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Dark One 10-08-2015 12:09 AM

Kind of torn on the episode.

It just felt very "HERE'S STUFF" and like they skipped a bunch of episodes. I get that they wrote themselves into a corner with the opening and everything, but it feels like the other three seasons have had a gradual buildup to the Big Bad and this season was like "Ten minutes in? FUCK IT. HERE'S THE BIG BAD GUY FOR THE SEASON!" and that was pretty much it.

Strong closing though and the reveal of the name tying back in to the end of last season helped, but it definitely felt way rockier than the other three seasons' starts.

Lock Jaw 10-08-2015 12:17 AM

There still might be a swerve and Damien Dark might not be the big bad.... who knows...

Anyways, so much for Coast City flashbacks.... I liked the Hal Jordan "cameo"..... I knew it wasn't going to happen because he wasn't cast or anything, but I was hoping that this season's flashbacks would be Ollie and Hal on a roadtrip, trying to "find themselves".....

Lock Jaw 10-08-2015 12:24 AM

Also.... damn..... really don't want anybody to die.... especially Felicity....

mitchables 10-08-2015 06:18 AM

dahrk definitely seems like he's in service to a higher power of some sort, esp with the entire new world o' magic at their disposal. also don't forget vandal savage is in the mix; he'll probably need some form of introduction before legends of tomorrow since it's clear both ollie and barry are aware of him by the time that show starts

good ep though, dig's helmet is much better in action

McLegend 10-08-2015 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 4713689)
Also.... damn..... really don't want anybody to die.... especially Felicity....

It seems to be too obvious to be Felicity.

I don't think it's her.

It is also possible that there could be more Coast City. We can't rule it out yet.

mitchables 10-08-2015 08:53 AM

probably captain lance tbh, amazed he's lasted as long as he has. plus ollie was prattling on about the darkness not being his fault but it is his responsibility blah blah blah, echoing lance's earlier call that the arrow wrought darkness upon starling city; my guess is lance fouls dahrk after he has a moral crisis about working with hive, and pays for it with his life. redemption and ollie are involved, tears ensue etc

mitchables 10-08-2015 08:54 AM


Sixx 10-08-2015 09:15 AM

Can't be Dig, he just got a brand new Magneto helmet.

McLegend 10-08-2015 06:27 PM

Dig was causally shooting people last night. Like just walking and calmly shooting people. I think there is a heel turn coming for him.

Lock Jaw 10-08-2015 08:34 PM

He's been shooting people since season 1....

McLegend 10-08-2015 08:36 PM

I know, but it was different last night.

McLegend 10-14-2015 08:55 PM

WTF happened to the hair and beard?

Lock Jaw 10-14-2015 11:39 PM

Those things can be cut

McLegend 10-15-2015 03:51 AM

Yeah but they have to be super long. They have to grow pretty fast over the next year and a half or so.

Was Oliver Queen mayor in the comics?

Lock Jaw 10-15-2015 11:55 AM

For a bit, yeah

Sixx 10-15-2015 12:14 PM

Which was ridiculous. Him being the only guy in the city with that ridiculous 'stache/beard now a mayor and noone connected the dots. Worse than Superman and his glasses.

Lock Jaw 10-15-2015 12:22 PM

Yeah.... I mean, it is his "iconic look", but always found it a bit ridic that no one could put together that the dude with the blonde mustache/beard in a very distinct shape is Green Arrow....

Not that I have been reading it anyways, but that is one change in the New52 that I didn't mind.... that they got rid of the facial hair....

mitchables 10-18-2015 07:45 AM

more i think about my captain lance theory the more i worry it could also be felicity. let's face it - if they're ever gonna hook ollie up with dinah, they're gonna have to off felicity. plus barry came out for the funeral, even if he technically missed it. don't know that he'd do that for lance. could be wrong though i guess

anyway not that they strictly have to put ollie and dinah together but... y'know. i'd be surprised. no way does "olicity" end without tears. not NECESSARILY death but... probably. although the team would be screwed without her. buuut if mr terrific is a tech genius also...

McLegend 10-18-2015 05:53 PM

I don't want Oliver and Laurel.

I'm going with Digg, and Oliver feels responsible because he let Diggle go after H.I.V.E alone.

McLegend 10-21-2015 09:02 PM

Tonight I have decided that I don't like the Laurel character at all. I've given up trying to like her. She's kind of dumb.

However glad Sara Lance is back.

Lock Jaw 10-21-2015 10:48 PM

Like Nyssa more and more, though....

Simple Fan 10-21-2015 10:51 PM

Double Down was pretty cool. Are we going to get the Arrow Cave now?

mitchables 10-22-2015 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by McLegend (Post 4719075)
Tonight I have decided that I don't like the Laurel character at all. I've given up trying to like her. She's kind of dumb.

However glad Sara Lance is back.

i think they blew it by concocting the sara character in the first place. should've just had laurel be the only daughter of captain lance to heighten his resentment towards ollie when he thought she had died on the ship and had her go through what sara went through with the league and whatever and bam, believable black canary that doesn't need to be replaced a season later

like i know dinah in the comics is technically a "legacy" black canary too but she's held the mantle forever so really tv dinah didn't need to be made to feel a hand-me-down imitation of the "original" :-\

not that i don't LIKE sara. i'm just saying, as far as making dinah work as the black canary and not feel kinda forced, it would have been better.

McLegend 10-24-2015 08:23 AM

I can see that. If I was booking this show I never would have killed Sara Lance off last year. I think she is way too strong of a presence on the show. Laurel, could never be that.

McLegend 10-24-2015 08:24 AM

Look I'm just saying The Green Arrow should be able to take down a meta human by himself... I'm just saying.

Blonde Moment 10-24-2015 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by McLegend (Post 4720242)
Look I'm just saying The Green Arrow should be able to take down a meta human by himself... I'm just saying.

He can if he prepares but he is only human

McLegend 10-28-2015 10:55 PM

I am excited for next week.

Lock Jaw 10-28-2015 10:59 PM

Yeah.... been looking forward to seeing Constantine on Arrow.... Love Constantine (as a supporting/guest character, not a lead)

McLegend 10-28-2015 11:11 PM

It's a cool thing they are doing. It's going to be good.

Are we going to see Oliver's pissed off look at Laurel next week? I hope so.

Simple Fan 11-04-2015 09:20 PM

Great episode, Constantine was good hopefully we'll see him again sometime.

Lock Jaw 11-04-2015 09:37 PM

Yeah, good episode. I liked the musical cues to Constantine's tv show. Nice touch.

Constantine so much better as a guest character than a lead.... I think he shows up again.

Also, Flashbacks are already infinitely more interesting than the Hong Kong stuff.... Curious as to Baron Reiter's true intentions.....

McLegend 11-04-2015 10:07 PM

I hope we see more of Constantine.

Laurel, is still terrible. I think she is going to try and put the moves on Oliver sooner rather then later. One positive thing about Laurel is that outside the Black Canary suit she has been looking good. She was kind of smokin in the hospital.

mitchables 11-05-2015 06:16 AM

that was magnificent

loved constantine. hope he comes back for at least one more appearance. matt ryan and the constantine crew got robbed of a decent-length run for how decent it was compared to some shows that have lasted much longer.

am loving curtis/eventual mr terrific also. dude is amazing

also the tease discovery of tiny ray being alive was pretty great

all-round solid episode though, this season continues to be one of its strongest so far

Lock Jaw 11-11-2015 07:59 PM

For the first time in a long time.... I will be watching LIVE

McLegend 11-11-2015 08:32 PM

Damn Felicity is a hardass.

Lock Jaw 11-11-2015 08:43 PM

Looked hot as hell without the glasses there....

The Destroyer 11-11-2015 08:51 PM

I'm sure he gets typecast to shit because of it, but I love Neal McDonough playing villains.

Lock Jaw 11-11-2015 09:10 PM

Why is Thea all "you can live a normal life" when she is dealing with the exact same problem and is only temporarily "calm" due to killing some ninjas.

Sara should still be "feeling the urge" to kill Thea too... getting her soul back doesn't mean that the effects of the pit go away....

McLegend 11-11-2015 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 4729326)
Looked hot as hell without the glasses there....

Looks real young though.

McLegend 11-11-2015 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 4729332)
Why is Thea all "you can live a normal life" when she is dealing with the exact same problem and is only temporarily "calm" due to killing some ninjas.

Sara should still be "feeling the urge" to kill Thea too... getting her soul back doesn't mean that the effects of the pit go away....

Thea is hoping that if Sara can overcome the pit then that means she can to. So she is giving her moral support to help herself as well.

Sara by now knows that Merlyn is the one that killed her, and therefore has forgiven Thea.

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