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Fignuts 07-18-2023 05:37 PM

Not that it matters at this point, with the new season starting.

Sepholio 07-18-2023 07:08 PM

Patch nerfed the absolute shit out of me -_-

Sepholio 07-18-2023 07:10 PM

V glad I'll be starting a new character now tbh. Looks like Necromancer is going on the back burner for me until they do more adjustments other than the typical Blizzard tactic of nerfing good things to put them back in line with the shit things.

Fignuts 07-18-2023 08:05 PM

My rogue build debilitates crowds with poison, slow, and daze, while doing huge damage with penetrating shot w/ trickshot aspect.

Thing is, the damage from penetrating shot relies on multiple crit and vulnerable perks. Both of which got nuked.

Sepholio 07-18-2023 08:24 PM

Yep. Crit and Vulnerable nerfs alone killed me and yet they still nerfed some of my skills/aspects on top of that as well.

The more I read the patch notes and look through the little details, the more I realize this patch is absolutely abysmal. They should just roll it back and apologize at this point.

Sepholio 07-18-2023 09:33 PM

I'm just pissy because it seems like they fucked my build the absolute hardest

Sepholio 07-18-2023 09:35 PM

Druids also took a pretty hard hit though

Sepholio 07-18-2023 09:40 PM

uhg added damage to CC got nerfed too damnit.

Sepholio 07-19-2023 08:24 AM

lol Blizzard going to have a campfire chat Friday to address all the backlash the patch is getting.

Sepholio 07-19-2023 08:24 AM

-Fixed an issue where players were unintentionally experiencing too much fun

drave 07-19-2023 09:03 AM

Twisting Blades still works well, Fig. It was nerfed for sure too.... but still doable.

I have a sorc in the 30s. Was doing a 100% lightning build and it was chugging along. It was pretty shitty when I played. Switched to Frozen Orb (thought I saw elements got a buff, I dunno) and there was a BIG difference. I didn't do anything different than before, but vuln was proccing a shit ton more and I was destroying shit with frozen orb like it was D2LOD all over again.

They completely missed the mark with it tho..... Friday's lil chat should be fun, though I see it being more of a "Nerfs will continue until morale improves" type shit.

Blizzard - It's Nerf, or Nothin'!

Sepholio 07-19-2023 09:15 AM

"We decided to have this campfire chat to address concerns from the community regarding the changes in the latest patch. To that end we want you all to know that we definitely hear you and just wanted to pass along that everything is working as intended. Thank you and good night."

drave 07-19-2023 09:22 AM

lololol, yes.

If it isn't that, it's that they promise they'll do better, we just have to wait til next quarter

drave 07-19-2023 09:42 AM

Apparently characters cannot enter WT4 until 70?

That's a very dumb decision.

Sepholio 07-19-2023 10:53 AM

What? Where did you see that? That's insane, although considering the penalties to bonus exp, it doesn't really matter as much as it did before. But seems dumb to have it locked behind a capstone dungeon and a level requirement.

Sepholio 07-19-2023 10:55 AM

I really bet they try to explain away a lot of the nerfing by saying it's because the seasonal mechanic would have made everything way too easy without the nerfs. Which I can to an extent understand that argument.

The problem is that you also just fucked all the people who have no intention of playing seasons that won't have access to those new mechanics to compensate.

drave 07-19-2023 11:24 AM

I can understand it to a degree as well, but punishing the players is DEFINITELY not the way to go.

I think they have a ton of tuning to do in terms of core functionality. I know you've seen the BL2 comparisons of slag with vulnerable.... and it's kinda true. They should better tune the mobs to account for what the players have discovered to do. They did that, but also made players tons weaker.

I have no idea what to expect from it all, especially Friday. Given the nature of gaming the past few years, I figure things will begin to "feel good" around Season 2 or 3, I dunno.

I tend not to "play meta" and just play what seems fun. So long as I'm having fun, I'll keep playing.

Re: level locked difficulty.

Let me go find where I read that and I'll come back with an edit.

Apparently it is from people on the PTR who were attempting to power level and ran into this block. So I would say "take it with a grain of salt" but between it getting traction and the patch we got.... I'm inclined to believe it.

Sepholio 07-19-2023 11:44 AM

I don't view vulnerable as slag, but I get the comparison. To me it's just another status effect. It's no different than "%increased damage to slowed/chilled/stunned enemies". Seems really fucking dumb to nerf it when there are so many other things that function similarly that were left alone. It's literally just penalizing people who chose that status effect over cold or stun.

Sepholio 07-19-2023 11:47 AM

In fact it seems like it would be the dumbest one to nerf because it's the only status effect that doesn't have an extra benefit other than the increased damage. Poison does damage, cold can do damage, slow and freeze, etc. The only benefit vulnerable has over the others is that it seems to be easier to initially inflict.

drave 07-19-2023 12:13 PM

For some classes, it's stupid easy to inflict, others.... not so much. it is why many "meta" sorcs take frost nova.... because it has a guaranteed vuln proc. I'm with you though, I tend to go for x to whatever status effect I'm built for.

There are a lot of players who have "done the math" and vuln is 100% on top of the list for everything. I dunno, I don't have time for all that shit, nor to read a 300 row Excel workbook. So I'll read what I can and do my best with it.

My rogue definitely hitting a little softer, but still seems usable without any major build reworks. My barb on the other hand....... yeah, he's gonna need a rework. I used HOTA (I didn't know it was bugged) with the aspect that makes it.... you know viable (because lil AoE) and it just sucks. It isn't HOTA itself, but the resource generation / expenditure loop just isn't there to be efficient.

Fignuts 07-19-2023 12:18 PM

I understand the nerf to vulnerability as it is overwhelmingly good, to the point where most builds heavily implented it. It's still very good, too.

Fignuts 07-19-2023 12:20 PM

The problem is they did all these nerfs without making buffs to anything else, and simultaneously making everything slower and more tedious with all the leveling changes.

drave 07-19-2023 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 5623388)
The problem is they did all these nerfs without making buffs to anything else, and simultaneously making everything slower and more tedious with all the leveling changes.

This 10000000%

Builds being broken in any ARPG or MMO-lite is a common occurrence when there are big patches. This just felt like a blatant slow-down across the board with no real reasoning behind it other than "slow down y'all".

That, plus one of the devs stating "play other games if you're bored" ANNNNND the most egregious of changes:

Making exit dungeon cast take longer.

FEELS like they're artificially making the game take longer, without any sound reasoning.

thekrow 07-19-2023 05:02 PM

Official Patch Notes:


[-Fixed multiple issues where players were having fun

-Fixed multiple issues where the sorcerer wasn't already weak enough

-Fixed multiple issues where players were excited for season 1

-Reduced player base by 70%

-Increased time spent with your family by 30%

drave 07-21-2023 09:33 AM

So.... rolled a Rogue and started it up. Think I'm level 18ish.

The new aspect which allows for the spawn of a taunting shadow clone that explodes when you use a subterfuge still is OP as fuck. Not sure how taunting will work on higher tiers..... but if there aren't higher levels of resistance on mobs...... this shit is great.

Dash in, poison trap (which taunts), dash out, move on to the next mob because poison trap + the shadow explosion aspect melts shit.

Again, going in blind to what stuff exists, other than the "malignant hearts". Running through the season journey to see what stuff they are rewarding players with and might make new characters based on the aspects.

It is definitely slower though, and that can feel.... well not fun at times tbh tbh tbh.

Also interested in the fireside. Given they rolled back level requirements to get into T3 and T4 in less than 24 hours, I wanna be cautiously optimistic. I don't see shit changing for Season 1, obviously, but perhaps season 4-5 will be good, lol.

Kalyx triaD 07-21-2023 12:41 PM

Running a Sorcerer thru the seasonal, building out an alternate thunder build I used for while when I first started playing. About 15-16 now and so far so good. Getting better drops for these levels than before that synergize easier.

Sepholio 07-21-2023 01:41 PM

I already beat the seasonal questline. It was going good but way too short. Was shocked it was over as soon as it was.

Sepholio 07-21-2023 02:09 PM

They have SIGNIFICANTLY buffed the world bosses. Do not go in there expecting business as usual.

Sepholio 07-21-2023 06:01 PM

Got a heart that auto triggers equipped corpse skills on any nearby corpses. Got another that auto triggers the decripify buff (no need to have the skill or even equipped) as an aura around you for 17 seconds any time 4 or more enemies get near you. Trying to do a hybrid minion/bone spear build this time to compensate for the loss of survivability and this thing is a godsend. Just put corpse explosion on the bar with my summons and bone storm. No longer have to focus nearly as much on resource generation for the spears because the heart just constantly uses the corpses which generates for me. And it prioritizes by order in your skill bar I'm guessing because it will stop corpse exploding and resurrect minions as soon as they fall before going back to exploding. Mad fucking useful even if the build doesn't do nearly as much damage as before. If I get overwhelmed the auto curse aura makes everything weaker and more susceptible to damage in a wide area around me too. Lovely stuff.

Interested to see how useful the auto corpse skill is when minions fall off and I ditch them and switch out corpse explosion with the corpse vines.

Also on the livestream they said another patch is incoming week after next it looks like. 10-14 days from nowish. Major focus on buffing barbs and sorcs so if any of you roll one there is possibly a hint of light at the end of the tunnel now. Will address skills, aspects and items for those classes in particular. That's not all that's in, but that's the centerpiece of it. Another stream next friday at 2 and they will unveil the patch notes then. Said they will get patch notes out several days, possibly a week in advance going forward so they can get feedback before implementation.

Sepholio 07-21-2023 11:41 PM

lol respec costs getting nerfed by 40% after they stealth raised them at some point. Went from costing like 400k to like 8 million for paragon alone lol. 5 million is better though. It'll be under 10 to respec everything after the nerf at level 100, which is like 30-45 mins of play at that level to earn. Not terrible.

Sepholio 07-21-2023 11:42 PM

Should just go back to those cheap costs that they were initially though just in case they decide to fuck the game again and make everyone reroll -_-

Sepholio 07-22-2023 05:27 PM

lol people have already cleared all the content and gotten to level 100 in the season. On hardcore. Jesus.

SlickyTrickyDamon 07-22-2023 07:11 PM

Has anybody had problems joining groups? Any time I answer a summons it says "an Error has occurred."

Sepholio 07-22-2023 07:44 PM

you on console or PC? I'm on PC and I've never had that issue.

Sepholio 07-22-2023 07:48 PM

Oh yeah, pro-tip for the season. When you get to level 40 and can claim the first smoldering ashes (think its tier 8 reward, its used to upgrade seasonal buffs) there is a possible bug that will show itself. Some people never even get it when they claim it. I got mine but didnt apply it immediately and exited the game figuring Id do it when I logged back in. When I came back the smoldering ash was gone and I couldnt claim it again. Don't worry like I did though. Shut bnet all the way down, not just the game, and relog and it will reappear and be available for use.

Sepholio 07-22-2023 07:48 PM

Thats for PC, dunno if it happens on console, but I imagine a restart would achieve the same results.

SlickyTrickyDamon 07-22-2023 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Sepholio (Post 5623773)
you on console or PC? I'm on PC and I've never had that issue.


drave 07-24-2023 08:57 AM

Check your profile settings for privacy on your profile in addition to your NAT type.

I play on Xbox and have never had a single issue with both PUG's and friends.

Sepholio 08-03-2023 08:34 PM

Welp I just cleared tier 90 and got the last seasonal reward. Full cosmetic set/mount looks pretty sick. Wish it took longer or there were more tiers or something though.

If you have amazon prime, go to the prime gaming D4 page and the new reward for this month is 4 free tier skips. Be warned it is instantly applied and will automatically skip you 4 tiers ahead as soon as you log in the game. I was already about to finsh tier 88 and just claimed it thinking it was something you could hold on to and use in a future season if you wanted and when I logged in it completed the battle pass for me. Ah well.

Bad Company 08-04-2023 05:33 AM

Finally finished the main quest, game gets a lot better as it goes on, but shit the dialogue and speech acting is weak. Also I'm not sure if I actually enjoy this game, or if it's just grinding all day. I'm waiting for starfield.

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