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KIRA 03-07-2015 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 4595072)
The Clone Wars cartoon more than adequately explains why Anikan did what he did in Eps.III than the prequel trilogy did. It's much more tragic in the expanded context.

It makes what he did understandable to a point(killing kids is too far) You can see his constant frustration with the Jedi Order And what happened to Ahsoka was bullshit not only did they never apologize they sat there and claimed suddenly it was a test I was like "fuck you guys" I'm surprised that wasn't Anakin's tipping point though it takes a huge chunk out of his belief in the order.

Kalyx triaD 03-07-2015 08:39 PM

One of the interesting things about the Jedi Order was how flawed and dogmatic they can be. And it was only when they attempted to conscript a boy who was old enough to have experienced and value attachments that things kinda went to shit. Also the outright negligence of not even paying for his mother's freedom at the very least as a thank you/reward for his services. I agree that doesn't excuse slaying kids, but it makes Palpatine's temptations legit.

KIRA 03-07-2015 08:58 PM

The whole no attachments thing always came across as odd and a little messed up to me I wonder were we supposed to see it that way.
I'm guessing under Luke they get less rigid and more balanced (well now that I think about it yea since Luke is the balance his father was supposed to bring)

Fignuts 03-07-2015 09:25 PM

Never cared for the part where Anakin kills the kids. I get they were trying to show how far he'd fallen, but in the process they ruined his whole redemption story in jedi. Doesn't matter if he killed the emperor, there's no redemption for slaughtering kids in cold blood, darkside influence or not.

McLegend 03-07-2015 10:40 PM

Killing the kids is what drives the wedge between Padme and Anakin.

It's a necessary plot device.

Fignuts 03-07-2015 11:14 PM

What? How is it necessary?

Pretty sure participating in the murder of the jedi and destroying the republic so that an evil empire can rule the galaxy drove more than enough of a wedge between them.

KIRA 03-07-2015 11:31 PM

Lets not forget choking his pregnant wife to death

Also again for a guy who preached to Anakin about not having emotional bonds Obi Wan was pretty emotionally distraught over having to kill Anakin and what he had become.

SlickyTrickyDamon 03-08-2015 05:36 AM

She didn't die from the choke. She died from a broken heart.

McLegend 03-08-2015 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 4595213)
What? How is it necessary?

Pretty sure participating in the murder of the jedi and destroying the republic so that an evil empire can rule the galaxy drove more than enough of a wedge between them.

I honestly don't think it does. Padme was ok with Anakin mass murdering the Tuskian Raiders. In fact she kind liked him more after he weirdly and psychoticly reveled that to her. She somehow still married him after that. So you do need a pretty extreme reason for her to turn away from Anakin.

Also she didn't think the Jedi were 100% guilty of trying to overthrow the Republic, but she did believe Anakin a little. So the possiblity to be with Anakin still existed at the point. So if Obi-Wan only mentions Anakin killed regular jedi it's not enough to sway her from Anakin because she thinks the Jedi might be guilty even if it is a small possibility that they might be guilty, and then shenever goes to Mustafar. So Obi-Wan had to mention that kids, and Anakin because Padme is finally like WTF I need to find this out for myself and goes to Mustfar to confront Anakin.

So in short you needed the younglings killed to put the nail in the coffin for Padme/Anakin.

Also from a dramatic standpoint Anakin killing the Younglings is one of the best moments in the entire prequels. I think it should stay in for that reason alone.

KIRA 03-08-2015 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by SlickyTrickyDamon (Post 4595246)
She didn't die from the choke. She died from a broken heart.

I knew somebody was gonna say that I know the movie says that,that's just more proof that Lucas is a shitty writer so BULLSHIT she died cause he choked her

SlickyTrickyDamon 03-08-2015 07:40 PM

It's an opera. Stupid and over-emotional is part of the trope.

Blonde Moment 03-08-2015 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by KIRA (Post 4595278)
I knew somebody was gonna say that I know the movie says that,that's just more proof that Lucas is a shitty writer so BULLSHIT she died cause he choked her

People die of broken hearts all the time so her reaction to his betrayal is not all that unusual IMO

SlickyTrickyDamon 03-08-2015 09:41 PM

There's a floating theory that the Emperor used his powers to make sure she didn't recover.

Kalyx triaD 03-08-2015 11:36 PM

Ehh.... Nah.

KIRA 03-09-2015 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by McLegend (Post 4595275)
I honestly don't think it does. Padme was ok with Anakin mass murdering the Tuskian Raiders. In fact she kind liked him more after he weirdly and psychoticly reveled that to her. She somehow still married him after that. So you do need a pretty extreme reason for her to turn away from Anakin.

Also she didn't think the Jedi were 100% guilty of trying to overthrow the Republic, but she did believe Anakin a little. So the possiblity to be with Anakin still existed at the point. So if Obi-Wan only mentions Anakin killed regular jedi it's not enough to sway her from Anakin because she thinks the Jedi might be guilty even if it is a small possibility that they might be guilty, and then shenever goes to Mustafar. So Obi-Wan had to mention that kids, and Anakin because Padme is finally like WTF I need to find this out for myself and goes to Mustfar to confront Anakin.

So in short you needed the younglings killed to put the nail in the coffin for Padme/Anakin.

Also from a dramatic standpoint Anakin killing the Younglings is one of the best moments in the entire prequels. I think it should stay in for that reason alone.

Re watching after that last comment and its kinda messed up how wiling she was to except the fact that he killed children(that or shes in complete denial )and is willing to run away with him despite him being a murdering psycho who had the Emperor's plan failed would've faced a number of charges at this point.

SlickyTrickyDamon 03-09-2015 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 4595178)
Never cared for the part where Anakin kills the kids. I get they were trying to show how far he'd fallen, but in the process they ruined his whole redemption story in jedi. Doesn't matter if he killed the emperor, there's no redemption for slaughtering kids in cold blood, darkside influence or not.

Darth Vader kills the kids Anakin is gone at that point.

VSG 03-09-2015 11:59 AM


Kalyx triaD 03-09-2015 04:49 PM

lol Right.

JimmyMess 03-09-2015 06:41 PM

I just want to see episode 7. I'm real excited for it. I need a new trailer. I NEEEDS IT

Fignuts 03-09-2015 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by SlickyTrickyDamon (Post 4595630)
Darth Vader kills the kids Anakin is gone at that point.

It doesn't work that way. Characters that turn may be influenced by the dark side, but ultimately they choose to turn, and they choose to commit whatever atrocities they commit when they are a sith.

They aren't possessed by a demon or anything like that. Who they are is still intact enough where they shouldn't be absolved of their crimes just because the darkside influenced their actions.

Kalyx triaD 03-09-2015 07:19 PM

We wouldn't let the Emperor off because he was a nice boy once upon a time. Or Dooku or Maul or Revan.

Fignuts 03-09-2015 07:38 PM

Revan actually was a little different. He didn't turn but was instead turned by the Sith Emperor. Don't recall exactly, so don't quote me, but I think the Sith Emperor didn't manipulate anyone into turning like palpatine did. He was so powerful that he could literally just brainwash him with the dark side.

Kalyx triaD 03-09-2015 07:40 PM

Oh yeah that guy was the real deal. He needed to be slayed.

Kalyx triaD 03-09-2015 07:42 PM

It does raise the question though...

Can the Dark Side ever really be defeated? Isn't it simply forever tied to the Force, and such so long as there's Jedi we're going to have Sith?

For you EU guys; do you think the ultimate answer to this is people choosing to be Dark Jedi?

Fignuts 03-09-2015 07:44 PM

There's been a long standing theme in the EU that the darkside will never go away, because light and dark are two sides of the same coin. Light can't exist without darkness, vice versa, yada yada yada.

Fignuts 03-09-2015 07:44 PM



KIRA 03-09-2015 07:47 PM

Wait so when one turns to the darkside beyond being influenced to turn there is no external force working on the psyche? I ask because they make it seem like the darkside consumes who you are and in (Anakins case) makes you more irrational and virtually unreachable.

KIRA 03-09-2015 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 4596003)
It does raise the question though...

Can the Dark Side ever really be defeated? Isn't it simply forever tied to the Force, and such so long as there's Jedi we're going to have Sith?

For you EU guys; do you think the ultimate answer to this is people choosing to be Dark Jedi?

Personally I'd choose the gray Jedi the do seem like a viable middle ground and since the shows movies and everything else portray leaning completely to either side as having negative effects. yea gray jedi

I dunno why I was thinking dark

Fignuts 03-09-2015 07:49 PM

Like I said, it influences them, but not so much that it overpowers their will completely. They still have to make the choice to fight it or give in.

McLegend 03-09-2015 07:52 PM

In the past month I've really got into Star Wars. I've to come to realization that I have love Obi-Wan Kenob, and he's not just my favorites Star Wars character, but one of my favorite characters in all of fiction. I'm going to have a stupid complaint about something involving Obi-Wan. The only reason this complaint even exists is because George Lucas didn't actually think Star Wars would become as big as it did. Like I said it's a really dumb complaint, but I have to talk about it.

I love Obi-Wan for the scarsam, clever wit, humor, and he's just generally awesome, and that is all there in episode 4.

So we see Obi-Wan in Episode 4 he's in an old man, and psyically weak. I get that Obi-Wan in episode 4 isn't about the physically power, but represents spiritual power, and wisdom. I get it. However Obi-Wan should have been as powerful or even more powerful then Count Dooku was in episode 2. Obi-Wan in episode 4 wasn't even as old as Dooku was in episode 2.

I'm such an Obi-Wan mark that I would accept any reason as to why he wasn't that powerful. Except for The official reason which he just didn't train with a Lightsaber for 19 years. WTF is that? Obi-Wan Kenobi is defintely going to train with a Lightsaber within a 19 year span. I just want a better reason then that. I would accept that he took a vow to not train with a light saber or any other rigorous training until he started training Luke. I would be ok with that. That to me is a good enough reason. I don't need much in the reason department I just something better then what I have.

Is there a story about those lost 19 years? I know there is stuff about is training with Qui-Gon. I know there is some story where he goes undercover. Is there any EU stuff that gives me a better reason for the way he is in episode 4? I for the most part just read characters wikpedia or wookiepedia which is what Star Wars wikpedia is called.

Again just by reading Star Wars things wookiepedia and watching video games on youtube it seems like Darth Vader gets his ass kicked a lot in the EU? Am I wrong to think that? I kind of feel like Darth Vader gets the shaft in the EU. He seems like he really isn't that powerful and it hurts what Luke accomplished in Return of The Jedi... Makes it seem like defeating Vader isn't that big of a deal.

Fignuts 03-09-2015 07:53 PM

If Anakin was simply turned by the darkside, obi-wan wouldn't of been so emotionally destroyed by it. It was because anakin chose the darkside that he was so heartbroken.

McLegend 03-09-2015 07:57 PM

For the record the conversation was dead when I started writing my post. You all make me look like fools interrupting your conversation now, damn it.

Fignuts 03-09-2015 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by McLegend (Post 4596011)
In the past month I've really got into Star Wars. I've to come to realization that I have love Obi-Wan Kenob, and he's not just my favorites Star Wars character, but one of my favorite characters in all of fiction. I'm going to have a stupid complaint about something involving Obi-Wan. The only reason this complaint even exists is because George Lucas didn't actually think Star Wars would become as big as it did. Like I said it's a really dumb complaint, but I have to talk about it.

I love Obi-Wan for the scarsam, clever wit, humor, and he's just generally awesome, and that is all there in episode 4.

So we see Obi-Wan in Episode 4 he's in an old man, and psyically weak. I get that Obi-Wan in episode 4 isn't about the physically power, but represents spiritual power, and wisdom. I get it. However Obi-Wan should have been as powerful or even more powerful then Count Dooku was in episode 2. Obi-Wan in episode 4 wasn't even as old as Dooku was in episode 2.

I'm such an Obi-Wan mark that I would accept any reason as to why he wasn't that powerful. Except for The official reason which he just didn't train with a Lightsaber for 19 years. WTF is that? Obi-Wan Kenobi is defintely going to train with a Lightsaber within a 19 year span. I just want a better reason then that. I would accept that he took a vow to not train with a light saber or any other rigorous training until he started training Luke. I would be ok with that. That to me is a good enough reason. I don't need much in the reason department I just something better then what I have.

Is there a story about those lost 19 years? I know there is stuff about is training with Qui-Gon. I know there is some story where he goes undercover. Is there any EU stuff that gives me a better reason for the way he is in episode 4? I for the most part just read characters wikpedia or wookiepedia which is what Star Wars wikpedia is called.

Again just by reading Star Wars thing wookiepedia and watching video games on youtube it seems like Darth Vader gets his ass kicked a lot in the EU? Am I wrong to think that? I kind of feel like Darth Vader gets the shaft in the EU. He seems like he really isn't that powerful and it hurts what Luke accomplished in Return of The Jedi... Makes it seem like defeating Vader isn't that big of a deal.

I also hate that Vader gets beaten up quite a bit in EU. As for Obi Wan and the 19 years thing I have no idea. Maybe he just didn't want to risk being seen using a lightsaber so he didn't take any chances?

There was actually a book called Kenobi released in 2013, and it details Obi Wan's life from episode 3 to 4, so I would check that out. Might find your answers there.

McLegend 03-09-2015 08:08 PM

I might even accept that reason. I would even accept that he completely held back in his fight with Vader, and he was actually way better then he was. I don't need much. I might check this Obi-Wan story out.

It bothers me how it's stated how Darth Vader is 40% of what he was or whatever the number is. It should be stated he is pretty badass and should be able to beat 98% of Jedi or whatever else there is that ever existed. The prequels and the EU kind of went out their way to lessen Vader's Impact. Growing up Darth Vader's the ultimate bad guy, but now it's like nah he's just a misunderstood dude with issues. I hate that.

Lock Jaw 03-09-2015 08:39 PM

Been reading the post-Return of the Jedi EU books recently now that they don't matter. Currently on the second book of the "Jedi Academy" trilogy.

Fignuts 03-09-2015 08:53 PM

Really reccomend the Darth Bane trilogy. Establishes how the sith rule of two came to be.

Lock Jaw 03-11-2015 01:02 AM

Apparently 20 books have been announced to be coming that will be "canon" and set between Return of the Jedi and Episode VII. I better hurry up on this old books that don't matter anymore.

road doggy dogg 03-11-2015 08:25 AM

Might as well just Fahrenheit 451 they asses...

SlickyTrickyDamon 03-11-2015 08:32 AM

Wasn't the Thrawn Trilogy advertised as being the official continuation of the Star Wars saga when it was released?

Kalyx triaD 03-11-2015 09:18 AM

Like a 100yrs ago, sure.

SlickyTrickyDamon 03-11-2015 12:20 PM


Kalyx triaD 03-11-2015 12:24 PM


Lock Jaw 03-11-2015 12:27 PM

There was also a series of comic books subtitled "Dark Empire" from Dark Horse that was written around the same time, and it is "very weird" because it feels like it is a radically "different take" on what happened after RotJ, but they "altered the script" to fit in the Thrawn stuff into its "continuity"..... but it doesn't work because it is just "so different a take"....

And now the next novels after the Thrawn ones are referencing both Thrawn and Dark Empire and trying to "reconcile" them into the same continuity and it is just weird and awkward trying to take these two "different takes on what happened after RotJ" and make them both "in continuity"....

SlickyTrickyDamon 03-11-2015 01:55 PM

Dark Empire is after the Thrawn Trilogy (not that long after though)

SlickyTrickyDamon 03-11-2015 01:57 PM

9 ABY (Thrawn)
10–11 ABY (Dark Empire)

Lock Jaw 03-11-2015 02:25 PM

I know that is how it is "supposed to be"... but they were written pretty much the same time and seem like "two different continuations".

Lock Jaw 03-11-2015 02:26 PM

They wanted Zahn to work in references to it in the Thrawn books, but he refused, so they worked in references to Thrawn in the comic book instead.

SlickyTrickyDamon 03-11-2015 02:28 PM

Dark Empire is a bit silly with the clones.

Fignuts 03-11-2015 06:56 PM

Dark Empire is fucking awful. Luke is like 8 feet tall.

Only good thing about it is that it brought Boba Fett back. But they even fucked that up by including that fat jobber Dengar.

Cover art is good I guess.

Lock Jaw 03-12-2015 05:36 PM

First Star Wars "spin-off" film revealed to be called "Rogue One"

Kalyx triaD 03-13-2015 12:27 PM

Dash Rendar?

Fignuts 03-13-2015 06:49 PM

Nah, probably a movie about Rogue Squadron.

Lock Jaw 03-13-2015 07:04 PM

Marvel announced another comic book series today, this one taking place after RotJ.

SlickyTrickyDamon 03-13-2015 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 4598559)
Nah, probably a movie about Rogue Squadron.

Hopefully Wedge.

alvarado52 04-16-2015 02:41 PM

Ya'll muthafucka jus dont KNOW!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

SlickyTrickyDamon 04-16-2015 02:52 PM

I just hope the entire plot isn't ruined before I see it in the theater. Almost want to not click on anything Star Wars related.

Kalyx triaD 04-16-2015 02:55 PM


alvarado52 04-16-2015 02:55 PM

I think, all things considered, theyve done a pretty solid job of keeping details under wraps. I mean, eventually we'll get a synopsis like any film does...but overall, theyve managed to do well considering the amount of hype

Kalyx triaD 04-16-2015 03:00 PM

SlickyTrickyDamon 04-16-2015 03:00 PM

Also can they fuck off with the non-stop advertising for the Star Wars digital edition? For the first time on digital HD! I've already got the bluray editions and DVD editions because they actually have the original version on them. Enough.

road doggy dogg 04-16-2015 03:04 PM

love that trailer

SlickyTrickyDamon 04-16-2015 03:28 PM

What did he mean by his father HAS it? We going to see Anakin in ghost form or something?

Kalyx triaD 04-16-2015 03:29 PM

He means his father has it, I guess. There's this weird ghost thing with Jedi.

Rammsteinmad 04-16-2015 03:49 PM

Remember all those people that were outraged at the idea of a black stormtrooper... :lol:

road doggy dogg 04-16-2015 03:52 PM

Those same people still are. There will always be idiots in this world, sadly.

alvarado52 04-16-2015 03:55 PM

Same people that got pissed when Donald Glover auditioned for Spidey.

JimmyMess 04-16-2015 04:03 PM

When I saw Han and Chewy I actually teared up. lol jesus.

Lock Jaw 04-16-2015 04:22 PM

Han Solo looking good for his age

mitch_h 04-16-2015 05:39 PM

Great trailer.

Meesa excited

Fignuts 04-16-2015 07:21 PM

awwwwwww shit son, fucking cylon stormtrooper

Also, Han saying "we're home". Does that mean we see Corellia?

Emperor Smeat 04-16-2015 08:55 PM

Trailer was good. All that was missing was a completely random stormtropper pop up moment.

Haven't been to the theaters the past couple of years but definitely want to go for this one.

SlickyTrickyDamon 04-16-2015 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 4617164)
awwwwwww shit son, fucking cylon stormtrooper

Also, Han saying "we're home". Does that mean we see Corellia?

Nah probably means the Falcon.

Disturbed316 04-17-2015 12:44 AM

I've never watched the Star Wars films, but that trailer is pretty sweet. Makes me want to go watch them.

road doggy dogg 04-17-2015 08:14 AM

Ummmmmmm yeah you probably should go ahead and do that

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-17-2015 12:12 PM

But probably not bother with the prequels, as they are dire.

Kalyx triaD 04-17-2015 03:34 PM

Watch the prequels. No half steppin.

Requiem 04-17-2015 05:32 PM

And don't watch the Lucas edited versions of the originals. Watch the theatrical releases or a version that has been purposely remastered without all his shit that he added/changed later.

Lock Jaw 04-17-2015 05:37 PM

Are there remastered versions out there without the additions/changes?

Recently watched the "theatrical" versions, and it was actually different than even the VHS editions I had back in the day as a kid...

Had these ones.... all I want to do is find these versions on a DVD/Blu-Ray/Digitally somewhere....

McLegend 04-17-2015 06:30 PM

Yeah I didn't think unchanged or unedited version existed anymore?

McLegend 04-17-2015 06:30 PM

Also I love the burned Darth Vader mask. George Lucas isn't thinking of that.

Kalyx triaD 04-17-2015 06:32 PM

They actually released a DVD that restored the original movies without the added effects. Came out ten years ago, I think.

McLegend 04-17-2015 06:34 PM

O awesome. There hasn't been any since then?

Kalyx triaD 04-17-2015 06:41 PM

Nope. Everything else were the touched versions.

Requiem 04-17-2015 07:40 PM

Google the Star Wars Despecialized Edition

I've got them on my computer. HELLA good quality copies of them remastered by fans with all the edited shit taken out. You can find 'smaller' versions of the files on torrent sites. Still really good quality.

Kalyx triaD 04-17-2015 07:49 PM

Look for this set.

KIRA 04-17-2015 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 4617461)
Are there remastered versions out there without the additions/changes?

Recently watched the "theatrical" versions, and it was actually different than even the VHS editions I had back in the day as a kid...

Had these ones.... all I want to do is find these versions on a DVD/Blu-Ray/Digitally somewhere....

I own those got them from my sister.

Jura 04-17-2015 07:52 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Kalyx triaD 04-19-2015 04:19 PM

The Star Wars Rogue One movie is essentially the rebels origin story. Takes place between Eps.3 and Eps.4 (same as the Rebels cartoon, curiously confirmed by the director). The basic plot is rebellious forces coming together to steal the plans for the original Death Star.

No Jedi, no magic. It's going for realism with crew from movies like Black Hawk Down helping. A short teaser revealed that the spin-off movies will have the tag title 'Anthology Films'.

Sixx 04-20-2015 11:37 AM

That lightclaymore is so fucking impractical, though I admit it looks cool.

SlickyTrickyDamon 04-20-2015 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 4617981)
The Star Wars Rogue One movie is essentially the rebels origin story. Takes place between Eps.3 and Eps.4 (same as the Rebels cartoon, curiously confirmed by the director). The basic plot is rebellious forces coming together to steal the plans for the original Death Star.

No Jedi, no magic. It's going for realism with crew from movies like Black Hawk Down helping. A short teaser revealed that the spin-off movies will have the tag title 'Anthology Films'.

Wonder if this means we'll be getting a Kyle Katarn siting.

Kalyx triaD 04-20-2015 02:44 PM

Know who deserves screentime? Mara Jade.

Lock Jaw 04-20-2015 07:17 PM

Would be "cool" if they did introduce versions of some "Expanded Universe" characters.... like if Grand Admiral Thrawn was the bad guy in this so called "realistic army movie" that Rogue One is saying it will be.

Fignuts 04-20-2015 07:28 PM

I would almost rather they didn't.

Would just feel kind of cheesy to me to have a "version" of the character. Can't really explain it right now but it just wouldn't feel "right" to me. They want to tell their own story, let it be with their own new characters.

McLegend 04-20-2015 08:37 PM

I think that Rogue Squadron movie is a fantastic idea. Disney or whoever is going to kill it with Star Wars. I'm so excited.

drave 04-29-2015 12:39 PM

drave 04-29-2015 12:39 PM

Swagtrooper gettin his swag on, bruh.


Kalyx triaD 05-03-2015 04:42 PM

road doggy dogg 05-04-2015 03:39 PM

May the Fourth be with you

Corporate CockSnogger 05-04-2015 03:44 PM

Fuck you

road doggy dogg 05-04-2015 03:45 PM

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