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Old 05-16-2016, 05:47 AM   #5
Posts: 764
Asmo has a good deal of rep (10,000+)Asmo has a good deal of rep (10,000+)Asmo has a good deal of rep (10,000+)Asmo has a good deal of rep (10,000+)Asmo has a good deal of rep (10,000+)Asmo has a good deal of rep (10,000+)
I watched it when i was a kid, and i loved it. I haven't watched it since then, and i doubt i'll ever watch it again, unless it's available on a flight or i randomly land on it somewhere.

Back then, WCW was the most easily accessible brand on TV in India (since WWE had severed ties with STAR, and WCW continued to air on TNT / Cartoon Network). And i was a WCW boy.

From what i remember, i thought Sting and Goldberg would play larger roles in the movie than what they did. I couldn't buy DDP as the villain. Watching the other wrestlers in their cameos was what kept me hooked on, and so did Rose McGowan and the Nitro Girls. And i marked for Michael Buffer's iconic call, and the triple cage was cool as hell.

So yeah, it's total entertainment for a WCW fan, especially if you can let 'wrestling be wrestling'.

What came out of it though (The Arquette angle) was pure tripe. That entire angle was badly handled and poorly thought out. Hell, if WCW could do Rodman / Malone with some semblance of logic, this should have been easy to script / promote.

Final point. If WWE ever does a roast of John Cena, I'm sure they'll include his minor appearance in this movie. It has to happen.
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