View Full Version : WOOO Beat Takeshi is the man

The Mask
07-11-2004, 04:28 PM
Okay, just got back from seeing Zatoitchi and Dolls, which are like the first films I've seen by them, and both rule. Totally different movies too.

Dolls is like 3 intertwining love stories, but they're all mad fucked up. I'm a bit iffy on the details of the first couple, cause I was about 3 minutes late, but I gather that there's a guy who works for this company, and he's due to marry the president of the company's daughter, when he finds out his childhood sweetheart has tried to kill herself or something. So he leaves her at the alter, and goes to find the girl, and she's all neurotic and shit from the overdose, and she's a bit vacant and such. By "bit" i mean "fucking lots". Anyway, she keeps wandering off whenever she sees something she likes the look of, like flowers or a big truck with flashing lights, you get the picture, so he ties a big red rope between them so she can never get far away from him.

The other is between this obsessed fan, and the star he loves. He like worships her, but she's in a car accident and ends up disfigured, and she won't step out of the house cause she doesn't want anyone to see her, so being the logical guy he is, he memorizes her picture from a magazine and then stabs his eyes out so he can meet her, cause, what's it going to matter to her if he's blind and all.

Then there's one between an old yakuza boss and his childhood sweetheart, who he left when he was like 20 or something, and out of work. She says she'll wait for him, and every saturday for like 60 years or something, she goes to the park bench where the split up and waits for him with lunch. Anyway, 60 years later the guy is dying and he thinks of her and checks out whether she's still there or not, and she is, but she doesn't recognize him.

Anyway, all of them have a twist of sorts but I'm not going to ruin them.

Then I saw zatoitchi, which is about a blind man who kicks a lot of ass basically, but it rules.

Funky Fly
07-11-2004, 09:35 PM
Indeed he is.

You should watch Brother.

Triple A
07-11-2004, 09:57 PM
Damn I need to watch Dolls. :mad:

What Would Kevin Do?
07-12-2004, 01:46 AM
Indeed he is.

You should watch Brother.

"This is for the repairs."

Best death scene ever.