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Corporate CockSnogger 05-26-2013 05:37 AM

Also not enough GOB so far :'(

The Destroyer 05-26-2013 05:41 AM

Only just started watching this from the beginning on Netflix. 4 or 5 episodes in and I'm quite enjoying it so far.

Corporate CockSnogger 05-26-2013 06:15 AM

3rd ep was a bunch better than the 2nd. Gonna watch one more then take a break from it.

Next Big Thing 05-26-2013 08:48 AM

Am I the only one who sees a watermark called "Showstealer Pro Trial Version" during the flashback scenes to the boat? I saw it throughout episode 1 and it's at the 2:52 mark of episode 2.

Corporate CockSnogger 05-26-2013 08:56 AM

Yeah, that's just you. Might want to check your software privacy.

Corporate CockSnogger 05-26-2013 08:57 AM

Episode 7. GOB episode <3

Next Big Thing 05-26-2013 09:24 AM

According to Entertainment Weekly, it's supposed to be a joke. Guess that one went over my head.

Lock Jaw 05-26-2013 11:14 AM

This isn't being pirated fast enough. I don't have a credit card to sign up for Netflix free trial. :'(

Lock Jaw 05-26-2013 01:37 PM

Successfully pirated the first episode. Kind of slow compared to the previous seasons, but to be expected with each episode focusing on one character.

Did not like how they had different actors playing young Lucille and George. In the previous seasons, they always played themselves in any flashbacks.

Lock Jaw 05-26-2013 01:38 PM

Second episode still not available for pirating (except in giant nearly 2GB form).

These pirates these days are too slow.

Lock Jaw 05-26-2013 01:41 PM

Someone give me their netflix password. :shifty:

Corporate CockSnogger 05-26-2013 01:50 PM

It definitely gets better as it goes on and all the intertwining stories come together and start making more sense. It's like a huge 8 hour long episode really.

GOBs episode has been my favourite so far, that was always likely though.

Triple Naitch 05-26-2013 01:57 PM

Got GOB's episode next. :love:

Triple Naitch 05-26-2013 01:57 PM

Tobias' episode was ok, but I expected more.

CSL 05-26-2013 02:10 PM

resisting the urge to pick up and plow through the rest

Lock Jaw 05-26-2013 04:35 PM

Excruciating waiting for this. Thought for sure it would have been pirated faster. Still no reasonably sized second episode. I was planning on wasting my day watching this, and now I am wasting my day not watching it, and refreshing torrent lists.

CSL 05-26-2013 04:59 PM

actively sitting here choosing not to watch it 'til later :o don't understand the credit card thing, unless it's different for some reason there, you just need an "ATM"/cash card, I sure as shit don't have a credit card. And isn't there a Paypal option for US customers?

Lock Jaw 05-26-2013 05:08 PM

Dunno. Just seems to ask for a credit card. No option for a debit card or anything. Option for paypal, but I don't have one of those either.

Ermaximus 05-26-2013 05:16 PM

$700 tomato juice. Poor Annyong.

CSL 05-26-2013 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 4211922)
Dunno. Just seems to ask for a credit card. No option for a debit card or anything. Option for paypal, but I don't have one of those either.

then create one you evil barrrrrrr-starrrrrd

GD 05-26-2013 05:23 PM

@LockJaw Sign up for PayPal.

Ermaximus 05-26-2013 05:24 PM

Odds anus tart becomes TPWW's newest saying?

Lock Jaw 05-26-2013 05:24 PM

I had an American Express gift card that I tried to sign up with before and it did not work... BUT I TRIED IT IN SAFARI INSTEAD OF FIREFOX AND IT WORKED. I think Firefox is doing something to make it not read my location right, which messed it up.

Corporate CockSnogger 05-26-2013 06:19 PM

Just had like a 4 hour nap which has been my longest break from it today. 4 episodes to go but can't decide if I want to power on through and finish or do something else with the remainder of my night.

Ermaximus 05-26-2013 06:29 PM

Oh dear God!

XL 05-26-2013 06:31 PM

I was content to watch all 6 episodes in one sitting...until I realised there are 15 episodes!

Good job I realised, I have work tomorrow, could have been sat here through the night. Gonna take a break and watch an episode of Breaking Bad before bed.

Watched the first 4 episodes, does feel like a "different beast" but the humour is still there.

RoXer 05-26-2013 06:32 PM

I have 4 left also. I think I'll save them for tonight.

XL 05-26-2013 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Iginfest (Post 4211686)
Portia De Rossi looks so different. Thought it was a different actress at first even though I knew she was coming back for it.

My girlfriend (who I've been force-feeding Season 1) asked if it was a different actress too. Suppose there is a 10 year gap between Season 1 and this new stuff.

Next Big Thing 05-26-2013 06:45 PM

It looks like she had some work done. Definitely loving how all their stories are coming together.

Corporate CockSnogger 05-26-2013 06:57 PM

Well I've gone and put it on again. Guess I'm finishing it now then.

Ermaximus 05-26-2013 07:04 PM

Hey Iggy, her?

Triple Naitch 05-26-2013 08:39 PM

Ellen DeGeneres ravaged her unrecognizeable.

Lock Jaw 05-26-2013 09:30 PM

Steve Holt was unrecognizable. I didn't realize it was him at first.

RoXer 05-26-2013 09:32 PM

I'm still not sure if he's in prosthetics to make him look fat or if he is actually fat.

He was big in the addocproject but not this fat

Corporate CockSnogger 05-26-2013 09:41 PM

Well I've just finished it. I can't decide if binging on it helped (because of each of the jokes being fresh in my mind to recognise) or hindered (fatigue) my enjoyment of it.

Might end up putting a couple of spoilers here while I ramble a bit so just in case...


On the whole it's a really complex project they've gone for here with so many twists and turns to take in and so many hidden references between episodes and jumbled storytelling. I'm probably gonna have to re-watch it all at some point in the future to get the whole story down in my head chronologically, there's still a couple of things where I'm not even sure what happened.

The wrapping up of the whole plot was a bit of a let down in my opinion. There wasn't really a huge payoff with the whole Cinco de Quatro festival. It was a bit all over the place, and the ending with Michael and George Michael was almost depressing. Not really sure what I was expecting though, but I'm a huge sucker for finale's of seasons/series' that I dunno, was kinda wanting some sort of nice ending or something.

Having complained a fair bit there though, when the jokes were on they were really on. I think RoXer hit the nail on the head earlier on in the thread about some of the dialogue dragging on a bit, and there were a few jokes that happened with, but all the nods back to previous running jokes plus the creation of new ones in this season were great. As well as some of the usual great one liners. GOB's wedding was probably the highlight of the whole thing for me.

GOB's episodes in general were by far the highlights for me actually. Tobias' story was the usual crazy Tobias antics and that was pretty fun. I'm guessing Tony Hale wasn't really available to film all that much cause he was pretty much absent for like the first 10 episodes bar the odd scene, but I think that worked in favour for his episode since it was just the same Buster stuff as in the past, so it didn't seem overdone throughtout all the episodes. Lucille was fun as usual, George had his moments but I thought his episodes were probably the ones that dragged the most for me. Lindsay, George Michael and Maeby were all still spot on with their characters and their stories were fine. I did like the reveal of the real "FakeBlock" thing after so many hours of it seeming like such a huge deal.

So yeah, dunno, kinda jumbled thoughts for the most part. Enjoyed it a bunch, but I'm definitely gonna have to re-watch it all again at some point for the full effect of some of the jokes.

Corporate CockSnogger 05-26-2013 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by RoXer (Post 4212041)
I'm still not sure if he's in prosthetics to make him look fat or if he is actually fat.

He was big in the addocproject but not this fat

Yeah I wasn't sure if the way they kept making jokes about him looking so much older was added with prosthetics or if the actor himself is actually a bunch older than the character and actually looks like that and it was a breaking the 4th wall kinda joke.

Ermaximus 05-26-2013 09:58 PM

So I'm guessing it was Ann's dad that scum bagged GOB's stunt?

Evil Vito 05-27-2013 01:08 AM

<font color=goldenrod>4 episodes watched tonight. Loving it so far.</font>

slik 05-27-2013 03:41 AM

6 episodes in. Loving it for the most part. Not crazy about the Hollywood in-jokes but still really enjoying it.

SlickyTrickyDamon 05-27-2013 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by Triple Naitch (Post 4212024)
Ellen DeGeneres ravaged her unrecognizeable.

I heard it was just the lack of the same great make up crew they had during the Fox run. They had her wearing alot of makeup on seasons 1-3.

Already through like 14 episodes going to take a break before Baby Buster's. Wearing my Illusions t-shirt.

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