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Dave Youell 06-30-2004 04:13 AM

Smackdown Spoilers
Dark Match
Shannon Moore defeated Carly Colon with a corkscrew moonsault. Fayetteville isn’t far from Raleigh, Moore’s hometown, so he got a good pop to start the night. Several “Shannon” chants during the match (which was nothing to write home about).

FBI defeated The Basham Brothers when Nunzio and Stamboli hit the "Kiss of Death" and got the three count. The crowd was into the FBI, as they played the role of the good guys in this contest. Did they turn face on Velocity or something? This was a pretty solid match. Nunzio was very entertaining, as usual, and he and the Bull did some solid tag team work. They should be challengers to the Dudley’s tag titles on SD ppv’s rather than having 4 throwaway matches instead.

Charlie Haas defeated Mark Jindrak when Haas hit a German suplex pin to score the pinfall. Before the match, Teddy Long hyped the Reflection of Perfection and Jindrak stared at himself in the mirror. Haas was also pretty over (hot-crowd). Jindrak is quite the athlete, but still needs some work in terms of wrestling. Decent match…

Paul London and Billy Kidman defeated Dudley Boyz via DQ (non-title match) when Brian Hebner was pulled from the ring while counting a pin attempt following a Billy Kidman Shooting Star Press on D’von. The lady next to me mentioned how small both Kidman and London were and shouldn’t be in the ring with those bigger guys (I told her size shouldn’t matter in pro-wrestling…she laughed). Anyhow, Kidman and London were impressive as usual, but the match still wasn’t that entertaining. There were a lot of “Tables” chants and Bubba mouthed off to the crowd quite a bit to ensure he got the heat he wanted.

Just before the SD tapings, several officials came out and set-up red, white, and blue banners all around the ring. (It’s funny…I seemed to be the only one in listening distance that didn’t say, “Are they going to do the Great American Bash again?”)

The show opened Kurt Angle on the Titantron. At the Great American Bash, as true travesty had taken place in the Texas Bullrope Match. He continued by saying that the travesty was that Nick Patrick had declared Eddie Guerrero the winner when, in fact, he hadn’t won. Luckily, said Angle, the GM had gone down to the ring and made the right decision in giving JBL the title…Kurt introduced the new WWE Champion, JBL…JBL came to the ring and cut a promo on winning the WWE title and being a champion that we could all be proud of. I can only remember bits and pieces of this promo because the two hardcore JBL fans in front of me kept desperately trying to start a JBL chant (obviously no one cared that much)…The basic gist of this segment was to get across that the JBL-Eddie feud isn’t quite over and that tonight, JBL would defend the WWE title against someone who was at the GAB (I immediately thought of Spike Dudley). He also mentioned that Eddie wasn’t here tonight. Entertaining stuff from the new champ…also of note were the number of Eddie chants during this segment…

Booker T defeated RVD and Rene Dupree in Triple Threat match to determine the number one contender for the US title. This was a good triple threat match that was given the proper time to develop and turned out with no blown spots. Should come across well on TV. The crowd was really into Rob Van Dam, as there were numerous chants of “RVD.”

Backstage, JBL was visiting in the locker room with Cena, Book, the Dudleys, and Rey Mysterio. Basically, he announced that despite the fact that all the above were good performers, he had chosen Spike Dudley to be his opponent tonight with the WWE title on the line.

Rey Mysterio defeated Mordecai when Mysterio countered the Crucifix powerbomb into a hurricarana pin. Yes, you read that right; the cruiserweight champion defeated the second coming of the Undertaker. When Mysterio was on the offensive, this was a good match…when he wasn’t, the match wasn’t so good anymore…decent overall effort, but nice to see Rey get the win.

Backstage, Luther Reigns was talking to referee Charles Robinson about the mistake he made in the Torrie-Sable match at the GAB. Apparently, Robinson made the three count on Torrie despite her shoulders not even touching the mat. I figured, so what? Kurt Angle says- Re-match with Robinson as ref again…

Paul Heyman made his way to the ring and showed as all what happened at the Great American Bash again…Paul Bearer is dead and the Undertaker apparently did do the right thing because he got rid of his conscience on his own. Heyman said that Taker was now unleashed and would be a more dominant force than ever…and he owed it all to the brilliant mind of the former Paul E. Dangerously. Heyman went on to say that he expects to be repaid. Suddenly, lightning bolts strike the post and the Undertaker appears on the tron. Taker said that he had felt he had to get rid of Paul Bearer because he was his only weakness. He then said that since he had killed the only person who meant anything to him; just imagine what he was going to do to Heyman. Heyman looked stunned…

Torrie defeated Sable…crap match…waste of time…crowd was alive when the ladies came out, then died during the match, then came alive when it was over.

Get this, Charles Robinson and Luther Reigns wrestled to a no-contest when Charlie Haas interfered and the match was stopped. Can you believe that? Well, at the conclusion of the Torrie vs. Sable match, Angle though that Robinson needed more punishment for screwing up on PPV, so he booked him in a match (sounds like RAW 2003 Eric Bischoff stuff to me…I hated that…) against Luther Reigns. Reigns came down, I went to the bathroom and apparently while I was gone Charlie Haas came down and made the save. But wait! Apparently, knowing I chose to take a potty break during this segment, they taped it again later…and the guy next to me said they didn’t change a damn thing from the first time…

Kenzo Suzuki made his way to the ring and cut a promo that was entirely done in Japanese…he got the “WHAT!?” chant after everything he said. Then John Cena came out and proceeded to “translate” everything Suzuki had just said. It was a very fun segment, as even though Cena got a little corny at times, he still managed to make something entertaining of the horrible Kenzo Suzuki. BTW, they kept showing a Cena vs. Booker T match for the US title on the screen…I ASSUME that’s going to happen next week, which is sweet…

Backstage, JBL was making his was toward the arena, shaking hands and acting all political on everyone, when he walked past Eddie Guerrero’s car. After getting conformation that it was indeed Latino Heat’s low-rider, he continued his way to the arena with a far-off look.

JBL defeated Spike Dudley when Layfield connected with a powerbomb to pick up the pinfall victory. The crowd was all over Bradshaw and he received more “Bradshaw sucks” chants than I can recall. Several “Eddie” chants, as well. This was the main-event and it stunk. I teased the two Bradshaw lovers in front of me with comments such as, “this is a five-star match, guys…JBL is great.” Afterward, though, Eddie Guerrero came out (about a split second after the bell signaling the end of JBL’s first title defense was rung) to MASSIVE POP…He brawled with JBL, gave the champ a low blow, and then nailed a DDT before ascending to the top rope for Frog Splash. Unfortunately for us, Layfield slid away at the last second. He got on the microphone and told us that before Angle had become GM, he had managed to secure a re-match clause in his contract. The interesting part was that the re-match clause specifically stated that Latino Heat could choose the type of match in the re-match. So, in two weeks, Eddie will challenge JBL for the title in a STEEL CAGE MATCH! Sweet…

That’s likely where the TV taping ends…Afterward; JBL came back to the ring and did the routine he does after every TV taping with the Undertaker.

My god this whole show makes no sense.

The dudleys who main event a PPV are on Velocity the next day

Moredai Jobs cleanly to a cruiserweight!


KayfabeMan 06-30-2004 05:08 AM

That's their great booking team and creative department...storylines
that lead to nowhere, angles that to lead to even less, and matches
that make less sense than both combined.

And people complained about WCW :roll:

Hired Hitman 06-30-2004 05:45 AM

Dub See Dub! Dub See Dub! Dub See Dub!



Wondermouse 06-30-2004 07:24 AM


The dudleys who main event a PPV are on Velocity the next day

Moredai Jobs cleanly to a cruiserweight!
A lot of top guys have been on Velocity, including JBL about a month ago.

Mordecai jobbed cleanly in more or less fluke pin to Rey Mysterio, more or less the best American cruiser in recent history.

I have to laugh, though. This is at least the third time Rey's countered a crucifix bomb with a Rana. Once was against Eddy in a mask/title classic at Havoc 97. I can't remember the other one besides this, but the first two I saw were from the top rope.

WWE has found a way to make me hope JBL wins a title defense, as Spike is worse than JBL. And I need to see Eddie beat the shit out of JBL inside a cage.

Sephiroth 06-30-2004 07:54 AM

LOL at Mysterio winning from Mordecia

But the rest pretty much sucks.

Londoner 06-30-2004 08:37 AM

Atleast thats cleared up the taker thing slightly but i still don't know if hes meant to be a face or heel or is he going to be both or what?That was a shit show by the looks of it, you know just as we think more cruiserweights are gonna get more TV time, Mysterio faces none other than Mordecai! Wow that match really made Mordecai look a threat.

Onto the Velocity thing, the reason why we see it as a smaller show is because no one watches or cares about it that's why we complain when some stars are on there that shouldn't be on it.

I really couldn't give a fuck if some big name stars have been on it recently, and even though that is the case they've only been facing wrestlers like Funaki, wow big match huh?! The fact that the Dudleyz are on Velocity the night after main eventing a PPV and are the tag team champions just shows up how shit the bookers are even more.Atleast make us care about the tag team titles, but they ain't because they're putting the champions on a show that no one cares about.

The Mackem 06-30-2004 09:48 AM

It's obvious that the booking process went something like this.

Booker #1: Oh we need opponents for our tag champs

Booker #2: London and Kidman have looked OK recently

Booker #3: Dudleys vs Kidman & London? What a great match, the internet fans will be pleased with the cruiserweights in action.

Booker #1: What a great Velocity this is going to be

Booker #2: Yeah

Booker #3: Yeah

Steph: OK, next week we have Torrie Wilson and Sable vs The Dudleys, OK? That's a compromise.

The Mackem 06-30-2004 09:49 AM

Oh yeah and I don't get Smackdown anymore :mad: ... I think :(

Tornado 06-30-2004 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by The Mackem
Oh yeah and I don't get Smackdown anymore :mad: ... I think :(

Thats a good thing

Disturbed316 06-30-2004 10:46 AM

Sounds like a suckfest

SuperSlim 06-30-2004 11:15 AM

it seems as though WWE is takin a turn for the worse.

BLaZeR- 06-30-2004 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Youell
Rey Mysterio defeated Mordecai when Mysterio countered the Crucifix powerbomb into a hurricarana pin. Yes, you read that right; the cruiserweight champion defeated the second coming of the Undertaker. When Mysterio was on the offensive, this was a good match…when he wasn’t, the match wasn’t so good anymore…decent overall effort, but nice to see Rey get the win.

Maybe they're going to give Mordecai the crusierweight title soon, like someone on here said before. :shifty:

Corkscrewed 06-30-2004 03:58 PM

The only good things about the show:
1. Triple Threat Match
2. Steel Cage Match in two weeks on SD! (first time SD!'s had a steel cage match in a long time! Eddie BETTER win.

Ferocious 06-30-2004 04:07 PM

Eddie won't win Bradshaw has to much heat.

LK 06-30-2004 04:27 PM

Sounds like the triple threat was the only decent thing in the entire show. At least they cleared up the whole Undertaker angle and the Cena and Suzuki segment could be quite funny.

Lara Emily 06-30-2004 04:36 PM

:| @ Rey Jr beating Mordecai

:( @ UT not staying with Heyman. They had a decent thing going there with UT under Heyman's command.

Volchok 06-30-2004 04:56 PM

i havent got smackdown since about 99' plus im never home on thursday's so i really dont bother too much with smackdown but wtf are they doing?

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