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Lock Jaw 03-07-2015 01:21 AM

He actually only lost one HAND.

Fignuts 03-07-2015 01:23 AM

And lets be honest, losing any limb in star wars is just a minor inconvenience. Happens to everybody.

road doggy dogg 03-07-2015 01:34 AM

Only acceptable if he sports the lisp he did in Kingsman.

SlickyTrickyDamon 03-07-2015 01:46 AM

Well he probably could have survived then. I thought he lost both hands so he couldn't use the force powers.

Lock Jaw 03-07-2015 01:58 AM

You don't need your hands to use the force.

I think Count Dooku lost both his hands. You probably have it confused with all the other hand losing.

SlickyTrickyDamon 03-07-2015 02:22 AM

Dooku. That's right. Probably should have saved the two-handed for the final loss of arms. Damn you Lucas.

Most of the filmed force powers come from the hand area. I know there's Battle Meditation and such.

Fignuts 03-07-2015 03:35 AM

They don't actually need hands to use the force. The whole hand extended pose is more for the audiences sake, so they know the person is using the force.

Like when Jean Grey extends her arms in x-men when she uses her telekinesis.

That whole pose is just one of those sci-fi tropes. It doesn't really mean anything.

McLegend 03-07-2015 10:59 AM

Does anyone think Mace Windu was a huge dick who kind of played a big part in the fall of the Jedi? Especially since he was always a dick to Anakin?

Either way would love to see him back.

SlickyTrickyDamon 03-07-2015 11:03 AM

They all were huge dicks to Anakin.

Lock Jaw 03-07-2015 12:00 PM

Recently watched the prequel trilogy. Pretty much hadn't seen Episode II since it came out in theaters. It was much worse than I remember. Was literally cringing at the Padme/Anakin scenes, of which there were many.

SlickyTrickyDamon 03-07-2015 12:06 PM

It's worth it for that dress she wears in the fireplace scene. She was the biggest tease in the history of the universe.

El Vaquero de Infierno 03-07-2015 12:07 PM

If you don't want to perforate your eardrums, and gouge out your eyes with a spoon, during the Padme/Anakin scenes, your tolerance for cringe-worthy cinema has to be legendary.

El Vaquero de Infierno 03-07-2015 12:08 PM

The only saving grace of the prequel trilogy is Natalie Portman's midriff; 'tis a thing of beauty.

Lock Jaw 03-07-2015 12:13 PM

Currently been watching through The Clone Wars on Netflix.... only a handful of episodes in to the show but it seems alright. Only thing is that Anakin seems "out of line" with his characterization in the movies. In the movies (and the first Clone Wars series which I also watched) there was always this underlying anger/frustration/impatience/whinyness to him. In this show he seems "playful" and "cheerful" too much.

McLegend 03-07-2015 12:41 PM

The Anakin in Clone Wars is a far more superior characterization than in the movies. If he was more like he was in the Clone Wars the movies would have been better. He's really like able in the Clone Wars.

You're in for a good series, Lock Jaw.

Kalyx triaD 03-07-2015 03:44 PM

The Clone Wars cartoon more than adequately explains why Anikan did what he did in Eps.III than the prequel trilogy did. It's much more tragic in the expanded context.

road doggy dogg 03-07-2015 04:10 PM

I forget; a few months back when they claimed that everything in the "expanded universe" isn't canon, was Clone Wars included in that? Or is that considered part of the actual story

McLegend 03-07-2015 05:24 PM

The Clone Wars counts as far I know. Everything after Return of the Jedi does not.

I would love to see a clone wars season dedicated to Revenge of The Sith. I know that's never going to happen though.

Fignuts 03-07-2015 06:22 PM

Clone Wars, Rebels, and all the Novels and Comics after the Disney buyout are all canon.

I mean, if you want other people to decide for you what's canon. Personally, what ever I want to be canon IS canon. If the new movies come out, and I don't care for them, then they didn't happen, and the Thrawn stuff and New Jedi Order is what happens next. Simple as that.

Kalyx triaD 03-07-2015 07:16 PM

Yeah Clone Wars survived the great Disney purge.

KIRA 03-07-2015 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 4595072)
The Clone Wars cartoon more than adequately explains why Anikan did what he did in Eps.III than the prequel trilogy did. It's much more tragic in the expanded context.

It makes what he did understandable to a point(killing kids is too far) You can see his constant frustration with the Jedi Order And what happened to Ahsoka was bullshit not only did they never apologize they sat there and claimed suddenly it was a test I was like "fuck you guys" I'm surprised that wasn't Anakin's tipping point though it takes a huge chunk out of his belief in the order.

Kalyx triaD 03-07-2015 08:39 PM

One of the interesting things about the Jedi Order was how flawed and dogmatic they can be. And it was only when they attempted to conscript a boy who was old enough to have experienced and value attachments that things kinda went to shit. Also the outright negligence of not even paying for his mother's freedom at the very least as a thank you/reward for his services. I agree that doesn't excuse slaying kids, but it makes Palpatine's temptations legit.

KIRA 03-07-2015 08:58 PM

The whole no attachments thing always came across as odd and a little messed up to me I wonder were we supposed to see it that way.
I'm guessing under Luke they get less rigid and more balanced (well now that I think about it yea since Luke is the balance his father was supposed to bring)

Fignuts 03-07-2015 09:25 PM

Never cared for the part where Anakin kills the kids. I get they were trying to show how far he'd fallen, but in the process they ruined his whole redemption story in jedi. Doesn't matter if he killed the emperor, there's no redemption for slaughtering kids in cold blood, darkside influence or not.

McLegend 03-07-2015 10:40 PM

Killing the kids is what drives the wedge between Padme and Anakin.

It's a necessary plot device.

Fignuts 03-07-2015 11:14 PM

What? How is it necessary?

Pretty sure participating in the murder of the jedi and destroying the republic so that an evil empire can rule the galaxy drove more than enough of a wedge between them.

KIRA 03-07-2015 11:31 PM

Lets not forget choking his pregnant wife to death

Also again for a guy who preached to Anakin about not having emotional bonds Obi Wan was pretty emotionally distraught over having to kill Anakin and what he had become.

SlickyTrickyDamon 03-08-2015 05:36 AM

She didn't die from the choke. She died from a broken heart.

McLegend 03-08-2015 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 4595213)
What? How is it necessary?

Pretty sure participating in the murder of the jedi and destroying the republic so that an evil empire can rule the galaxy drove more than enough of a wedge between them.

I honestly don't think it does. Padme was ok with Anakin mass murdering the Tuskian Raiders. In fact she kind liked him more after he weirdly and psychoticly reveled that to her. She somehow still married him after that. So you do need a pretty extreme reason for her to turn away from Anakin.

Also she didn't think the Jedi were 100% guilty of trying to overthrow the Republic, but she did believe Anakin a little. So the possiblity to be with Anakin still existed at the point. So if Obi-Wan only mentions Anakin killed regular jedi it's not enough to sway her from Anakin because she thinks the Jedi might be guilty even if it is a small possibility that they might be guilty, and then shenever goes to Mustafar. So Obi-Wan had to mention that kids, and Anakin because Padme is finally like WTF I need to find this out for myself and goes to Mustfar to confront Anakin.

So in short you needed the younglings killed to put the nail in the coffin for Padme/Anakin.

Also from a dramatic standpoint Anakin killing the Younglings is one of the best moments in the entire prequels. I think it should stay in for that reason alone.

KIRA 03-08-2015 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by SlickyTrickyDamon (Post 4595246)
She didn't die from the choke. She died from a broken heart.

I knew somebody was gonna say that I know the movie says that,that's just more proof that Lucas is a shitty writer so BULLSHIT she died cause he choked her

SlickyTrickyDamon 03-08-2015 07:40 PM

It's an opera. Stupid and over-emotional is part of the trope.

Blonde Moment 03-08-2015 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by KIRA (Post 4595278)
I knew somebody was gonna say that I know the movie says that,that's just more proof that Lucas is a shitty writer so BULLSHIT she died cause he choked her

People die of broken hearts all the time so her reaction to his betrayal is not all that unusual IMO

SlickyTrickyDamon 03-08-2015 09:41 PM

There's a floating theory that the Emperor used his powers to make sure she didn't recover.

Kalyx triaD 03-08-2015 11:36 PM

Ehh.... Nah.

KIRA 03-09-2015 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by McLegend (Post 4595275)
I honestly don't think it does. Padme was ok with Anakin mass murdering the Tuskian Raiders. In fact she kind liked him more after he weirdly and psychoticly reveled that to her. She somehow still married him after that. So you do need a pretty extreme reason for her to turn away from Anakin.

Also she didn't think the Jedi were 100% guilty of trying to overthrow the Republic, but she did believe Anakin a little. So the possiblity to be with Anakin still existed at the point. So if Obi-Wan only mentions Anakin killed regular jedi it's not enough to sway her from Anakin because she thinks the Jedi might be guilty even if it is a small possibility that they might be guilty, and then shenever goes to Mustafar. So Obi-Wan had to mention that kids, and Anakin because Padme is finally like WTF I need to find this out for myself and goes to Mustfar to confront Anakin.

So in short you needed the younglings killed to put the nail in the coffin for Padme/Anakin.

Also from a dramatic standpoint Anakin killing the Younglings is one of the best moments in the entire prequels. I think it should stay in for that reason alone.

Re watching after that last comment and its kinda messed up how wiling she was to except the fact that he killed children(that or shes in complete denial )and is willing to run away with him despite him being a murdering psycho who had the Emperor's plan failed would've faced a number of charges at this point.

SlickyTrickyDamon 03-09-2015 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 4595178)
Never cared for the part where Anakin kills the kids. I get they were trying to show how far he'd fallen, but in the process they ruined his whole redemption story in jedi. Doesn't matter if he killed the emperor, there's no redemption for slaughtering kids in cold blood, darkside influence or not.

Darth Vader kills the kids Anakin is gone at that point.

VSG 03-09-2015 11:59 AM


Kalyx triaD 03-09-2015 04:49 PM

lol Right.

JimmyMess 03-09-2015 06:41 PM

I just want to see episode 7. I'm real excited for it. I need a new trailer. I NEEEDS IT

Fignuts 03-09-2015 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by SlickyTrickyDamon (Post 4595630)
Darth Vader kills the kids Anakin is gone at that point.

It doesn't work that way. Characters that turn may be influenced by the dark side, but ultimately they choose to turn, and they choose to commit whatever atrocities they commit when they are a sith.

They aren't possessed by a demon or anything like that. Who they are is still intact enough where they shouldn't be absolved of their crimes just because the darkside influenced their actions.

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