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KyleEmmott 04-23-2012 07:02 PM

Why WWE?! Why?!
WWE claims to be all about the fans & that's what they should be about. But numerous times they've ignored what the "WWE Universe" wants.
Why is Zack Ryder jobbing?
Why hasn't a fued between Goldust & Cody Rhodes not happened?
Why did we get an 18 second WM match between Sheamus & DB?
Why hasn't Hawkins & Reks made it on TV yet? ( They're only the best tag team right now)
Why isn't John Cena a heel?
There's more occasions than just these, add to and discuss this list.

Gertner 04-23-2012 07:13 PM

Why are you such a fag?
What do you still live in mom's basement?
Why did you take your sister to high school prom

Lock Jaw 04-23-2012 07:14 PM

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Cool King 04-23-2012 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by KyleEmmott (Post 3835897)
Why is Zack Ryder jobbing?

I wouldn't say Ryder is jobbing, as such. You never know what's going to happen.


Originally Posted by KyleEmmott (Post 3835897)
Why hasn't a fued between Goldust & Cody Rhodes not happened?

Because Cody has bigger fish to fry.


Originally Posted by KyleEmmott (Post 3835897)
Why did we get an 18 second WM match between Sheamus & DB?

So the current Sheamus/Bryan fued could continue. Also, so that AJ could have a good enough reason for flying solo now and with a new side to her.


Originally Posted by KyleEmmott (Post 3835897)
Why hasn't Hawkins & Reks made it on TV yet? ( They're only the best tag team right now)

They have made it to TV. Watch NXT.


Originally Posted by KyleEmmott (Post 3835897)
Why isn't John Cena a heel?

Because it's good for buisness.

Tazz Dan 04-23-2012 07:28 PM

I'm glad this thread was made to ask all the questions nobody has already asked

KyleEmmott 04-23-2012 07:43 PM

For the past 3 weeks, Ryder has been a jobber. I hope that it doesn't stay that way. Maybe it'll change tonight.

Cody may be on the rise. But I think I can speak for the majority of people when I say we want to see a Goldust v. Cody fued. And who's to say that having that fued won't get Cody over as main eventer. I mean he's still fueding for IC championship.

You don't have to have an 18 second match at WM to continue the fued. You could've easily had a quality match with AJ interfering at the end.

And please don't call NXT tv. It's only availabe in the US & online.

KyleEmmott 04-23-2012 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Tazz Dan (Post 3835924)
I'm glad this thread was made to ask all the questions nobody has already asked

And to discuss them.

Emperor Smeat 04-23-2012 07:54 PM

The easiest answer for the 18 second match is the WWE wanted the record to be broken and never were high on Daniel Bryan as champion. If Orton and Henry didn't get hurt during his reign, Bryan doesn't hold the belt past the Rumble.

The Ryder one is a bit more puzzling but makes sense once the low ratings came in and he took the punishment out of the Internet group (Punk, Bryan, Ryder). The good news for Ryder is at least he's still selling merchandise so the WWE won't just toss him out of tv for a while now that he's recovered from his "injury."

The others are only what a small part of the fanebase wants (ex. Hawkins) or the WWE still doesn't feel comfortable replacing Cena as top face.

Corporate CockSnogger 04-23-2012 07:55 PM

Getting beaten up for 3 weeks does not make someone a jobber.

If that were the case, John Cena would currently be a jobber.

CSL 04-23-2012 07:56 PM

genetically pre-disposed to hate you

Gertner 04-23-2012 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by KyleEmmott (Post 3835932)
For the past 3 weeks, Ryder has been a jobber. I hope that it doesn't stay that way. Maybe it'll change tonight.

Cody may be on the rise. But I think I can speak for the majority of people when I say we want to see a Goldust v. Cody fued. And who's to say that having that fued won't get Cody over as main eventer. I mean he's still fueding for IC championship.

You don't have to have an 18 second match at WM to continue the fued. You could've easily had a quality match with AJ interfering at the end.

And please don't call NXT tv. It's only availabe in the US & online.

I watch NXT on TV every week retard.

I hope you die of AIDS for asking such stupid questions.

SlickyTrickyDamon 04-23-2012 08:14 PM

NXT isn't a TV show if it's not aired in America. USA! USA! USA! USA!

KyleEmmott 04-23-2012 08:16 PM

My questions are legit questions so...

KyleEmmott 04-23-2012 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by SlickyTrickyDamon (Post 3835983)
NXT isn't a TV show if it's not aired in America. USA! USA! USA! USA!

Hell yea to that!

CSL 04-23-2012 08:28 PM

no, they're not. You're another one of the genius 2% of wrestling fans that the internet accounts for that assumes pro wrestling is there to make them happy as opposed to the other 98%

CSL 04-23-2012 08:29 PM

fucking "why has a Goldust and Cody Rhodes feud not happened". You realize that most people in the audience at RAW right now would have no clue that they're even related?

KyleEmmott 04-23-2012 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by CSL (Post 3836024)
fucking "why has a Goldust and Cody Rhodes feud not happened". You realize that most people in the audience at RAW right now would have no clue that they're even related?

You act like they've never mentioned they're related. What about after the Rhodes-Booker T fued when they had multiple backstage segments

Vastardikai 04-23-2012 08:37 PM

Only one thing about this thread is relevant:

Headbanging banjo playing Hitler.

CSL 04-23-2012 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by KyleEmmott (Post 3836036)
You act like they've never mentioned they're related. What about after the Rhodes-Booker T fued when they had multiple backstage segments

remember "I still remember"? Krissy Vaine? Hade Vansen? somebody raising the briefcase? none of that stuff went anywhere/meant anything either.

incognito123 04-23-2012 08:59 PM

I love it when guys with 20,000+ posts accuse other guys of living in their mothers basements! Gertner, get a life! If anyone is in their mothers basement, it's you! Do you do anything else all day besides post on wrestling message boards and whack your ween? Fucking schmuck.

CSL 04-23-2012 09:01 PM

whack your ween. sounds uncomfortable.

Tazz Dan 04-23-2012 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by incognito123 (Post 3836102)
I love it when guys with 20,000+ posts accuse other guys of living in their mothers basements! Gertner, get a life! If anyone is in their mothers basement, it's you! Do you do anything else all day besides post on wrestling message boards and whack your ween? Fucking schmuck.

I don't have 20,000+ posts and I agree with Gertner. To an extent. Well, pretty much all the way. And I havent even read what he has said.

KyleEmmott 04-23-2012 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by incognito123 (Post 3836102)
I love it when guys with 20,000+ posts accuse other guys of living in their mothers basements! Gertner, get a life! If anyone is in their mothers basement, it's you! Do you do anything else all day besides post on wrestling message boards and whack your ween? Fucking schmuck.

Lol Thanks! And isn't that the truth?!

CSL 04-23-2012 09:25 PM

lol awww bless 'em

Tazz Dan 04-23-2012 09:30 PM

Should I close this now or let their little love affair blossom?

CSL 04-23-2012 09:51 PM

dunno, dangeroussss precedent closing things for stupidity in this day and age on TPWW

St. Jimmy 04-23-2012 09:59 PM

Ryder is terrible. In the ring, on the stick, everywhere. Just terrible.

Tazz Dan 04-23-2012 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by CSL (Post 3836264)
dunno, dangeroussss precedent closing things for stupidity in this day and age on TPWW

Fair call. I'll keep it open and see where it goes.

Supreme Olajuwon 04-23-2012 10:29 PM

You know what's great for getting WWE to listen to you? Online petitions.

Majunior 04-23-2012 10:38 PM

I'll bite.


Why is Zack Ryder jobbing?
Losing a few matches doesn't make you Sal Sincere. Your favorite talent WILL lose matches. It's called a storyline. Deal with it.

Also, Ryder made himself popular via the internet and his little show. NOT through his in-ring work or mic work. Think about that.


Why hasn't a fued between Goldust & Cody Rhodes not happened?
Let's assume most casual fans actually DO know they're related. (They don't.) Who would this fued help? It will make Cody look bad because Goldust was never particularly relevant -- I think his biggest fued was with Val Venis -- so at best if Cody wins the feud he beat a has-been. At worst, he loses the feud and gets beat by a never-was. Cody doesn't benefit in any way.


Why did we get an 18 second WM match between Sheamus & DB?
Because the script said so.


Why hasn't Hawkins & Reks made it on TV yet? ( They're only the best tag team right now)
Jokes aside, many casual fans don't know who they are, and even a lot of people who do know who they are don't care. WWE has zero emphasis on tag wrestling, and it's been that way for years.


Why isn't John Cena a heel?
It's better for business for him to be a face.

Oh yeah, one more thing...


WWE claims to be all about the fans & that's what they should be about. But numerous times they've ignored what the "WWE Universe" wants.
Are you dense? They give the fans what they want in terms of providing entertainment. It doesn't mean they're going to cater every storyline to what random jerkoffs with no ideas about how booking actually works. It's a business, not fan service. Fans have to not get what they think they want a lot of the time, so they appreciate it when they DO get what they want.

CSL 04-23-2012 10:39 PM

thread saved via Salvatore Sincere reference

Majunior 04-23-2012 10:44 PM

I do what I can. :)

(Honestly, I almost instinctively went with the Brawler at first, then decided he was too overdone. It came down to being between Sal and Barry Horrowitz. You know, the guy who proved the reverse is also true -- winning a few matches doesn't make you not a jobber.)

Supreme Olajuwon 04-23-2012 10:53 PM

Why didn't Tom Brandi ever get a world title run?

Supreme Olajuwon 04-23-2012 10:53 PM


Majunior 04-23-2012 10:57 PM

I think he was supposed to as Sal, until that bastard Mero pulled a shoot and outed him. Completely derailed the plans for Tom. A shame really. We needed a good smarmy Italian stereotype for a credible title run.

Supreme Olajuwon 04-23-2012 11:04 PM

He coulda been the next Sammartino

Poit 04-24-2012 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Majunior (Post 3836463)
Goldust was never particularly relevant -- I think his biggest fued was with Val Venis

Wasn't Sheamus's first feud against Goldust?

Tazz Dan 04-24-2012 01:11 AM

I thought it was John Cena?

Tazz Dan 04-24-2012 01:14 AM

I stand corrected, it was Goldust.

owenbrown 04-24-2012 03:23 AM

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