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Old 07-07-2012, 01:43 PM   #815
Scott Roberts
Get Well Soon, Jake
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Scott Roberts is pretty cool (5,000+)Scott Roberts is pretty cool (5,000+)Scott Roberts is pretty cool (5,000+)Scott Roberts is pretty cool (5,000+)
Originally Posted by Fox View Post
WWE. No question. A Royal Rumble win and a World Title victory at Mania? That makes you "the man" these days.

If you went to TNA first, Vince would always and forevermore look at you as "a TNA guy" and put you through a world of shit when you did eventually come to his company. You would have to do the whole job to the stars for a year thing before ever getting a spot near the top, and even then, you would never be one of "Vince's boys" like Cena, Orton, Undertaker, Triple H and Michaels. You would always be a Booker T or a Tazz or a RVD to him - a main event player, but never "the man."

And if things didn't work out and you did get "screwed", you go to TNA and make good money for a smaller schedule. Then one day you go back to WWE to finish off your career.
This. I wouldn't trust TNA to make me a star, but a guaranteed Royal Rumble shot and then hearing "...and your newwwwwwww WWE champion... SCOTT ROBERTS" after the main event of Wrestlemania? Yes please! WWE is just a better company than TNA overall.
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