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slik 06-03-2019 08:28 AM

Bully Ray/Fan incident backstage at ROH show
I feel like there has to be more to this story....otherwise Bully Ray sounds crazy

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">OK story time... I avoided saying anything until the show was over to avoid any further issue but... this honestly soured my to ROH in a big way. Honest to god story that can be backed up by about half a dozen people... <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Osh Kosh Big Josh (@xIAMHOLLYWOODx) <a href="">June 3, 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Side note. I love and respect like 99% of all wrestlers. I honest to god never try to make the show ABOUT me, get myself over, etc. My rule of thumb is to boo the bad guys and cheer the good guys. It’s rare that I’ll flip the script but I always decide to go along with the show</p>&mdash; Osh Kosh Big Josh (@xIAMHOLLYWOODx) <a href="">June 3, 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">At some point Velvet Sky seemingly loses her cool &amp; is challenging me to come in the ring. Tells me to suck it, calls me a pussy, etc<br>No prob. Get your heat<br><br>She calls me a virgin. I remind her she has sex with that fat turd Bully Ray. Call them the tramp stamp trio. End segment</p>&mdash; Osh Kosh Big Josh (@xIAMHOLLYWOODx) <a href="">June 3, 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">She goes to the back. Fast forward about five minutes &amp; I get a tap on the shoulder<br><br>“Hey, we’re with security and need to talk to you about an incident that occurred”<br><br>Immediately I think of the Allure stuff but think that maybe Mandy got in trouble for spitting/face palming me</p>&mdash; Osh Kosh Big Josh (@xIAMHOLLYWOODx) <a href="">June 3, 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Security takes me legit backstage. I’m still perplexed by the entire thing and was honestly very hesitant to follow them because they kept saying “we need to talk to you about an incident”.<br>No details behind just leading me into the back. What’s happening? What’s waiting for me?</p>&mdash; Osh Kosh Big Josh (@xIAMHOLLYWOODx) <a href="">June 3, 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Suddenly BULLY RAY comes out from a back room. Full on gear since he was in the opening segment of the show and he looks PISSED. Much bigger than me so I’m kinda taking a step back on this here. Security backs off and it’s just us two</p>&mdash; Osh Kosh Big Josh (@xIAMHOLLYWOODx) <a href="">June 3, 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I’m not trying to act tough. I was legit being intimidated with purpose and I wasn’t about to get kicked out during match 3 so I just bit the bullet and said “sure... yes sir... yeah, I understand... yup...”<br>He said “End of convo. Go be a fan”<br><br>Security led me back to my seat</p>&mdash; Osh Kosh Big Josh (@xIAMHOLLYWOODx) <a href="">June 3, 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">That’s the end in regards to a timeline of events.<br><br>The whole thing is still completely unbelievable and surreal, honestly.<br><br>I’ve gone to live events for 15 years and been following wrestling for 22 years. Never once heard of something like this happening</p>&mdash; Osh Kosh Big Josh (@xIAMHOLLYWOODx) <a href="">June 3, 2019</a></blockquote>
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slik 06-03-2019 08:34 AM


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Matt Taven informed me that no one has hairy armpits anymore and rubbed my head in his armpit <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#roh</a></p>&mdash; Osh Kosh Big Josh (@xIAMHOLLYWOODx) <a href="">June 3, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Mr. Nerfect 06-03-2019 08:35 AM

Lol, Bully Ray has always struck me as the fat kid who thinks he is tough and cool because the older kids let them sit with him a couple of times because his mom gave him chocolate milk and they want to take it. Totally strikes me as the sort of dude that would get hyper-protective of the hot piece he has conned into banging him with status.

I mean, that's just my completely made-up impressions, but the guy has always sounded like a toss-pot whenever anyone talks about him in interviews. One of those guys that sucks up to anyone higher than him and spits on anyone lower. Got no time for the guy, because I honestly think he sucks and even if his small fish, tiny pond TNA gimmick was good, I have no desire to see him anywhere ever again.

Plus, ROH sucks these days, and apparently it's largely his fault.

erickman 06-03-2019 08:38 AM

is that bully rays be a star moment

Droford 06-03-2019 08:39 AM

Hes not going to be on Busted Open until Wednesday

Bad News Gertner 06-03-2019 08:49 AM

Apparently he made a "jerk off and cum" motion towards Velvet Sky

slik 06-03-2019 08:54 AM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Felt cute, might delete later <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Osh Kosh Big Josh (@xIAMHOLLYWOODx) <a href="">January 26, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Jordan 06-03-2019 08:56 AM

That's weird but good that Bully didn't do anything stupid.

Droford 06-03-2019 08:57 AM

thought it was this

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">You’re blocked because you’re a complete disrespectful POS and a disgrace to the Air Force.</p>&mdash; Bully Ray (@bullyray5150) <a href="">June 2, 2019</a></blockquote>
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dudes a creep anyway

slik 06-03-2019 09:03 AM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Can confirm. I was at State of the Art. Mandy Leon spat on a fan before he and Velvet had back-and-forth following a dark match. Security pulled him to the back afterward. That middle finger Mandy gave during the show was directed at the fan.</p>&mdash; Wonderboy Kota Kenny Relationship Goals (@WonderboyOTM) <a href="">June 3, 2019</a></blockquote>
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slik 06-03-2019 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Iceman King Gertner (Post 5258081)
Apparently he made a "jerk off and cum" motion towards Velvet Sky

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">You were giving <a href="">@VelVelHoller</a> a jerk off completion gesture.</p>&mdash; Nicky Buttons (@thatbuttonguy) <a href="">June 3, 2019</a></blockquote>
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slik 06-03-2019 09:08 AM

Via Bully being in business for like 30 + years I assume the fan has a history of behavior

Definitely a bad idea to leave him alone w/ Bully Ray though...seems like a 'bad HR idea' waiting to happen...if dude is misbehaving just kick 'em out.

Jordan 06-03-2019 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Slik (Post 5258088)
Via Bully being in business for like 30 + years I assume the fan has a history of behavior

Definitely a bad idea to leave him alone w/ Bully Ray though...seems like a 'bad HR idea' waiting to happen...if dude is misbehaving just kick 'em out.

Clearly a sign that Bully is letting this creative power in ROH give him the right to be "the man" of the company. I think Bully thinks he's the boss of ROH, maybe he is now.

Volare 06-03-2019 09:32 AM

We'll he got free bodily fluids from her....dunno if that's a good or bad thing but hey.

slik 06-03-2019 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Jordan X (Post 5258090)
Clearly a sign that Bully is letting this creative power in ROH give him the right to be "the man" of the company. I think Bully thinks he's the boss of ROH, maybe he is now.

Could see ROH doing an angle where they bring in Hornswoggle as 'the ceo' and puts Bully Ray in dastardly situations each week until Bully has CENA NUFF and puts him through a table

Seanny One Ball 06-03-2019 09:45 AM

Sounds like Buh Buh was just keeping it real.

The fan should have brought up his putting women through tables gimmick though.

Seanny One Ball 06-03-2019 09:48 AM

Noid seems like the sort of guy who would give a false statement to police to try and impress a girl.


Ol Dirty Dastard 06-03-2019 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5258094)
Noid seems like the sort of guy who would give a false statement to police to try and impress a girl.


100 p. Total male feminist loser in the vain of Ryan Satin.

Seanny One Ball 06-03-2019 10:03 AM

Good to finally put a label on it

slik 06-03-2019 10:33 AM

Ryan Satin is so annoying

I thought it was funny he was not given press passes at Double or Nothing and pretty much every other reporter was....100% the first thing Satin would have done is ask some interview question about WWE to stir up trouble.

Seanny One Ball 06-03-2019 10:38 AM

I just saw a picture of Bixenspan that has to be fake

slik 06-03-2019 10:53 AM

It's probably not, I've seen pix of bix b4

Droford 06-03-2019 11:15 AM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Bully Ray is a giant fucking turd of human that’s done more harm than good in ROH. Examples of this year is pushing for bad segments at MSG and his recent intimidation tactics. He offers zero value.</p>&mdash; War Room Justin (@badtakejustin) <a href="">June 3, 2019</a></blockquote>
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bully #1 heel

Ol Dirty Dastard 06-03-2019 11:15 AM

Bix kind of looks like infamous former TPWW poster, Kane Knight.

Supreme Olajuwon 06-03-2019 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by The Dastardly One (Post 5258105)
Bix kind of looks like infamous former TPWW poster, Kane Knight.

I didn’t know what he looked like so I googled it and yes, the above post is correct.

Seanny One Ball 06-03-2019 11:50 AM

Neckbeard is a term that gets thrown around a lot...

Jordan 06-03-2019 12:34 PM

I have seen Bix in person at MLW twice... He sadly looks like you'd expect when you think of the term "Internet Troll"... I almost wanted to humiliate him via twitter but I figured it was just way to cruel.

Jordan 06-03-2019 12:34 PM

Plus he's shown himself on a netflix doc about the Hogan/Gawker trial, he looked really bad there too but it's worse in person/now.

Jordan 06-03-2019 12:36 PM

Also isn't Kane Knight asian? I just remember that pic of him with a sword so maybe I'm just WWEing the whole thing.

erickman 06-03-2019 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Slik (Post 5258088)
Via Bully being in business for like 30 + years I assume the fan has a history of behavior

Definitely a bad idea to leave him alone w/ Bully Ray though...seems like a 'bad HR idea' waiting to happen...if dude is misbehaving just kick 'em out.

yeah that would have been a lawsuit waiting to happen, that's why I don't belive that story

slik 06-03-2019 12:40 PM

Kane Knight is a human baconator

slik 06-03-2019 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Jordan X (Post 5258117)
I have seen Bix in person at MLW twice... He sadly looks like you'd expect when you think of the term "Internet Troll"... I almost wanted to humiliate him via twitter but I figured it was just way to cruel.

Could u smell bix from across the room

Bad News Gertner 06-03-2019 12:48 PM

Lol poor Bix

SlickyTrickyDamon 06-03-2019 12:53 PM

I like Bix.

Ol Dirty Dastard 06-03-2019 01:54 PM

that cuz u kinda look like him too @STD

Destor 06-03-2019 01:59 PM

No clue why anyone would give a shit about what a mark said. He bought his ticket. Let him enjoy it.

Seanny One Ball 06-03-2019 02:02 PM


GD 06-03-2019 02:04 PM

ROH launches "internal investigation" following the incident.

Damian Rey 2.0 06-03-2019 02:47 PM

"Go be a fan"

"Well that's what I was doing and here are"

Triple A 06-03-2019 03:16 PM

Most people seemingly on this guy's side now but feel like this could have easily been flipped around as him being some "misogynistic piece of shit fan"

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