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Maluco 05-21-2015 09:41 PM

What are peoples' thoughts on Big Vito's lawsuit?
Former WWE wrestler Big Vito has posted this on his Facebook after previously entering into process against WWE, claiming that injuries and current health conditions can be attributed to what his body was put through wrestling. He claims that the fear of losing whatever spot you had made you feel pressured to rush back and that, like the NFL, WWE owes former talent living with pain compensation...


I know all have there view points on this lawsuit. But, if you never stick up for your self, you never know what can be and what cant.If you were in DEEP SOUTH and OVW as a developmental talent, you also have rights. If you have problems and think you need help, Please join the lawsuit I am in litigation in. If you have medical records, you are positively ahead of the game. IF YOU WERE A ENHANCEMENT TALENT IN THE WWF, you also qualify. If you think you are irritating the WWE and think if you join, you will ruin your chances, the bussiness has changed guys, if they have not called you in 5 years, they are not calling you. This is a chance for benefits , the same as in the NFL lawsuit. No one knew, but a Billion dollars divided up for the guys who put there time in and have some issues, now have relief. I am standing up for myself, and all of you. I was never a follower always a leader. So follow me guys and join. I hope the internet guys post this to there sites, TMZ . The WWE will definitely see this and to know that I will be going on TV soon in a tell all, is just proof that you gotta believe in you and the sacrafices you made in life. As you know, you had to be tuff, never say your hurt, if you were , you lost your spot. There are some good people and some WWE HOFers involved and signed on as well. I hope this post makes it back to the right people. I will be heard and know one thing, I dont bullshit and I speak the truth, when the truth comes out, it isnt a very nice place. Here is the name of the lawyer, his name is Bill Kyros , his number is 1 617 833 3727. Call him and tell him I sent you. Good luck guys and join the fight for rights you deserve. This is a brotherhood that we all seem to have forgotten about.

One side of the argument is that this is a bitter former talent with nothing to lose and forgotten to wrestling history, trying to grab whatever cash they can. It was their choice and they knew what they were in for by putting their bodies through what they did. Also, in Vito's case, for example, WWE cannot be held responsible for whatever hardship his body was put through outside of WWE. They don't and can't represent wrestling as a whole.

However, perhaps a massive company like WWE can afford to help former talent that are dealing with health issues. It might not necessarily be their fault, but from a moralistic perspective, perhaps WWE owes something to talents that have put their bodies on the line to make the company money.

I don't know on what side of the argument I fall on, but thought it would be interesting to hear peoples' opinions on what could be a big topic and chapter in WWE's work with former talent

What are the opinions of the good people at TPWW?

Simple Fan 05-21-2015 10:01 PM

I feel the same way about this as I do the NFL lawsuits. I feel that it should be in the contracts that they know the risk involved and will not sue after they retire.

Bad News Gertner 05-21-2015 10:15 PM

I'm sure taking guitar and chair shots night after night in ECW from New Jack had nothing to do with it at all either.

Maluco 05-21-2015 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Bad News Gertner (Post 4635814)
I'm sure taking guitar and chair shots night after night in ECW from New Jack had nothing to do with it at all either.

This is the first thing I thought of in his case. Years and years of wild stuff in ECW probably contributed so much more. Although it could be argued that the constant nature of WWE, maybe 250+ matches a year could take its toll.

As for the contract, signing such a contract wouldn't take away from any moral obligations they had to former employees. They are very involved in philanthropy nowadays and have key advertisers that hinge on their public image.

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