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Big Vic 04-17-2019 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5244867)
I prefer schoolboys

This sounds good out of context.

#1-norm-fan 04-17-2019 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Iceman King Gertner (Post 5244863)
Always been a fan of the small package


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5244867)
I prefer schoolboys

Even in context...

Seanny One Ball 04-17-2019 02:07 PM

I knew what I was doing when I set it up, Gertner wasn't going to miss that opportunity.

Nothing but net.

Seanny One Ball 04-17-2019 02:13 PM

I should have said "I prefer a lovely schoolboy, stick my hand between his legs and get him on his back."

A reminder to be thorough with the innuendo like Lawler.

Bad News Gertner 04-17-2019 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by The Dastardly One (Post 5244881)
I love the suplex from the apron reversal pin.

The Don Muraco Special

Seanny One Ball 04-17-2019 06:04 PM

Do you think Ric Flair, Terry Funk and numerous other aged wrestlers actually became addicted to the buzz of announcing their retirement or are they really just crazy old men who can't sit still for five minutes to actually retire and enjoy it?

Seanny One Ball 04-17-2019 06:13 PM

Which titles are your favourites? If you ran a federation which would you use?

I think the European title was my favourite non-World title. I liked the WCW TV Title too, just seemed like a silly name because they were all on TV.

Ol Dirty Dastard 04-17-2019 06:59 PM

Euro title would have worked if they didn't bury Davey and put the title on Shawn who subsequently turned it into a prop. The angle worked during the moment, and the Euro title was always a token for Smith. But the Bulldog fan in me loves an alternate universe where he stayed in the WWF, remained relevant/uninjured, and brought prominence to the European title.

Ol Dirty Dastard 04-17-2019 07:00 PM

BTW I have no idea why I'm responding to your posts, seeing as I'm not Gertner. Plus, he knows far more than me about wrestling.

I assume it's because I have very little to live for.

Seanny One Ball 04-17-2019 07:13 PM

It felt like D Lo held it for ages but looking at the title history he had four very short stints over the course of a year or so.

Ol Dirty Dastard 04-17-2019 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5244930)
It felt like D Lo held it for ages but looking at the title history he had four very short stints over the course of a year or so.

He did his best. Honestly, what a great run he had in 1998 and 99 up until Russo left. Literally was supposed to be an extra in the nation. Then developed his character, lost a shit ton of weight, and had some great matches. Fuck he was funny with Mark Henry.

Seanny One Ball 04-17-2019 07:24 PM

I loved everything about D Lo Brown. He had the best theme tune of all time and by a long way too. I still play it.

Bad News Gertner 04-17-2019 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5244920)
Do you think Ric Flair, Terry Funk and numerous other aged wrestlers actually became addicted to the buzz of announcing their retirement or are they really just crazy old men who can't sit still for five minutes to actually retire and enjoy it?

I think wrestlers get so consumed in the lifestyle that it's all they know. Andre the Giant worked consistently from late 87 until 1990 working a full House Show schedule. Dude was wrestling Big John Studd in high school gyms in 1989. The reason was because he loved being around the boys so much. Poor financial decisions play a part as well.

Bad News Gertner 04-17-2019 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5244921)
Which titles are your favourites? If you ran a federation which would you use?

I think the European title was my favourite non-World title. I liked the WCW TV Title too, just seemed like a silly name because they were all on TV.

I would go with the World Title, a secondary title like an IC or US, a T.V title that was defended only on television, tag titles and womens singles title.

I loved the WCW T.V title due to the random names who held it. Lol friggen Rick Martel in 98. Just tremendous.

Bad News Gertner 04-17-2019 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5244933)
I loved everything about D Lo Brown. He had the best theme tune of all time and by a long way too. I still play it.

Haha I used to bump that theme in my 1988 Beretta all the time

Bad News Gertner 04-17-2019 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by The Dastardly One (Post 5244928)
BTW I have no idea why I'm responding to your posts, seeing as I'm not Gertner. Plus, he knows far more than me about wrestling.

I assume it's because I have very little to live for.

Lol stop. If you posted 10 WWE theme songs, or wrestler photos from the past 5 years I would probably get 5 right.

Ol Dirty Dastard 04-17-2019 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Iceman King Gertner (Post 5244941)
Lol stop. If you posted 10 WWE theme songs, or wrestler photos from the past 5 years I would probably get 5 right.

I wouldn't know that much either. We have similar wheelhouses... I'd say mine is a few years after yours.

DAMN iNATOR 04-18-2019 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Iceman King Gertner (Post 5244782)
Lol when you start watching all the House Shows from the era George's shtick gets a bit old after a while. They ran that feud with Savage into the ground. I think they fought on 3 Saturday Nights Main Events in a row.

Wow. I'd have thought a fellow MSU fan would have nothing but love for an alumni like Steele. Had a great personality and a way more entertaining Animal than Batista. Really miss George.

Bad News Gertner 04-18-2019 07:29 AM

I like George Steele in small doses.

Ol Dirty Dastard 04-18-2019 09:21 AM

You can tell the contrast in both Vinces in the way Steele was portrayed.

With Sr., he was kind of just a standard sleazy heel with a unique look who kind of acted like an animal. Cut heel promos like any other worker.

With Jr., he was a full-on cartoon character who couldn't even speak. Obviously the more memorable of the two portrayals and I would assume he drew much better as a muppet. But fuck, he was grating.

Seanny One Ball 04-18-2019 11:13 AM

The green tongue and turnbuckle chewing were just stupid. That is Memphis bullshit.

Gertner is there anyone in wrestling that you hate beyond redemption and if so, why?

Bad News Gertner 04-18-2019 12:44 PM

Lol awwww I love 80s Memphis wrestling. Best weekly television show from the era.

Hmmmmmm, wrestlers that I hate. Watching mid 80s WWF House Shows has cause me to hate Rene Goulet because of his stupid claw hold that he'd do over and over again during matches that would last for minutes at a time.

I was also not a fan at all of Pedro Morales. His matches were just bleh. Hated when he would come on. Plus I'm not Puerto Rican so I never really "got" Morales.

But the wrestler I hate more than anyone is....

Shane Douglas.

I hate his promos, I hated his stupid belly to belly suplex, I hated everything about him. He's just fucking awful.

Ol Dirty Dastard 04-18-2019 01:22 PM

What were your thoughts on Shane's cousin Dean?

Seanny One Ball 04-18-2019 02:36 PM

Shane Douglas comes across as a cunt in every interview I've seen. I never cared for him either.

Bad News Gertner 04-18-2019 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by The Dastardly One (Post 5245077)
What were your thoughts on Shane's cousin Dean?

They can both eat my ass

Seanny One Ball 04-18-2019 04:12 PM

Dude you were not kidding about the Oddities being over. I don't remember that sort of pop. Golga Vs Jeff Jarrett on Heat and the crowd just loses their shit when the intro hits.
I remember ICP and the Oddities but I thought their intro was different. Possibly they dubbed it over.

Ol Dirty Dastard 04-18-2019 04:29 PM

was there any reaction during the match or just for the intro?

Seanny One Ball 04-18-2019 06:20 PM

They were pretty into it, it was on Heat in 98 or 99 and the crowd was pretty pissed when Jarrett won via Debra throwing Cartman to Golga who cuddled it until Double J hit the reverse Russian legsweep for the win.

I think they mostly dug the intro though because ICP and the whole gang came out dancing around like lunatics.

Bad News Gertner 04-18-2019 07:06 PM

They were definitely an over act.

Bad News Gertner 04-18-2019 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5241858)
Most over jobbers-mid carders?

I keep seeing supposedly shitty gimmicks but that were clearly over as hell(El Gigante, Norman The Lunatic). I think if you ignore PC culture a lot of these old gimmicks are hilarious.

You know who else were crazy fucking over : Too Cool and Rikishi. I don't think people remember how bloody over they were in 99/2000. They were just as over as any face in the company.

Seanny One Ball 04-18-2019 08:36 PM

I remember how over they were, I was a big fan of their act. I remember being upset when Grandmaster Sexay disappeared and never came back.

Seanny One Ball 04-18-2019 08:39 PM

K Kwik and Essa Rios used to get big reactions every week on Heat. I really loved K Kwik, I vaguely remember e-mailing Jim Ross at WWE to ask why they let him go but alas he must have been weak from the palsy as no reply ever came.

Seanny One Ball 04-18-2019 08:40 PM

Hey Gertner, isn't it fucking lame that Wiki removed every wrestler's finisher section from their pages? I wonder why they did that.

Ol Dirty Dastard 04-18-2019 08:41 PM

Yeah, it's pretty well documented how over too cool/rikishi were. Unfortunately, there was always a shelflife on said overness.

Bad News Gertner 04-18-2019 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5245143)
Hey Gertner, isn't it fucking lame that Wiki removed every wrestler's finisher section from their pages? I wonder why they did that.

I was just talking about that with someone. Soooooo fucking lame.

Bad News Gertner 04-18-2019 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by The Dastardly One (Post 5245144)
Yeah, it's pretty well documented how over too cool/rikishi were. Unfortunately, there was always a shelflife on said overness.

Rikishi turned heel and Scotty tore his ACL. That was it.

Seanny One Ball 04-18-2019 08:47 PM

I still get real and painful pangs of depression and anger when I think about Bob Backlund Vs Bret Hart and how much that storyline asked of Bret who had already been fucked around by WWE so many times before. Losing to Yoko then watching Hogan beat him was bad news, but putting old Bob Backlund's pasty white tits over only to watch Diesel beast him is my worst wrestling memory.

I think I am a Bob Backlund "mark" in that I actually hate him for that. I really mean it.

Seanny One Ball 04-18-2019 08:50 PM

Just writing that made me rub my forehead and sigh.

Fucking Backlund.

Seanny One Ball 04-18-2019 08:52 PM

It's proof that a heel can be too good and an angle too raw. Bret Hart played the "put upon" hero so brilliantly I still hate Owen a bit.

Bad News Gertner 04-18-2019 08:57 PM

I love that Mr. Backlund character so damn much lol. The whole finish to the Bret vs Backlund match was so great. Owen was such a little shit lol

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