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RP 01-22-2013 11:53 AM

Syncing to my mp3 player problem
My two way sync isnt being recognized by my computer. I cant figure this out.

Vietnamese Crippler 01-22-2013 11:14 PM


Kane Knight 01-25-2013 12:53 PM

Did you figure this out?

RP 01-27-2013 05:31 AM


Kane Knight 01-27-2013 01:05 PM

Well, fuck. I'm out of ideas.

RP 01-29-2013 11:57 AM

glad we talked

Vietnamese Crippler 01-29-2013 01:24 PM

All hail the Tech Forum!

Kane Knight 01-30-2013 04:27 PM

Wait, I know...Reformat.

RP 01-31-2013 09:35 AM

How about a clean reboot to see if any third party programs are running that might be blocking it? I'll wait before i do this to see what your expert opinion would be.

Kane Knight 01-31-2013 08:13 PM

No, a reformat is the only way.

RP 02-01-2013 08:45 AM

might be right. The Clean Boot didnt work. I plugged the mp3 player in and it still wasnt recognized by Windows Media PLayer 11. I'm not reformatting yet because i dont want to, but i'm gunna see if i can find an old one to plug in and see if it gets recognized.

Kane Knight 02-01-2013 10:43 AM

Holy shit, you actually mentioned useful information.

For a while there, I thought you were afraid to give details, lest someone actually be able to help you.

RP 02-01-2013 11:59 AM

mmmmm hrmmmm

Vietnamese Crippler 02-01-2013 02:20 PM

Try doing it in safe mode?

Kane Knight 02-01-2013 11:01 PM

Try getting a better MP3 player?

RP 02-02-2013 11:42 AM

tech forum

Kane Knight 02-02-2013 12:33 PM

Do you have the latest version of Kane Knight's Tech Support on a Case By Case Basis?

Vietnamese Crippler 02-02-2013 02:17 PM

Have you thought that you gave no information therefore you got nothing in return?

Kane Knight 02-03-2013 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Vietnamese Crippler (Post 4105429)
Have you thought that you gave no information therefore you got nothing in return?


Originally Posted by RP (Post 4104559)
mmmmm hrmmmm

RP 02-05-2013 09:44 AM

Lets see if we can quarterback this thing out. I'm curious now.

- I have a Sandisk mp3 player. It holds about 100 songs. It's small. It's older. It's called a Sansa.

- It used to have no problem syncing up to my Windows Media Player 11 ( ....)

- Now recently it's not getting recognized by Windows Media Player 11

- I've tried every USB port

- My wireless mouse has a USB chip plugged in and it works fine.

- I've unplugged said mouse to make sure it's not the problem. It's not the problem.

- I've did a Clean Reboot and started in safe mode to make sure no 3rd Party programs are possibly blocking Windows Media Player 11 from recognizing my Sandisk Sansa Older Version MP3 Player

- Nothing has worked.

- I'm sad.

Ruien 02-05-2013 10:06 AM

See if you can open it in a file folder and put your music there that way. It is the olly way it works for me.

RP 02-05-2013 11:08 AM

Ruien, if that works, i'll find out where you live and use my credit card to order you and African American prostitute of the best kind.

Kane Knight 02-05-2013 01:30 PM

Does Windows recognise it when you plug it in?

RP 02-05-2013 01:52 PM

Now you can just suck my balls ok?

Ruien 02-05-2013 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by RP (Post 4108296)
Ruien, if that works, i'll find out where you live and use my credit card to order you and African American prostitute of the best kind.


Kane Knight 02-05-2013 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by RP (Post 4108460)
Now you can just suck my balls ok?

Sorry, eveN I have some standards.

Ruien 02-07-2013 04:22 PM

Did it work RP? If so I have my blackie picked out.

RP 02-11-2013 12:52 AM

nope. nothing has worked.

Vietnamese Crippler 02-11-2013 12:59 AM

Does it even make the sound that indicates you've plugged something in?

RP 02-11-2013 03:54 AM

nope. The batter charges. But Windows Media Player wont recognize it as a device plugged in. So i cant sync songs to it.

Kane Knight 02-11-2013 11:39 AM

I know you're going to eschew my help anyway, but maybe VC can re-ask these questions in a few days and you won't have quite the tantrum about them.

Did you ever get around to trying another computer?

If it was recognised on that computer, have you tried updating/reinstalling the USB drivers on your PC? This might be the case even if other devices are working.

Have you tried following whatever steps Sandisk offers to reinitialise the MP3 player? I'm sure you can find them on the web and don't need any nanny hand-holding.

All basic and relatively simple steps.

Ruien 02-11-2013 11:58 AM

Try a different cord if a different computer does not work. Then try a different MP3 if that still does not work.

RP 02-12-2013 08:59 AM

I've tried another computer. I dont have another MP3 player like this one and dont have a smart phone anymore. I've tried everything Sandisk has asked.

I havent tried reinstalling the driver. I'll look into that now.

I've tried all kinds of cords.

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