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screech 07-13-2022 11:44 PM

Huh. Have never noticed Bryan vs Tony height-wise. Though it's rare that I get to pay attention 100p because of dad stuff.

screech 07-13-2022 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by Spilchuk (Post 5564170)
They keep Gresham around so someone can be shorter than Adam Cole.

I buy this

Sting Fan 07-14-2022 05:08 AM

Wardlow vs. OC actually ended up being pretty fun. Maybe a min or two too long but ridiculous fun and Wardlow looked a beast.

Sepholio 07-14-2022 05:40 AM

Oh....oh man. AEW is apparently about to give the Paul Wight another run...only this time he will be playing his Captain Insano character from Waterboy. I...I don't know what to say.

Mr. Nerfect 07-14-2022 06:15 AM

The greatest wrestling promotion ever!

screech 07-14-2022 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Sepholio (Post 5564184)
Oh....oh man. AEW is apparently about to give the Paul Wight another run...only this time he will be playing his Captain Insano character from Waterboy. I...I don't know what to say.

lol wasn't part of the reason he signed because they agreed to let him do that?

Evil Vito 07-14-2022 09:44 AM

Yeah it's been known for ages. He'll likely squash a couple of Dark regulars or The Ass Boys and call it a day. Dude can barely move.

#1-norm-fan 07-14-2022 09:50 AM

Loved how they’ve used him in the past. I think he had a dark match or two after but his one main roster feud was just him squashing an undercard guy. Not doing the WWE tactic of making him look like a bum for the sake of a young guy who doesn’t end up getting anything from it anyway. Perfect legend booking.

Lock Jaw 07-14-2022 10:08 AM

I hope they can pick up his feud with Billy Gunn and the Assboys.... they can pretend that they didn't just completely drop the story after they turned heel on him, and say that they were just doing masterful long term story-telling.

xrodmuc316 07-14-2022 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Sepholio (Post 5564184)
Oh....oh man. AEW is apparently about to give the Paul Wight another run...only this time he will be playing his Captain Insano character from Waterboy. I...I don't know what to say.

It is ridiculous, sure, but is it any more ridiculous than a dinosaur, alien, zombie, panda, or wizard? A character from a movie 24 years ago is pretty on par for the course in this real sports like feel company.

Mr. Nerfect 07-14-2022 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5564212)
I hope they can pick up his feud with Billy Gunn and the Assboys.... they can pretend that they didn't just completely drop the story after they turned heel on him, and say that they were just doing masterful long term story-telling.


Jordan 07-15-2022 08:00 AM

Apparently Adam Cole has a torn labrum which I've had happen to me, it's very painful. Don't look for Cole to "get bigger" any time soon. You can't really bench press or overhead press with that injury. He's chosen not to do surgery, which means it's probably never going to fully heal especially if he returns to the ring this summer. He should have had surgery.

Mr. Nerfect 07-15-2022 08:13 AM

I don’t think anyone expected Adam Cole to get any bigger barring some sort of life crisis.

Evil Vito 07-15-2022 09:09 AM

I've never been someone who's been a stickler for size and even I think he's looked like shit for much of this year.

Can't do anything about your stature but even in NXT he at least had a little bit of muscle definition. He was never a specimen obviously, but at least looked like some work was being put in, probably because he had to train at the PC.

Now it feels like he hasn't lifted a dumbbell since September.

xrodmuc316 07-15-2022 11:57 AM

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Damian Rey 2.0 07-15-2022 02:02 PM

He should at least look like an athlete. Not every mma fighter is shredded but even the bigger guys and heavyweights like Mark Hunt look like they lift. Cole should site for a Bryan Danielson type physique.

Sepholio 07-15-2022 02:46 PM

So when the tag titles changed the other night it turns out that Ricky Starks was not the legal man when he got pinned. Wonder if they acknowledge this next week.

Mr. Nerfect 07-15-2022 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Sepholio (Post 5564724)
So when the tag titles changed the other night it turns out that Ricky Starks was not the legal man when he got pinned. Wonder if they acknowledge this next week.

They’ll have to play it up now, because people have noticed it, but it totally wasn’t part of the plan. Just bad officiating.

slik 07-15-2022 11:07 PM

Rey Fenix seems like he might have injured his knee on RAMPAGE

slik 07-15-2022 11:07 PM

very tired of Rey/Penta losing their masks in matches also

Triple A 07-15-2022 11:08 PM

Not a very good Rampage imho

slik 07-15-2022 11:11 PM

I only saw the main event and thought it was a mess

XL 07-16-2022 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by slik (Post 5564858)
Rey Fenix seems like he might have injured his knee on RAMPAGE

He seems to get injured every week.

Mr. Nerfect 07-16-2022 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by XL (Post 5564941)
He seems to get injured every week.

I was going to say the same thing.

Crippla 07-16-2022 09:45 PM

He's made of glass... he's like the Rob Gronkowski of wrestling but not nearly on the same level of talent.

Mr. Nerfect 07-16-2022 11:06 PM

There’s something to the guy. I think there’s actual charisma there. But he hurts himself so much it’s going to be like “Oh that guy who always hurts himself?” and he’ll be forgotten about fairly quickly.

Mr. Nerfect 07-16-2022 11:08 PM

Fenix should have been split off from Pentagon way earlier and encouraged to sell and really get mileage out of his body and charisma before now. I’d like to see what he could do with a Claudio Castagnoli, since Claudio works well with smaller guys like that.

Maluco 07-17-2022 12:52 AM

When does someone step in with authority in AEW and tell these guys to tell a story or two and tone down their matches?

Your springboard plancha means more at the culmination of a feud. Have a personality and you don’t need to kill yourself every week!

Fignuts 07-17-2022 01:49 AM

He's not made of glass.

He just gives no fucks and launches himself as hard and as fast as he can at the guard rails.

Fignuts 07-17-2022 01:49 AM

Thats not a compliment, btw

Mr. Nerfect 07-17-2022 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by Maluco (Post 5565073)
When does someone step in with authority in AEW and tell these guys to tell a story or two and tone down their matches?

Your springboard plancha means more at the culmination of a feud. Have a personality and you don’t need to kill yourself every week!

The fan base eats up these guys doing frivolous shit and hurting themselves way too much for TK to distance himself from that approach.

Jordan 07-17-2022 07:05 AM

Rey Fenix excluded, a lot of the current AEW injuries happened on pretty basic spots. Like Punk he just hopped a guard rail and his foot was destroyed. Santana ripped his knee performing a uranagi, Danielson got a knock on the head. Fenix is the one who gets his arm broke in half doing crazy shit.

Sepholio 07-17-2022 11:09 AM

lol AEW has signed Two Dimes Donovan mere weeks after WWE let him go for violating the wellness policy.

Evil Vito 07-17-2022 11:40 AM

NXT has a stricter wellness policy than main roster IIRC. WWE apparently told him they’d re-sign him in a year which to me sounds like he only barely tested positive for a traced substance, maybe even a false positive, but they had to go by the books.

Anyway, I’d imagine he’s on one of those lower tier agreements where he’s mostly just there to work Dark but can otherwise leave at any time or take bookings anywhere else. Not too surprising to see him there because he was a Dark often during the pandemic which helped get him and a handful of other Dark regulars signed this year.

Mr. Nerfect 07-17-2022 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Sepholio (Post 5565145)
lol AEW has signed Two Dimes Donovan mere weeks after WWE let him go for violating the wellness policy.

It’s more applicable in other cases, but AEW really need to stop going after WWE developmental flakes. They’re also apparently using Parker Bourdreau? If someone has got the look and/or pedigree to be someone and WWE just cut them, chances are there was something they didn’t get. We’ve seen it with Cesar Benoni, Marina Shafir and a few others. I know the fun narrative is WWE = evil stinky morons who don’t know what they’re doing, but you need to stop loving the smell of your own farts as a promotion.

I don’t know anything about this Donovan guy, but he was REALLY valuable, I doubt he would be a free agent. He might be sitting at home eating lumps or whatever, but if AEW gets access to a WWE developmental act, chances is they couldn’t really cut it at a developmental level.

xrodmuc316 07-17-2022 09:18 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">11 years ago today <a href="">@CMPunk</a> set the wrestling world ablaze.<br><br>He’s every bit as good today &amp; he’s the <a href="">@AEW</a> World Champion.<br>Check out<br>The First Dance,<br>All Out 2021,<br>Full Gear 2021,<br>Revolution 2022, +<br>Double or Nothing 2022<br>to see why &amp; how CM Punk proved he’s still Best in the World</p>&mdash; Tony Khan (@TonyKhan) <a href="">July 17, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Jordan 07-17-2022 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Sepholio (Post 5565145)
lol AEW has signed Two Dimes Donovan mere weeks after WWE let him go for violating the wellness policy.

Does he flip?

Tom Guycott 07-18-2022 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Nerfect (Post 5565164)
It’s more applicable in other cases, but AEW really need to stop going after WWE developmental flakes. They’re also apparently using Parker Bourdreau? If someone has got the look and/or pedigree to be someone and WWE just cut them, chances are there was something they didn’t get. We’ve seen it with Cesar Benoni, Marina Shafir and a few others. I know the fun narrative is WWE = evil stinky morons who don’t know what they’re doing, but you need to stop loving the smell of your own farts as a promotion.

I don’t know anything about this Donovan guy, but he was REALLY valuable, I doubt he would be a free agent. He might be sitting at home eating lumps or whatever, but if AEW gets access to a WWE developmental act, chances is they couldn’t really cut it at a developmental level.

Being 100% fair, Cesar got a raw deal anyway. He was there during that phase of WWE "future planning" that consisted of "hiring a bunch of various hispanic guys because we're going to start a big marketing push into South America!" that never happened (sort-of like hiring a bunch of Indian and Middle Eastern guys and then trying to rehab years of shit booking for Jinder Mahal inside of three weeks so he can be a top heel in India). Then they just kinda didn't do shit with half of them even in developmental. And he was in that half.

Marina was just ass, but got the rub because of the Horsewomen thing (note: someone tried to "correct" me before - I'm referring to the MMA Horsewomen of Ronda Rousey, Shayna Baezler, Marina Shafir, and Jessamyn Duke, not the wrestling Horsewomen of Charlotte, Bayley, Sasha, and Becky Lynch). You'd think more than 25% of that group would "get it" at at least a passable level, but in the end, the only jewel from that turd has always been Shayna. Rousey was "the name draw", but Baezler has nearly flawlessly transitioned to a pro wrestler from jump. If only WWE'd stop having her do bullshit like throw her in random nowhere tag teams or bite necks with comedic amounts of fake blood...

Damian Rey 2.0 07-18-2022 12:54 AM

Marina fucking sucks

Sepholio 07-18-2022 01:07 AM

Boy, wait til you see her in person. She has no business being in that ring. Probably the worst I have ever seen, male or female. It was EMBARASSING.

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