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Old 08-05-2011, 06:47 AM   #21
"Steven, your fossa!"
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"Good" games I hate/dislike:
-CoD/MW series, so dull and samey.

-Halo series, just not my thing, I've no huge problem with it. I can't tell the games apart they look that similar.

-GoW, same as above. I saw a video of the new Gow and everything was sandy brown. I'm not exaggerating. Every single thing from the people/armour to the ground to the guns were sandy brown. I saw older GoW vids and they were all brown, or all grey and so on.

-MoH after MoH: Underground. Series took a kamakazi nose dive from then on.

-Tony Hawk with the board thing. When they showed off the skateboard peripheral, it was like watching the series walk into traffic. It got hurt pretty badly and may never walk again.

-Any FPS that insists on forcing "Squad based tactics/gameplay" on me. I don't want AI team mates. Give me a gun, objectives, a destination and let me get on with it by myself. Variation and colour wouldn't go amiss either.

"Bad" games I love/like:
-Duke Nukem Forever. People complained that it shouldn't have been modernised. Then they get to a bit that wasn't modernised and say it is outdated. The game's fun but not perfect. It's as close to a modern FPS as I can get and still enjoy it. Until TS4, of course .

-Bionic Commando (2009). The vast majority of people hated the game but I loved it. Gameplay was fun, music was great, story was cool (and obviously intended to be just the first half of it. Now I'll never get a sequel). My only issues were changing Spencers look and everyone being unbelievably angsty.
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