupid boosting, learn to update your game before you ban them, mother -blam!-s. You've probably, lost another 15K users today.

Bye -blam!-heads.

Note: "blam!" is Bungie forum's automated bad language filter.


Originally Posted by Bungie
You, who got reset once on 10/1 in the first sweep, went ahead and reported another 20 challenges complete for 3000 each between 10/12/2010 12:55:21 PM and 10/12/2010 1:03:07 PM.

Also, interesting observation: the majority of the 15k people who were reset on 10/1 resumed playing after the 24 hour ban expired on 10/2.


Originally Posted by QQ 3
me too i was just playin the game and i was on kill away so i played on other game and got it and like 2 mins later my sister called and laggged me out of game and it gave me it twice so do i get all my armor and rank bak im pissed bungie need to think twice about wat their doin gosh


You haven't been reset on your linked GT.

If you want to link that GT, I can tell you how many times your sister called, when, how many times that resulted in challenges being reset, and how many credits were earned.

And my fave:


Originally Posted by QQ BlkOps
I was wrongly reset my gt is feraligatrwulf please check me I am so mad I am going to get blaCk ops if someone doesn't unreset me


Originally Posted by Bungie
15+ challenges completed for 3000 each between 10/11/2010 2:52:34 PM and 10/11/2010 2:58:42 PM.

And definitely, Black Ops is looking pretty nice. Cool premise, the last trailer set a cool tone.

Kalyx triaD 10-14-2010 09:00 AM

"Noble Team Map Pack" hinted by Bungie while they announce their Forge map contest.

Kalyx triaD 10-14-2010 09:39 AM

And the "Noble Team Map Pack" is official and drops Nov. 30th for 800msp:


Big team, symmetrical map.

Anchor 9:

Small, symmetric map.


Big team, Invasion map.

No Firefight maps, maybe next time.

Kalyx triaD 10-15-2010 06:20 AM

Map Updates:

Boosh Court is wider. Adjusted spawn points so you always start on your side (no more confusing half court spawns). Added explosive items for extra score effect (blue team will have Covenant cores for blue explosions). Added respawn invulnerability for a limited time to curb spawn camping or getting hurt during a score (Boosh Ball is Assault).

On to Holdoff, I added some obstruction in front of each base to eliminate free space and offer spawning teams extra cover. You can also climb these things for a good view into the map.

Only people who played Holdoff would notice the back area's adjustments. There's a new wall (right of the left spawn point) that will force players to commit to their entry point. That also removes an unnecessary route that added nothing to the game flow. Added a pillar (near right respawn point) that adds a tiny bit of complexity to the back area. On the pillar is a health pack; there's more health packs overall in Holdoff. Finally added a way to go from the back to the center/top of the map (grav lift peaking out in the back). This makes the map flow like the Halo 3 original, and adds much needed options for people in the back area.

Wanted to show the new area in Air Raid but the pics didn't load. It's a small base on a patch of land. It's the stage of the first phase of my Invasion gametype.

And speaking of that, I finally set it up properly! Even got certain vehicles and spawn areas to work exclusively in separate phases. Very happy and eager to try it out.

Extreme Angle 10-15-2010 07:13 AM

New maps look slick :)

Kalyx triaD 10-15-2010 07:16 AM

New invasion map looks crazy.

Extreme Angle 10-15-2010 06:55 PM

Kalyx, you gonna submit your maps to the Forgetacular competition?

Kalyx triaD 10-15-2010 08:00 PM

Air Raid, probably. I figure the least amount of submissions they'll get is for the Invasion portion.

Extreme Angle 10-16-2010 05:28 AM

Nice, is it all set in stone now? Or is it in tweaking stages?
If you need anybody to have some custom games, then i'll join...

Kalyx triaD 10-16-2010 06:31 AM

Nothing's ever set in stone with me, but currently I am very happy with it. Hell, I just updated my fileshare with all of my maps and gametypes. Would like to playtest Air Raid for Team Slayer and especially Invasion this weekend. You're usually on in our wee hours of the night. Fortunately I'm something of an insomniac, so while you won't see any of my guys and parties, perhaps you can bring whoever you play with to check out my maps and test them.

Air Raid "Communications Base":

Like the ships, some details were added to make it a decent playspace in itself. It would probably make for a good 4plyr skirmish.

The first phase of my Invasion game has the Spartans trying to take back this base in a tight one-sided territories game (one territory). Spartans still start on their ship, Covies start at the base. Did some interesting things with phase 1 load outs to encourage specialty (like Battlefield).

Second phase has the Spartans attacking the Covy ship to steal the flag in a CTF game. As stated earlier, Covy ship was nerfed to increase the actual 'invading' of Spartans. In this phase Covies will not have air vehicles but will have better loadouts than Spartans.

Phase 3 is an all out clusterfuck of air vehicles. Controlling the Communications Base will net you an extra Spartan Laser (my take on having anti-air support). The Spartans must plant a bomb in what will be a highly guarded area (Covy Ship engine room). Loadouts will still encourage specialty, but more weapons will be on the map anyway.

Kalyx triaD 10-16-2010 06:45 AM

Monthly render minutes are back! Gonna try to have a vid every week, preferably longer than the 10-15sec cuts. In this episode me and my bud try to survive the spreading infection...

<iframe src="" scrolling="no" style="padding:0;margin:0;border:0;" width="640" height="360" ></iframe>

G 10-17-2010 06:06 PM

So how are people at max rank already? Is there much less XP needed than in like CoD and Vegas?

Kalyx triaD 10-17-2010 06:09 PM

Less than 5% of players hit max. Legitimately. Cap raises in a few weeks with new unlocks.

G 10-17-2010 06:13 PM

I read that they were raising it already, so I figured a big chunk hit max.

Kalyx triaD 10-17-2010 06:18 PM

Actually it was a loud minority of players (who are nowhere near max rank themselves) bitching about the level cap being soon. So Bungie dropped actual stats to show almost nobody was there yet (as well as where everybody else was, most are Warrant Officers). Still, Bungie always planned on raising the cap when the community passes a certain credit threshold.

Jeritron 10-17-2010 06:26 PM

I was playing this last night and everything was about dropping down and hiding under a forcefield. Is that what this game has devolved into?

Kalyx triaD 10-17-2010 06:35 PM


And Armor Lock can be beaten.

Johnny McNasty 10-18-2010 12:19 AM

I armor locked right as a banshee was coming in to hit me the other day. Felt like the baddest mother fucker ever when I walked away from the wreckage unscathed.

Kalyx triaD 10-18-2010 08:34 AM

Yeah that doesn't get old.

Gonzo 10-18-2010 07:06 PM

The only time I find any of the powers to be pretty gay are the bubble shield on CTF or oddball type games. It is a minor inconvenience. Then I just drop the raid on those cockroaches. Game...blouses.

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