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Destor 11-17-2017 01:36 AM

Theyve already filmed it...havent they?

Sixx 11-17-2017 01:37 AM

Thought so, too.

Sixx 11-17-2017 01:38 AM

Wait, no, according to wiki they began working on a script this October.

Fignuts 11-17-2017 01:48 AM

Right so when Justice League was announced, I was worried that not building their world up first and just rushing into the big team movie would hurt it, and I was right. There isn't enough time to develop these new characters and as a result, it's hard to care about them as much as the big three. Even the world around them seems just rushed together. They introduce the concept of atlantis and it's kingdom but doesn't really explain anything about it or anything. The movie is literally just like "Oh yeah, btw there's water people now."

That brings me to my next problem. Too much exposition. There is so much in this movie that's just explained through dialogue. A big reason why marvel's formula is so great is that it shows you instead of tells you. There are things that should have been explored a bit more but it's all like "No time! We need to get to the next scene! This is what this is all about! ok go go go!

Like most of the other DC movies, it has pacing problems, and feels like random scenes just plugged one after another, instead of a free flowing story. Also has one of the weirdest, most awkward openings for a superhero movie.

Yeah, Steppenwolf is pretty much Ronan. Guy who looks cool and is super tough but ultimately is just something for the team to hit. Fuck, even Ronan had at least some backstory and motivation. The movie tells you NOTHING about him other than a rambling line or two that has vague hints of his Apokolips origins. One of these lines hints that he was expelled from Apokolips and he's doing all this conquering to redeem himself. He could of been cooler if they explored this motivation instead of making it a throwaway line that most people will forget 5 minutes later.


He doesn't just look like roman his ENTIRE PERSONALITY is Roman Reigns right down to a T. Right down to the forced, lame one liners. It's fucking uncanny.

Most of the dialogue is mundane. It definitely feels like a reactionary move to the backlash of previous films grim tone, but a lot of the jokes and one liners fall pretty flat. Flash is really fun throughout the movie, ironically because he's written like an MCU character.

Cyborg looks like a Bayformer with a dude's face. And has about as much personality as one. Would give them a pass since the character itself is pretty lame imo, but MCU made Falcon cool, so nope.

On the plus side, the fights are pretty cool, even if the CG looks like shit at times.

Two post credit scenes btw. Second one would have me super fucking pumped if everything else wasn't so subpar.

Fignuts 11-17-2017 01:52 AM

I will say that Diana and Bruce's interactions were fun to watch, and they did a really great job building their relationship.

Sixx 11-17-2017 01:53 AM

Yah, I thought Deadshot cameo was supposed to be a leadup to his solo movie, but I see nothing like that is in the works.

Fignuts 11-17-2017 01:55 AM

What Deadshot cameo?

Also, I'd use spoiler tags.

Sixx 11-17-2017 02:01 AM

Fine. Now you should too.

Fignuts 11-17-2017 02:03 AM

working togetherrrrrrr solving the prooooooooblem

Fignuts 11-17-2017 02:04 AM



If you're talking about the post credit scene, that was Deathstroke, not Deadshot.

Sixx 11-17-2017 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 5043386)


If you're talking about the post credit scene, that was Deathstroke, not Deadshot.

You are right, I always get those names mixed up.

Simple Fan 11-17-2017 02:17 AM

Didn't like Steppenwolf all that much either. Thought his look in the short time he was in Dawn of Justice was better, if that was him. Agree Flash seemed like a MCU character which I wasn't a big fan of.

Droford 11-17-2017 03:59 PM

I want Roman Reigns to start doing the Aquaman Punch lol

Droford 11-17-2017 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Damian Rey 2.0 (Post 5043355)
Think the biggest question now we get a sequel?

and the next biggest question is will the Ro..Dwayne Johnson be in it?

Damian Rey 2.0 11-17-2017 07:39 PM

Saw it today. I'll have a full review later. But I liked it. It's not great. But enjoyable.

Destor 11-17-2017 10:20 PM

Film was projected to hit $110 mil this weekend, now looking like $95 mil

Damian Rey 2.0 11-17-2017 10:22 PM

Oof that's a really bad opening. Complete failure.

Destor 11-17-2017 10:26 PM

On par with the fast and furious film but trailing everything in the genre inculding wonder woman in the past 365 days

Destor 11-17-2017 10:27 PM

Important to note that opening weekend is the biggest money maker for these films

Destor 11-17-2017 10:27 PM

300mil befofe marketing budget

Destor 11-17-2017 10:31 PM

For comparison thor opened to 122 mil domestic on a 180 mil budget.

Really expected wonder woman to boost premire sales...

Destor 11-17-2017 10:44 PM

Not only isnthe budget for all DC films in the line but number of solo films are as well...

Droford 11-17-2017 11:06 PM

I was unaware about them having to cgi out Henry Cavills moustache in the reshoots he did. I didn't notice anything funny looking

slik 11-17-2017 11:23 PM

I enjoyed Justice League. It's got some pacing issues in the first half but it finds it's footing in time. I really liked all the members of the team -- especially Flash and surprisingly Cyborg, who I never expected to find interesting.

Aquaman really is Roman Reigns btw.

Damian Rey 2.0 11-18-2017 01:39 AM

So...after letting the movie set in, I will stick with my initial thought that I liked it. It's not great. I could argue it's not even good. It is competent. The strength of the movie is the interactions between the heroes. But there's not enough of it.

As already stated, the movie does a lot of telling instead of showing. And there's a really brisk pace to move from one scene to another. The villain is incredibly weak.

From a film standpoint, it is weak and forgettable. But it's enjoyable at the least.

Blonde Moment 11-18-2017 01:55 AM

So something you won't really recall much of aside from a few scenes after a few weeks

Fignuts 11-18-2017 02:11 AM

Pretty much, yeah. Fight scenes were cool. Nothing about the story was memorable. Mainly because as I said, most of the story was just dialogue.

Droford 11-18-2017 02:16 AM

The line of the movie was when Martha told Lois that Clark called he the thirstiest woman he'd ever met. Only time I heard the majority of people laugh. Alfred's "its about time somebody here went on a date" was a close 2nd.

I'm pretty sure given more editing time with current climate that joke would have been a deleted scene on the dvd

Damian Rey 2.0 11-18-2017 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by Broken Wheel (Post 5043791)
So something you won't really recall much of aside from a few scenes after a few weeks

Yes. Passable fodder but not much else.

Destor 11-18-2017 04:15 PM

Severely flawed film but a noticeable improvement over BvS.

Gal Gadot remains DCs greatest asset.

First two act were exposition and by in large a great bore.

3rd act was tops

Cyborg was captian exposition. Painful for the most part. Some fan service at the closing moments though.

Aauaman came off well. Took a poorly veiwed character and made him cool....not sure how a solo film wpuld play though.

Flash came pff great. Still struggling with there being two Flashs in my life..but good all the same.

Batman being largely useless pleased me.

Superman felt right. Finally.

Score was spot on.

Pacing was tragic...again.

I didn't hate it like i did every DC movie not Wonder Woman until now...but i didn't love it and will definitely never watch it again.

Lock Jaw 11-18-2017 11:32 PM

I enjoyed it a lot. Thought it started off a bit slow, but once the ball got rolling I was sucked in. Steppenwolf was a bit lame, but I was far more interested in the actual fact of the team coming together than what they were coming together to fight against.

Really enjoyed Superman. First time in two whole movies where Superman actually smiles. They also brightened up his costume A LOT.

Aquaman, Flash, and Cyborg were all very undeveloped, so it helped that I am already aware of them and what they can do.

I didn't hate Aquaman's look as much as I thought I would. I still wish they would have gone more traditional, but I'll let his solo movie really decide for me. Brief Mera cameo seems to indicate that they will also not be sticking with her comic book origins. Wish they would have had at least one line about what exactly Aquaman's powers are. They kept joking about talking to fish.... but they could have mentioned at least once how since his body is tempered to withstand the pressures of the deep ocean he is super durable and tough on land.

Gone off on an Aquaman tangent..... back to Justice League....

Was it the perfect Justice League movie? Not even close. Was it a good starting point for further adventures, while being fun in itself? Heck yeah......

My biggest gripe would probably be what Destor called "spot on"..... which was the score..... It was nice to hear hints of the classic Batman/Superman themes, but I wanted a "bigger score" with an "epic Justice League theme". Didn't really get that. It was mostly just "background noise".

Vastardikai 11-19-2017 08:43 PM

Steppenwolf was there to be the reason why the League needed to exist, nothing more. And he fit that role in a satisfactory manner.

I would have greatly preferred the White Martians, but you would have needed Martian Manhunter for that.

I think that Cyborg and Flash were off the mark, as far as portrayals. Cyborg is part machine, but he considers his humanity to be his greatest strength. (Teen Titans!) Flash was just the polar opposite of what he needed to be, personality-wise.

Aquaman is NOT Roman Reigns. I actually came out of Justice League liking Aquaman.

Batman's role was limited here, but he's a man among Gods. He should be limited. I still fucking hate that his power is "I'm rich."

WW is amazing. Just fucking amazing.

Death was the best thing to happen to Superman. This was the first time we got to see Superman be what he should have been this whole time. He saw that good needed to be done, and he did it. And he wasn't a prick.

Sixx 11-19-2017 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Vastardikai (Post 5045035)
Steppenwolf was there to be the reason why the League needed to exist, nothing more. And he fit that role in a satisfactory manner.

I would have greatly preferred the White Martians, but you would have needed Martian Manhunter for that.

I think that Cyborg and Flash were off the mark, as far as portrayals. Cyborg is part machine, but he considers his humanity to be his greatest strength. (Teen Titans!) Flash was just the polar opposite of what he needed to be, personality-wise.

Aquaman is NOT Roman Reigns. I actually came out of Justice League liking Aquaman.

Batman's role was limited here, but he's a man among Gods. He should be limited. I still fucking hate that his power is "I'm rich."

WW is amazing. Just fucking amazing.

Death was the best thing to happen to Superman. This was the first time we got to see Superman be what he should have been this whole time. He saw that good needed to be done, and he did it. And he wasn't a prick.

Rich. And nuts. Rich and nuts.

KIRA 11-19-2017 09:29 PM

I had fun it felt like a bit of a Frankenstein's monster (two films fused together) far from perfect but it was fun and it had some really good parts so yea I'd recommend.


Destor 11-19-2017 09:49 PM

I think that is the most common take away. Superman was superman.

Damian Rey 2.0 11-19-2017 10:43 PM

Batman had his moments of pushing buttons. Plus the encouragement he gave Barry before the first battle.

But yeah, Superman was great in this. His line when shared a moment of levity with cyborg was great. I hope we get more of that in sea sequels.

El Vaquero de Infierno 11-20-2017 03:25 PM

The CGI on Superman's face bothered me whenever he was on screen.

Lock Jaw 11-20-2017 05:54 PM

I didn't notice it

Damian Rey 2.0 11-20-2017 07:24 PM

The opening scene with the kids filming him, it looks pretty obvious. His lip looked weird. Other than that it was fine.

Kalyx triaD 11-21-2017 02:09 AM

I didn't really notice his cgi face at all, tbh. Bit I wasn't looking either.

This was alright. Didn't have the logical absurdities BvS had but did fall into a lot un-earned moments. Stuff that should have been fuck yeah moments but came off forced.

That mid-movie fight with the League vs Supes was fun, tho. Really establishes Clark is an ace in the whole. Also puts DCAU power hierarchy theories to rest. He's top of the food chain. Then again, Diana didn't go Full Goddess here.

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