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Kalyx triaD 10-21-2014 03:33 PM

That's fine. You can check out my last big posts here or peep the GamerGate tag on Twitter or KnowYourMeme. There are people who will explain probably better than I can.

Kalyx triaD 10-21-2014 03:47 PM

Adobe cuts ties with Gawker over their writers' recent bullying on Twitter.

drave 10-21-2014 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 4531636)
I don't think so but I can say we tried to get at the companies. Their dismissive attitude is what led to this scale. Writers don't address this, get at their editor. He dismisses it, get at parent company. Company seems slow to react, holla at their ad revenue. That tends to be the steps.

And in the process, do potential harm to those who aren't involved in any form.

Well done.

Kalyx triaD 10-21-2014 04:15 PM

In what part of this process do innocent people get harmed?

drave 10-21-2014 04:55 PM

Pulling ad revenue from a site/company has a direct effect on the entire company. Was there a single ENTIRE company responsible?

Kalyx triaD 10-21-2014 05:01 PM

A valid point, but you can't use that point without acknowledging the harm that comes from sites calling all gamers misogynist, racists, terrorists. And I don't recall this point coming in response to other actions against game companies (boycott whoever because DLC this and that). Only now are we supposed to consider that people in these companies could be hurt from their employer or co-workers' actions? Is this something you've always felt?

I've never read this kind of reaction to having ads pulled. In any other scenario consumers getting things done is fair game.

drave 10-21-2014 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 4531717)
A valid point, but you can't use that point without acknowledging the harm that comes from sites calling all gamers misogynist, racists, terrorists. And I don't recall this point coming in response to other actions against game companies (boycott whoever because DLC this and that). Only now are we supposed to consider that people in these companies could be hurt from their employer or co-workers' actions? Is this something you've always felt?

I've never read this kind of reaction to having ads pulled. In any other scenario consumers getting things done is fair game.

Name calling, that is what this boils down to from the likes of it. If someone insults you on the street, are you going to obtain their personal info and "doxx" them, or reciprocate in kind and move along? Other than bruising egos, what damage has name calling ever really done? GTFO with that.

I am talking financial damage. People that have zero to do with this could be financially impacted thanks to the stupidity of both sides of this nonsensical issue. Devs having to move ENTIRE FAMILY HOUSEHOLDS because of a group of trolls that want to "doxx" people? It is on the same level of "SWATTING" because you kicked some 12 year olds ass at the latest CoD.

Example of mass boycott related to DLC that has harmed a company/studio? Closest RECENT event I can think of that even comes close was the uproar about the ME3 ending. Video games are another art form and the devs of ME should have said "STFU" and left it at that. They cannot though, because of whiney brats that believe something should be the way they want it without consideration of anyone else. When has a company ever been hurt from such actions?

And no, it should have been considered BEFORE doing something so dumb. A leaderless movement of any sort will net you cannon fodder in any arena. This would be the equivalent, in real life, of country A outright obiterating country B and every single inhabitant because there were a "couple bad guys" that really needed to be destroyed.

Kalyx triaD 10-21-2014 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by drave (Post 4531732)
Name calling, that is what this boils down to from the likes of it. If someone insults you on the street, are you going to obtain their personal info and "doxx" them, or reciprocate in kind and move along? Other than bruising egos, what damage has name calling ever really done? GTFO with that.

Emailing PR firms that use sites where writers smear their own readership is not doxxing. And actual doxxing is not something anybody is fond of on either side (though we have caps of journalists advocating the doxxing of the wider known GG supporters).


I am talking financial damage. People that have zero to do with this could be financially impacted thanks to the stupidity of both sides of this nonsensical issue.
Again; this is reasoning I've rarely heard before. When advertisers pulled away from some of Fox News more toxic programs, I don't recall people being sympathetic about Glenn Beck's camera man who has nothing to do with Glenn's comments. When boycotts were called for Chick Fil A over their anti-gay stance, nobody spoke about how employees who are not anti-gay being affected.


Devs having to move ENTIRE FAMILY HOUSEHOLDS because of a group of trolls that want to "doxx" people? It is on the same level of "SWATTING" because you kicked some 12 year olds ass at the latest CoD.
Yes, these things are horrible. I take it you're still equating GamerGate with these actions. After all my posts in this thread, I don't know what else to tell you on the matter. We don't condone it, we would love to root out anybody doing it in the movement's name. We never, ever celebrate these things. People on our side have been doxxed, including a journalists who looked into it and made a few articles having a syringe sent to his house. No threats (he's got some) or bad language (he gets harassed on Twitter all the time now) - but a syringe sent to his house. They have his address and are willing to make contact of some sort. This is happening to people on both sides and nobody wants that - except for opportunistic trolls who everybody already hates.

I mean; the swatting bullshit - would you equate that to the CoD community? Or would you conclude that there's just assholes out there?


Example of mass boycott related to DLC that has harmed a company/studio? Closest RECENT event I can think of that even comes close was the uproar about the ME3 ending. Video games are another art form and the devs of ME should have said "STFU" and left it at that. They cannot though, because of whiney brats that believe something should be the way they want it without consideration of anyone else. When has a company ever been hurt from such actions?
So us contacting PR firms being effective bothers you? It only matters if it works or not, right?

I guarantee if there were no forward movement on that (as it was initially), it would be laughed off. But since things are happening - legally - contacting companies with concerns is all of sudden a hit below the belt.


And no, it should have been considered BEFORE doing something so dumb. A leaderless movement of any sort will net you cannon fodder in any arena. This would be the equivalent, in real life, of country A outright obiterating country B and every single inhabitant because there were a "couple bad guys" that really needed to be destroyed.
You return to this 'collateral damage' argument and I will repeat that you and anybody else on this would never consider this if it was a company you were displeased with. You don't seem worried that gamer community is dealing with collateral damage from the actions of a trollish few. You have argued this whole time for the journalists' sake.

Do you not believe innocent GG people are being threatened and doxxed?

Kalyx triaD 10-21-2014 05:44 PM

Trolls aside; this is what many of these journalists consider reasonable:

They pulled because of the pro-bully comments from a Gawker writer I mentioned just a few posts ago. She knows this. This is a classic shaming tactic of extreme liberals.

The Rogerer 10-21-2014 06:50 PM

Please explain how it's different from what 'you' ninnies did first, ie harrassing advertisers literally like concerned soccer moms. Oh, it's not as bad as that. Happy to help.

Kalyx triaD 10-21-2014 09:38 PM

There's something about this topic that renders you into talking gibberish. I'll engage you whenever you wanna talk. Until then I don't have the patience for... whatever point you've been trying to make here and in Discussion.

Kalyx triaD 10-21-2014 09:47 PM

Reaction tweets of the Adobe thing (gag reaction in first pic):

The Mask 10-21-2014 10:37 PM

You dirty honky bastards.

BigDaddyCool 10-21-2014 10:53 PM

So to be brought up to speed, a bunch of butthurt "core" gamers found out some chick dated a dude, so now they want to attack the world?

SlickyTrickyDamon 10-21-2014 11:52 PM

I guess the girl also cheated on her boyfriend who posted alot of personal stuff about her online photos etc.

She was doing a game journalist. People think she got good press for her non-game Depression Quest because of the sex. Her game is barely a game so it probably should have never been reviewed.

BigDaddyCool 10-21-2014 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by SlickyTrickyDamon (Post 4531846)
I guess the girl also cheated on her boyfriend who posted alot of personal stuff about her online photos etc.

She was doing a game journalist. People think she got good press for her non-game Depression Quest because of the sex. Her game is barely a game so it probably should have never been reviewed.

yeah, that seems like a legit reason to grab torches and pitchforks.

Kalyx triaD 10-22-2014 12:07 AM

It wasn't that; it was the reaction to the inquiry that revealed something off about how these sites covered the story (not at all), which in turn revealed gender bias - which in term coincided with their growing politicizing of game coverage. Their toxic behavior after the fact started GamerGate.

I just don't know what else to tell you.

The Rogerer 10-22-2014 03:38 AM

Ah, I see with the Sam Biddle thing. You pride yourself on being humourless, moral majority types who want press objectivity but magically still somehow respect advertisment funded press.

Made with Photoshop legally purchased :rofl:

drave 10-22-2014 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 4531741)
Emailing PR firms that use sites where writers smear their own readership is not doxxing. And actual doxxing is not something anybody is fond of on either side (though we have caps of journalists advocating the doxxing of the wider known GG supporters).

Nothing that anyone is fond of, yet it continues to happen and the GG movement directly correlates with every doxxing that has occurred on the few journalists in the recent months/weeks. There is no concrete way to prove that GG activists are or aren't responsible for said doxxing (which is not what I am saying), other than "we don't condone it". Glad that everyone is honest and we can take them at their word. However, if the GG "movement" never occurred, the doxxing of said individuals never would have either.


Again; this is reasoning I've rarely heard before. When advertisers pulled away from some of Fox News more toxic programs, I don't recall people being sympathetic about Glenn Beck's camera man who has nothing to do with Glenn's comments. When boycotts were called for Chick Fil A over their anti-gay stance, nobody spoke about how employees who are not anti-gay being affected.
Again, because most people are selfish and care only of their interests. Glenn Beck draws the ire of many, but it is because of his show that his camera man has his job. The Chick Fil A boycott involved many consumers flooding stores. That must have hurt their bottom line :|


Yes, these things are horrible. I take it you're still equating GamerGate with these actions. After all my posts in this thread, I don't know what else to tell you on the matter. We don't condone it, we would love to root out anybody doing it in the movement's name. We never, ever celebrate these things.
Does not condone does not mean does not occur. In addition, they are a byproduct of the GG movement, like it or not.


People on our side have been doxxed, including a journalists who looked into it and made a few articles having a syringe sent to his house. No threats (he's got some) or bad language (he gets harassed on Twitter all the time now) - but a syringe sent to his house. They have his address and are willing to make contact of some sort. This is happening to people on both sides and nobody wants that - except for opportunistic trolls who everybody already hates.
Their side, your side, doesn't matter. Unfortunately, this entire movement has reached a level of momentum that cannot be stopped any time soon. I believe someone will actually end up hurt or killed before things simmer down.


I mean; the swatting bullshit - would you equate that to the CoD community? Or would you conclude that there's just assholes out there?
Perhaps I should have said "FPS" - as hardcore as you are in gaming, you feel the need to be pedantic.


So us contacting PR firms being effective bothers you? It only matters if it works or not, right?
No, it doesn't bother me in the least. Doing harm to those who have zero involvement bothers me. Whether by proxy or not, it is a shitty consequence that was not thought about until too late.


I guarantee if there were no forward movement on that (as it was initially), it would be laughed off. But since things are happening - legally - contacting companies with concerns is all of sudden a hit below the belt.
Never said it was below the belt. It is rather sloppy though which will produce unintended results when not properly executed, as in this entire scenario.


You return to this 'collateral damage' argument and I will repeat that you and anybody else on this would never consider this if it was a company you were displeased with.
Thanks for forming my opinion for me.


You don't seem worried that gamer community is dealing with collateral damage from the actions of a trollish few. You have argued this whole time for the journalists' sake.
I couldn't care less what journalist is dating another and frankly it is no one's business but their own. I have yet to see any collateral damage imposed on the gamer community.


Do you not believe innocent GG people are being threatened and doxxed?
Never assumed that. To take your stance however: "the journos do not condone that activity". And to be real about it, neither side can prove anything, but will continue to feed the trolls.


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 4531744)
Trolls aside; this is what many of these journalists consider reasonable:

"Trolls aside" - that is a troll right there. Anyone that actually pays attention to this entire situation knows that. Yet here you are, to bring an obvious troll/troll attempt into the fray.


They pulled because of the pro-bully comments from a Gawker writer I mentioned just a few posts ago. She knows this. This is a classic shaming tactic of extreme liberals.
Or an OBVIOUS troll attempt which appears to have baited many, yourself included.

Both sides make fair points. However, just as in more crucial current events, the negative will shine through and everyone just ends up looking more dumb than when it started.

I take the stance that this entire situation, on ALL sides, started over something that was very petty, has been blown out of proportion and effectively done MORE damage to the entire industry than helped anyone at all.

Ruien 10-22-2014 08:25 AM

What the hell does this lady fucking another man have to do with bullying?

The Rogerer 10-22-2014 09:56 AM

Typed on my internet computer that I legally purchased from a shop. There's nee porn on it.

Raven Reaper 10-22-2014 10:38 AM

2 words on this one: ANITA SARKEESIAN.. Someone please shut the cunt up with duct tape. Can't stand her game reviews with her feminist bullshit.

drave 10-22-2014 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Raven Reaper (Post 4531998)
2 words on this one: ANITA SARKEESIAN.. Someone please shut the cunt up with duct tape. Can't stand her game reviews with her feminist bullshit.

It is her opinion, just as your opinion on her is yours. Should we tie you up with duct tape too?

It is these type of reactions that have birthed the filth that is GG today. You sir, are part of the crowd that needs to settle it down and remember - it's just video games.

road doggy dogg 10-22-2014 12:01 PM

I'll just leave this here.

(CH is a 'sister site' of The Onion for those not in the know)

DAMN iNATOR 10-22-2014 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by road doggy dogg (Post 4532036)

I'll just leave this here.

(CH is a 'sister site' of The Onion for those not in the know)

The Onion still exists?! :eek: Holy fuck. Legit shocked right now.

road doggy dogg 10-22-2014 12:17 PM


drave 10-22-2014 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by road doggy dogg (Post 4532036)

I'll just leave this here.

(CH is a 'sister site' of The Onion for those not in the know)

Still fairly accurate.

Vastardikai 10-22-2014 02:59 PM

I'm going to make one comment and leave it at that (unless I need to discuss more):

Anyone who uses the term "Social Justice Warrior" as an insult is probably an asshole.

Kalyx triaD 10-22-2014 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Raven Reaper (Post 4531998)
2 words on this one: ANITA SARKEESIAN.. Someone please shut the cunt up with duct tape. Can't stand her game reviews with her feminist bullshit.

She doesn't review games so much as critique with whatever perspective she wishes. Although her arguments tend to be dishonest (having one developer blast her on Twitter over her constant misrepresentation of games including his own) but aside from that she certainly has a right to say whatever she wants.

When it goes without counter-argument has been an issue with people since any other area of sharing ideals regard conversation and debate as a required test of legitimacy - but she doesn't have to do that either. Kinda sucks her untested conclusions get so much clout though. Her vids are starting to be used in some universities.

BigDaddyCool 10-22-2014 06:41 PM

those damn feminazis ruining my vidia games with their depression quests. Let's just kill them

Kalyx triaD 10-22-2014 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by drave (Post 4531899)
Nothing that anyone is fond of, yet it continues to happen and the GG movement directly correlates with every doxxing that has occurred on the few journalists in the recent months/weeks. There is no concrete way to prove that GG activists are or aren't responsible for said doxxing (which is not what I am saying), other than "we don't condone it". Glad that everyone is honest and we can take them at their word. However, if the GG "movement" never occurred, the doxxing of said individuals never would have either.

That last part I can agree with. All of this as certainly given trolls a vast playing field.

The underlined portions of your post will pertain to later responses in this one.


Again, because most people are selfish and care only of their interests. Glenn Beck draws the ire of many, but it is because of his show that his camera man has his job. The Chick Fil A boycott involved many consumers flooding stores. That must have hurt their bottom line :|
So you generally don't agree with getting advertisers to back off? Okay, that's cool.


Does not condone does not mean does not occur. In addition, they are a byproduct of the GG movement, like it or not.
Nobody says they don't condone it to infer it doesn't occur. Nobody's saying it doesn't happen. I don't get what you're getting at aside from 'It's all your fault' - which is something I can never reply to. What would you have us do? Stop the consumer/readership concerns of the movement so the byproduct harassment can stop? How many other groups and movements would you want to completely stop because of the actions of bad apples within those movements/groups?


Perhaps I should have said "FPS" - as hardcore as you are in gaming, you feel the need to be pedantic.
So I would ask my question again but replace CoD with FPS Community.


No, it doesn't bother me in the least. Doing harm to those who have zero involvement bothers me. Whether by proxy or not, it is a shitty consequence that was not thought about until too late.
We have no control over people taking advantage of the situation. None at all.


Never said it was below the belt. It is rather sloppy though which will produce unintended results when not properly executed, as in this entire scenario.
Sloppy? We contacted PR firms via email and Twitter. What is the 'clean' way of doing that if simple emails are 'sloppy'?


I have yet to see any collateral damage imposed on the gamer community.
That's fine. If you like I can PM you a list of GamerGate supporters who have been dox'd or generally harassed. I don't think this would change your mind about that, but later on I could give you that gamer collateral damage if you don't think it happened.

A female YouTuber was one of the first to get doxxed and she made a video about the matter. We can start with that if you like. And @Nero, a journalist who is sympathetic to GG, had a syringe sent to his house.


Never assumed that. To take your stance however: "the journos do not condone that activity". And to be real about it, neither side can prove anything, but will continue to feed the trolls.
Remember the underlined portion above?

It seems to be that you're willing to carry the idea of journalists and indy game devs being doxxed and harassed, enough for this to be a main point of yours, while gamers getting trolled the same way is met with grains of salt. Only after I speak about gamers getting this treatment did you consider how hard it is to prove anything. Hell, you technically didn't see any journalists and devs get doxed either. Everybody's word against everybody's! Who's lying who's wrong?!

If you're at a place where you just want it to stop, I get that. But as you said it probably won't stop. The unfortunate trolling will continue on both sides until we root out the assholes (which is a more likely unilateral victory than journalists simply apologizing and not calling us ISIS).


"Trolls aside" - that is a troll right there. Anyone that actually pays attention to this entire situation knows that. Yet here you are, to bring an obvious troll/troll attempt into the fray.
That troll is a game developer. And most of her side make tweets just like that. So they're all trolls?

Raven Reaper 10-22-2014 08:29 PM

<iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" height="315" width="560" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Sums it up for me..

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Raven Reaper 10-22-2014 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by BigDaddyCool (Post 4532217)
those damn feminazis ruining my vidia games with their depression quests. Let's just kill them

Yep. Anita doesn't even play games. She said it herself long ago. She doesn't like violent ones yet she criticizes them? How is that woman still has a fucking job?

Kalyx triaD 10-22-2014 08:41 PM

She's self employed.

That Anita and Jonathan McIntosh aren't versed in how games work before they criticize them is a major issue of mine. When Jon vilified the very concept of player control he kinda clowns himself. Anita's Bayonetta comments are stuff of legend.

Raven Reaper 10-22-2014 08:53 PM

For those people who negged rep in this thread, waste your money away to support her bullshit agenda and false threats at Gamergate.. Bunch of brainwashed White Knight/SJW idiots. Also, don't play video games that are reviewed by her and labelled as misogynistic shit... There.

P.S. I used to be a feminist myself long ago.. But now, the 3rd wave movement/tumblr/twitter feminists like Anita really made me see the light of day.

road doggy dogg 10-22-2014 10:43 PM

I don't understand all the vitriol being spewed. Clearly, if she's as horrible as you guys say she is, nobody worthwhile will value her "wrong" opinion anyway. What's the harm here? Is it such a critical injustice in this world that a female rightly has a negative opinion on how females are portrayed in the videogame world?

Kalyx triaD 10-22-2014 11:00 PM

Opinion can't be wrong or right; just legit or not. She's not legit. She misrepresents games to push her message. She didn't use her kickstarter money for research/videos. And above all else; a video revealed she doesn't even care about games to begin with. Her boyfriend is more than likely using her to push his bigotry through a pretty face.

She was awarded an ambassador award at this year's GDC. She was invited to an EA studio to consult on Mirror's Edge 2. She had a recent speech where she actually pushed the message that when it comes to women it is our job to "listen and believe". Her busted research is being used in a few schools.

Her (or Jon, I guess) ideology has been shown to be ultimately anti-artistic freedom, with thinly veiled shaming as icing on the cake for anyone who tries to engage her. It's so formulaic that a documentary is being made to focus on how she and other SJW/Feminists conduct themselves when called on their arguments/actions.

Her having opinions isn't the issue. Those opinions being structurally weak yet above reproach is kind of a problem. This isn't even a GamerGate thing. If she had her way the games you guys enjoy wouldn't exist.

road doggy dogg 10-22-2014 11:03 PM

I can't take anything you say seriously when you still use "social justice warrior" as an attack

BigDaddyCool 10-22-2014 11:52 PM

I feel like any horrible thing I say ironically in support of gamergate is actaully part of their core platform.

Kalyx triaD 10-22-2014 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by road doggy dogg (Post 4532345)
I can't take anything you say seriously when you still use "social justice warrior" as an attack

I haven't used the word as derogatory in itself. A chat with SJWs on a blog site made me rethink my usage lately. When I mention SJWs it's for lack of better label. Go back and read my posts and tell me what I should put there. 'Gamer Libs'?

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