View Full Version : Barton Fink

Triple A
07-06-2004, 01:22 AM
Just watched this again today. Such a hot movie.

Basically, a playwright (John Turturro) is hired by a Hollywood studio to write a wrestling movie. He has writer's block and meets a friend (John Goodman) who lives in the hotel room next to his. The third act of the movie is one of the most bizarre acts ever. It's from the Coen brothers.


If you haven't seen it, skip the paragraph below because there are spoilers.

To those who have seen it, what is your interpretation of the movie? Are Barton and Charlie the same person? Is Charlie some sort of devil? Or is it just a straight forward movie and Charlie is a maniac who is just trying to help Barton?

Triple A
07-06-2004, 01:27 AM
Also, LOL, the episode of the Simpsons when Milhouse and the others are like, "we're gonna go sneak into an R rated movie. It's called 'Barton Fink'" and they are all excited. LOL

The Miz
07-06-2004, 01:45 AM
Charlie does not exist. Barton goes nuts because he can't write and creates the Charlie character in his head. Barton murders Audrey. Everything about the hotel is in Barton's mind, from Chet to the detectives is in Barton's mind.

Triple A
07-06-2004, 01:51 AM
Yeah that is how I see it. :y:

Is that your own interpretation or was it actually explained somewhere or some shit

The Miz
07-06-2004, 03:33 PM
My interpretation. My mom had an interesting one too that is probably closer to being right. She thinks Charlie is Barton's alter ego. Both of their wallpapers peel, they both use cotton as earplugs, and Chet gets their shoes mixed up. When the detectives show Barton a picture of a madman Mundt, the shadow does not fuilt Charlie's build but it does fit Barton's.