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Kalyx triaD 07-22-2017 02:30 AM

Set up fly escapes.

Fignuts 07-22-2017 04:15 AM

What Kalyx said.

I consider myself a pretty damn good mercy. Most of the time when I solo que, I pick mercy. Mainly because I don't trust randos to heal. She seems like a brain dead character on the surface so a lot of new players pick her, but staying alive against a good team is a very difficult challenge. Every character requires situational awareness, but with Mercy, it needs to be laser focused. You need to be constantly aware of where your teammates are, not only to heal them, but to have an escape route if a flanker gets through. You also need to be able to make split second decisions on whether its worth flying over to help someone, or if it would put you in too much danger.

Couple other tips:

Don't forget about her damage boost. A lot of players new to mercy, myself included, focus so much on healing that they underutilize this ability. You need to be constantly switching back and forth, buffing damage as much as you possibly can.

Use your pistol. Another thing people often forget about. Mercy's pistol actually does a surprising amount of damage. Whenever most Mercy's get cornered, their first instinct is to run away, even though they know they're fucked. Pull out your pistol and give them a fight. You may die, but you'll take some of their health with you, and that can make a difference in a game of inches like this. Hell, if you're good enough and they're bad enough you might even win. I've beaten DPS 1v1 with Mercy before.

Ruien 07-23-2017 03:55 PM

Love the pistol.

No matter what, if your team sits at the choke the entire game instead of pressing in there is nothing you can do. I just sit there and heal with my hot ready to go.

Ruien 07-23-2017 04:52 PM

I went down to mid gold too so that does not help. Going to play Mei to get a better rating and try again.

#BROKEN Hasney 07-25-2017 11:34 AM

If your team is shit, save up your ilt for one big multi-revive and it'll help your ranking points at least. It's much easier to rank up as Mercy compared yo other characters.

Ruien 07-25-2017 11:59 AM

You receive rank for stuff during the game? Whoa.

Kalyx triaD 07-28-2017 02:07 AM

Doomfist is hilarious.

Shadow 07-28-2017 07:51 AM

Tried him out on the practice range. Holy fuck is he mobile. Get the timing down on his shift and e combo and you're a god.

Fignuts 07-29-2017 05:11 AM

Some good Doomfist tips

Dude is spot on. Played a bit online today, and every doomfist blindly jumped in and quickly died.

Fignuts 07-29-2017 06:00 PM

New meta is people picking widow and hanzo, and throwing because they can't be doomfist.

Kalyx triaD 07-29-2017 10:19 PM

If they could develop an algorithm that can detect an obvious lack of effort that would shut that down.

But for now, team queue up if you can. Randoms can't be trusted.

Kalyx triaD 08-05-2017 04:58 AM

<iframe frameborder=0 webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen scale="tofit" width="640" height="365" style="max-width:100%" src=""></iframe>

Kalyx triaD 08-07-2017 05:47 AM

<iframe width="854" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

alvarado52 08-07-2017 12:55 PM

Funny thing Kalyx....when Doomfist dropped, I felt like he was basically a fighting game character in an FPS, and immediately thought you'd take to 'em.

Kalyx triaD 08-07-2017 03:00 PM

I wasn't even that hyped on the lead up and then I actually played him.

He might outpace Zarya as my most consistently deadly character.

alvarado52 08-07-2017 04:13 PM

plus he's blaq.

But seriously, his uppercut/charge combo is deadly

Emperor Smeat 08-10-2017 06:04 PM

Team Deathmatch and Free-for-All arriving as new modes for the game.


Originally Posted by Destructoid
Two new modes -- eight-player free-for-all, and six-on-six team deathmatch -- are coming to the Arcade soon and are available now for testing on the PTR. The former mode is first to 20 kills, and the latter is first to 30.

As detailed by game director Jeff Kaplan in the video below, deathmatch in Overwatch will have its own quirks. Mercy's resurrect, for instance, will strip points from the other team's kill count.

These modes will take place on modified versions of existing maps as well as a new deathmatch-specific map, Château Guillard.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Kalyx triaD 08-14-2017 04:01 PM

<iframe frameborder=0 webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen scale="tofit" width="640" height="365" style="max-width:100%" src=""></iframe>

Fignuts 08-22-2017 04:22 AM

Jumped up 500 points tonight. Going to try and get my SR up the next few days, so the drop off isn't so bad next season. Don't want to get stuck playing against silvers again.

Going full time heals next season, as my Mercy is on fucking point now. Was always good but now I'm carrying mediocre teams, and keeping them alive. I'm god damn everywhere. I'm mother fucking Varys up in this shit.

Ruien 08-22-2017 07:47 AM

I dropped like 200 points. Was my worse day in forever. Granted I rarely play now a days. I still fuck everyone in the world up as Mei. Certain maps I play the turret guy too. Have like a 70% win ratio with him currently.

#BROKEN Hasney 08-24-2017 03:16 PM

Mercy and D.Va changes incoming and live on PTR right now. Honestly like most of them, Mercy will have a totally new playstyle going forward.



Micro Missiles (New Ability)
D.Va fires a barrage of small rockets that detonate on impact, dealing damage in a limited radius around each explosion. These can be fired while D.Va is using any other ability or firing her Fusion Cannons
Defense Matrix
Defense Matrix's resource meter will now deplete twice as quickly
Fusion Cannons can now be fired while flying
Developer Comments: D.Va’s Defense Matrix uptime has proven to be too strong, but simply reducing it without making other changes would make her too weak (and far less interesting to play). Instead, we’re adding a new ability, and giving her the ability to fire while flying. These changes give D.Va a lot of new options while maintaining Defense Matrix’s ability to shut down big enemy attacks.


Resurrect (formerly Mercy’s Ultimate ability)
Ability now targets a single player, instead of every player within a radius
Radius reduced to 5 meters
Ability cooldown is 30 seconds
Mercy is no longer granted invulnerability while Resurrect is active
Valkyrie (New Ultimate Ability)
Valkyrie unleashes the full power of Mercy’s Valkyrie Suit, enhancing her weapons and abilities for 20 seconds:
Caduceus Staff: Mercy’s healing and damage boost beams now affect all allies near the targeted teammate, and the staff’s effective range has been extended
Caduceus Blaster: Granted infinite ammo, while simultaneously increasing damage and fire rate
Guardian Angel: Increased range and movement speed
Resurrect: Cooldown is instantly reset when Valkyrie is activated and reduced to 10s after the initial cast
Hover: Mercy gains the ability to fly freely, at increased movement speed
Regeneration (Passive): No longer interrupted when Mercy takes damage
Developer Comments: While resurrecting downed allies is a core part of Mercy’s gameplay, the way her Ultimate functioned was causing a number of problems. It was frustrating to play against, and it incentivized Mercy players to hide away from important battles, instead of taking part in them. This version turns Resurrect into a single target ability. It’s still an important part of Mercy’s kit, but plays much better for both Mercy players and her enemies. Valkyrie, her new Ultimate, gives her the opportunity to make big game-making plays and opens a number of new options for her.

#BROKEN Hasney 08-24-2017 03:18 PM

PTR is hammered :(

Kalyx triaD 08-24-2017 03:22 PM

Mercy is a goddess now.

#BROKEN Hasney 08-24-2017 03:34 PM

Mercy Ult with Ana Ult combo

Kalyx triaD 08-24-2017 04:02 PM

I dub thee Nercy.

Fignuts 08-24-2017 04:03 PM


alvarado52 08-24-2017 04:08 PM

Guess that means I'll have to hunt Mercy as often during play in fear of a mass rez

Fignuts 08-24-2017 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by alvarado52 (Post 5007239)
Guess that means I'll have to hunt Mercy as often during play in fear of a mass rez

You don't hunt Battle Mercy.

Battle Mercy hunts YOU

Kalyx triaD 08-24-2017 04:58 PM

Of all characters, Mercy will become an instant hard counter to Pharah when she goes flying. You will not be able to hit her with those rockets.

alvarado52 08-24-2017 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 5007269)
Of all characters, Mercy will become an instant hard counter to Pharah when she goes flying. You will not be able to hit her with those rockets.

That was certainly my initial thought. Her gun is far more accurate than those rockets in dog fights.

alvarado52 08-30-2017 02:13 AM

Deathmatch is live on Overwatch for consoles.

TDM is fun...lots of intense matches

FFA sucks a fat one...just a bunch of "kills" that dont count because someone else got the last hit in. No joke, I would do like 80 damage with Mei just for some Genji asshole to blade dash and get credit for the kill.

Kalyx triaD 08-30-2017 06:19 AM

FFA is about picking up the pieces.

Ruien 09-01-2017 01:04 PM

Went into low platinum again. One game I had 5 other people that would not pick a tank or healer so fuck them. Went 7 and 3 though.

Thinking of grinding to diamond or whatever is above platinum this season.

#BROKEN Hasney 09-01-2017 05:53 PM

>Start FFA
>Pick For
>Place turret
>Watch tears

I only wanted my loot box because I hate both death match modes, but man that was funny.

Kalyx triaD 09-01-2017 06:05 PM

I can stomach TDM, though I'm shocked at how unimportant people seem to think healers are in a mode like this.

Ruien 09-02-2017 09:36 PM

God I forgot how frustrating grinding for rank is. Hit 2700 and then went on a losing streak. Fucking hell.

Fignuts 09-02-2017 10:04 PM

Was 50 pts away from platinum once, and then got a string of losses. Fucking sucked.

Ruien 09-03-2017 12:17 AM

Took me forever to get out of gold. Literally just picked Mid for like 30 hours of gameplay straight. Just ended up wrecking everyone with my long range ice gun.

Feel like platinum will be a little bit easier since people tend to work together.

Fignuts 09-03-2017 06:02 AM

From what I've heard, there is very little skill difference between high gold and mid diamond.

Ruien 09-03-2017 10:46 AM

Ya that is true for the most part. A lot of time in mid to high gold you will run into 1 or 2 people that just go off and do their own thing. That still happens but not as often.

The only true difference skill wise I see is Widow and Hanzo people seem to be a lot better now.

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