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Triple Naitch 02-02-2012 09:49 PM

What's Your Number? -7.5/10

Anna Faris may be the best combination of sexy/funny around.

Seth82 02-03-2012 09:23 PM

Drive - 8/10

really great movie

I liked it

Ryan Gosling does a pretty god job in this

wwe2222 02-04-2012 12:58 AM

Descendants 7/10

Albert Nobbs 0/10 painful

Seth82 02-04-2012 07:29 PM

Alfred Hitchcock's Rope - 9/10

just an amazing classic movie of his and I loved it

James Stewart in particular is great in it

RoXer 02-05-2012 02:10 PM

Killer Elite - 60

Didn't turn into a decent movie until about halfway into it. Some awful dialogue.

RoXer 02-06-2012 02:55 AM

Drive - 65

PorkSoda 02-06-2012 09:58 PM

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - 8/10

Hobo With A Shotgun - 0/10

The dialogue in this movie is terrible. So many terrible one liners. Hopefully John Davies (the writer) will grow up someday.

"We'll go somewhere where they'll have nice big lawns to mow. This isn't the only place grass can grow." Unintentional poetry!
"WOOOO! It's a perfect day for a SKATE RAPE"
The "Do you fucking SEE ME" line would have been better if he did the John Cena wave.
"I'm gonna wash this blood off......with your blood!" THAT DOESN"T EVEN MAKE SENSE! It's like saying "I'm gonna wash this dirt off my hand....with dirt.

There was a nice camera move 50 minutes into the movie. The camera moved, not cut, back and forth between Abi and The Hobo in the kitchen. I love that shot.

I wasn't expecting a masterpiece of cinema or anything.

John Davies and Jason Eisner should team up again and do a serious romance movie or maybe they should write the next Batman movie. I'm sure they would do great!!! I love sarcasm.

Blitz 02-07-2012 04:27 AM

The Woman In Black: 7/10. A very straightforward, creepy, atmospheric horror film. No gore or unnecessary twist endings. I can appreciate that.

Emperor Smeat 02-08-2012 08:31 PM

Rise and Fall of WCW (documentary only) - 4 out of 5

Didn't know the idea of guaranteed contracts occurred way before the Bischoff era and actually started around when Dusty became the booker of NWA-WCW (early Turner owned years). Always thought it started around the time of Bischoff's initial control or at least when Hogan joined.

whiteyford 02-09-2012 05:00 AM

Drive 8/10

RoXer 02-09-2012 05:08 PM

The Descendants - 40

Why is George Clooney nominated for anything for this? Felt like he really phoned it in.

RoXer 02-09-2012 05:08 PM

and overall its just a shitty story

DaveWadding 02-09-2012 05:22 PM

50/50 - 8.5/10

Seth82 02-09-2012 08:26 PM

Blow - 6/10

I felt this coulda been way better

it was pretty laughable at having Ray Liotta and Rachel Griffiths as Johnny Depp's parents in this as they can't be much older then him especially Rachel

I liked Paul Reubens in this

RoXer 02-09-2012 11:36 PM

Chronicle - 88

Pretty great. Didn't agree with some of the pacing of it and a few times the special effects could have looked better but it was fun.

Raven Reaper 02-10-2012 05:40 AM

Finished watching The Grey.. The final scene after end credits was cut out. Stupid move. Good movie though.

Cos there was supposed to be an extra post credits scene after
the face off between the wolf and Liam.
Stupid movie projection guy!


XL 02-11-2012 11:19 AM

Dirty Dancing - 6.5/10

Girlfriend's favourite film, I offered to suffer through it for her birthday. Fell asleep for a small portion towards the end but managed to wake up just in time for "Nobody puts Baby in the corner".

Blitz 02-11-2012 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Raven Reaper (Post 3762354)
Finished watching The Grey.. The final scene after end credits was cut out. Stupid move. Good movie though.

Cos there was supposed to be an extra post credits scene after
the face off between the wolf and Liam.
Stupid movie projection guy!


No there wasn't. There's one shot, about 5 seconds long.

McLegend 02-12-2012 03:17 AM

Drive 10/10

I want more Drive movies.

Juan 02-12-2012 03:35 AM

Cadillac Records - 8/10

Juan 02-12-2012 05:39 AM

A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas - 5/10

whiteyford 02-12-2012 12:23 PM

Training Day 8/10

Fox 02-13-2012 02:18 PM

Immortals: 5/10 - Uninspired. I really only watched it because I'd never seen anything with Henry Cavill before, and I wanted to see if he's going to make a good Superman or not. Judging from his performance here and his overall look, I think he'll kill as Superman.

Drive: 8/10 - Fantastic. The movie had a very unique feel that carried all the way through, and I very much enjoyed the car chase sequences. My only complaints are what I found to be a waste of Bryan Cranston in his very small part, and the lack of any real depth to the villain characters. They just felt like target practice for the Driver, and at no point did I feel that they were any threat to him whatsoever.

The Switch: 7/10 - Jason Bateman getting to play a foul-mouthed jerk off made my day. Pretty basic "Freaky Friday" plot where two opposite characters switch bodies and then learn lessons about how they're terrible people so that they can switch back and make their lives better, but it was fun nonetheless.

Moneyball: 8/10 - I hate Brad Pitt, but since I felt he was actually trying here, and I found the overall story very interesting, I enjoyed this film immensely. Jonah Hill is great here as well and proves that he's not just that foul mouthed fat kid from "Superbad." Maybe he'll have a real acting career ahead of him after all and will be the HBK to Michael Cera's Jannetty.

RoXer 02-13-2012 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Fox (Post 3766022)
The Switch: 7/10 - Jason Bateman getting to play a foul-mouthed jerk off made my day. Pretty basic "Freaky Friday" plot where two opposite characters switch bodies and then learn lessons about how they're terrible people so that they can switch back and make their lives better, but it was fun nonetheless.

I thought The Switch was the one where Jason Bateman's sperm is in Jennifer Aniston and The Chnage-Up is when he switches bodies with Ryan Reynolds

PorkSoda 02-14-2012 03:03 PM

North by Northwest - 9/10

Thelma and Louise - 7/10

RoXer 02-14-2012 07:04 PM

Downloaded a bunch of "3D Movies" a long time ago but never got around to watching them until recently. They're only 40ish minutes long so it's hard to rate them but here goes:

IMAX: The Ultimate Wave: Tahiti 3D - GOOD

About surfing mostly and Tahiti in general. Good visuals and girls in bikinis.

IMAX: Galapagos 3D - POOR

A marine biologist explores the Galapagos islands where Darwin left off. She doesn't seem very smart for a scientist. Upon being interviewed about sharks she said her main reaction upon seeing one is "fear". Well no shit. Also when they traveled to the ocean floor where no one has ever been to collect animals no one has ever seen, she touches them with her bare hands when they get back on the boat. Also some weird technical issues which made the 3D look bad at some points.

IMAX: Grand Canyon Adventure 3D - STRANGE

The title says "Grand Canyon Adventure" but it's mostly about how we as a species are destroying the environment, mostly, the Colorado River. Very little time spent focusing on the Grand Canyon and mostly on how to preserve water. Robert Redford narrates the doom and gloom tone of humans destroying the environment while Dave Mathews provides the music. No joke. Dave Mathews songs throughout the entire thing. And then a surprise cameo from Robert Kennedy Jr. and his daughter about halfway through the film. This whole thing was really odd to sit through.

IMAX: Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D - INCREDIBLE

A young Michael Cera plays Zac who enjoys flying things and himself. Incredible dialogue, wonderful story, and superb acting. Micheal Cera even gives several of what will eventually become his trademark giggles after he finishes a line. The film does turn dark a few times, once with Zac's mother fearing he is suicidal. We never hear or see her for the rest of the film so it's safe to assume his suicidal tendencies were genetic and his mother offed herself. Also the flying scene between Zac and his girlfriend was clearly symbolism for sexual foreplay which eventually lead to coitus and them orgasming at the same time by shooting their smoke trails while piloting in the air. Zac was almost foiled by his childhood arch nemesis when he stuck chewing gum on Zac's laser targeting system but you just gotta see for yourself. Great film.

IMAX: Hubble 3D - GREAT

Pretty great. Leo narrates. You see the universe. In 3D.

G 02-14-2012 07:06 PM

I have a bunch of those downloaded I need to get around to.

RoXer 02-14-2012 07:08 PM

Those 5 are the only ones I bothered downloading. Actually I have Drive Angry which I'll watch tonight probably. And Avatar which I don't think I'll get rid of.

RoXer 02-14-2012 07:11 PM

Actually I didn't even need to download them since I can stream them my 3D App. And some other crap that looks neat. Pyramids and Niagara Falls. To be continued...

RoXer 02-14-2012 10:28 PM

Drive Angry in 3D - 27

This is a very bad movie with lackluster effects

Xerzes 02-14-2012 11:16 PM

Chicago: 8.5/10

RoXer 02-15-2012 02:59 PM

The Fast and the Furious - 99

Actually saw this when it was out but downloaded it anyway and watched it again to refresh my memory. Except I watched it at 3X the speed and it was amazing to make up their lines for them. I might watch the rest of these movies at 3X too, we'll see.

RoXer 02-15-2012 03:48 PM

2 Fast 2 Furious - 78

Watched it in 2X speed which I believe is the perfect speed and the only way to get through these movies. Tokyo Drift up next.

RoXer 02-15-2012 05:50 PM

The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift - 62

Watched at 2X speed again. Not great.

Apparently it is chronologically the last of the The Fast and the Furious franchise films. hmmm

RoXer 02-15-2012 05:54 PM

For a proper rating of these films, divide them by 2 I guess

Raven Reaper 02-15-2012 06:45 PM

Soundtrack of the whole movie sounded like 70's grindhouse (Something Robert Rodriguez could only dream making it) with a bit of jazz during action scenes. I love how throughout the movie everytime she has a partner agent, she gets kicked the shit out of her first then fights back MMA-Wrestling style combos... Considering Gina's an accomplished undefeated MMA fighter.. Even though I haven't seen her on TV in action.


RoXer 02-15-2012 07:14 PM

4 Fast 4 Fourious - 80 I guess

I have to take a break, watching these at 2X speed make all of them blend in with each other. Didn't think they would kill off Ana Lucia like that especially since I saw that she's in the next one and the upcoming films.

Speaking of the next one, I think I might watch it at normal speed. But that will be tomorrow.

OssMan 02-15-2012 07:32 PM

Birth of a Nation - C+

A hard to follow silent film, very long, extremely racist and inaccurate, kind of unintentionally funny.

MoFo 02-15-2012 11:28 PM

Just watched some film w/ Daniel Craig as a retard, pretty good, forgot wat it was called though


CSL 02-15-2012 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by RoXer (Post 3769417)
4 Fast 4 Fourious - 80 I guess

I have to take a break, watching these at 2X speed make all of them blend in with each other. Didn't think they would kill off Ana Lucia like that especially since I saw that she's in the next one and the upcoming films.

Speaking of the next one, I think I might watch it at normal speed. But that will be tomorrow.

she's not in Fast Five

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