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Old 08-23-2015, 11:31 AM   #1
Posts: 764
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Wrestler Quirks / The Little Things

Just made the thread since i didn't want this to end up in 100,001 posts...

I'm super curious as to why Daniel Bryan, while doing his kicks to the chest piece, always clasps his hands between each kick. Is there a reason to it? Is it just a quirk?

Anyways. Any other quirks / little things done by wrestlers (either in or out of the ring) and thoughts on them? Discuss...

Here are some that come to mind:
- Dean Ambrose always tends to hold a mic from the WWE id, and will occasionally tap it with his index finger, while still holding it. It's a teeny, tiny thing to do, but somehow, it adds to his 'unhinged' / 'crazy' persona.
- Naomi's boots. They light up. Makes her stand out from the others, and again, super curious as to why no one thought of this before?
- Sasha Banks' signing stamp: I've only read this, and don't know if it's true. But supposedly, she brings a stamp to signings, and 'autographs' using the same. That's Boss!

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