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GD 01-25-2020 02:11 PM

WWE: Royal Rumble 2020

Strap Match for the Universal Championship
Universal Champion "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt vs Daniel Bryan

RAW Women's Championship Match
RAW Women's Champion Becky Lynch vs WWE Women's Tag Team Champion Asuka

Men's Royal Rumble Match (featuring WWE Champion Brock Lesnar)

Women's Royal Rumble Match

"Falls Count Anywhere" Match
Roman Reigns vs King Corbin

Smackdown Women's Championship Match
Smackdown Women's Champion Bayley vs Lacey Evans

United States Championship Match
United States Champion Andrade (w/ Zelina Vega) vs Humberto Carrillo

Chad Gable vs Sheamus

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Droford 01-25-2020 05:09 PM

Last year I missed almost all of the buildup for the Rumble being in a coma/ICU/hospital for first 3 weeks of January but I was more excited last year for the RR than I am this year.


Droford 01-25-2020 05:13 PM

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Blue Demon 01-25-2020 06:14 PM

ALways love the rumble, probably my favourite show of the year. Going to a buddy's place and we do a Royal Rumble Lottery. $50 (25 for each rumble) and if the wrestler that enters at the number you drew, you win the money. Usually a decent amount of cash if you win. I won the men's in 2018 and got around $400

xrodmuc316 01-25-2020 07:05 PM

Worlds Collide starting off with Finn!

Droford 01-25-2020 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by xrodmuc316 (Post 5316076)
Worlds Collide starting off with Finn!

Crazy there's a takeover-esque show and no thread.

The Russian guy sucks

Droford 01-25-2020 07:46 PM

I'm sorta surprised Garza lost the cruiserweight title, seemed like it might have been a screwup though

slik 01-25-2020 09:03 PM

Damn....Rumble not sold out

Changing Qty back and forth from 2 to 1, lots of seats

Droford 01-25-2020 09:18 PM

This'll probably be the last stadium rumble

slik 01-25-2020 09:29 PM

The downside of a semi-glass roof stadium being directly across from a hotel many fans are staying at...



<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Interesting. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#RoyalRumble</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; - WWE/AEW News (@WrestlingNewsCo) <a href="">January 25, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Evil Vito 01-25-2020 09:36 PM

Welp, I regret clicking that

JimmyMess 01-25-2020 09:41 PM

is it true that 26 of the 30 rumble participants have been named?

Cause that kinda sucks. Surprises make the rumble for me. I guess 4 would be okay though

slik 01-25-2020 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Conspiracy Victim Vito (Post 5316113)
Welp, I regret clicking that

It's definitely not the most exciting 'surprise entrant' imo

slik 01-25-2020 09:58 PM

Dark Grey areas all the places you can still find seats.

Evil Vito 01-25-2020 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Slik (Post 5316115)
It's definitely not the most exciting 'surprise entrant' imo

I barely count Cain Velasquez as a surprise entrant assuming he’s in so aside from the one spoiler I clicked I’m in the dark. Will try to keep it that way before tomorrow.

slik 01-25-2020 10:24 PM

I predict DBry beats the Fiend

Also predict either Drew McIntyre, Cain Velasquez or Ricochet eliminates Brock and that Brock gets eliminated pretty early in the Rumble.

slik 01-25-2020 10:25 PM

I think either Shayna or Ronda (or both) will show up as well...

I predict one of the following wins the Women's RR match:

Ronda Rousey
Shayna Baszler
Nia Jax

Mr. Nerfect 01-25-2020 10:28 PM

I think Brock is going to be eliminated by some sort of team effort, capped off by Cain Velasquez.

Mr. Nerfect 01-25-2020 10:28 PM

I'm hoping for a Brock/Joe/WALTER/Keith Lee clash at some point. It's the hope that kills ya.

Mr. Nerfect 01-25-2020 10:29 PM

Might actually watch this even though my care factor is zero. Chad Gable is awesome. And I want to see if Bryan wins the belt, because Bryan still has a spot in my heart.

slik 01-25-2020 11:49 PM

I wonder if the spoiler from earlier was just production 'messing around'

I have heard they play random videos during setup for events before.

Tammy 01-26-2020 12:04 AM

I am going to watch the Royal Rumble with my man owenbrown tomorrow. We have gotten back together and have been sexting non-stop.

If Roman Reigns wins owen has to go down on me!!!!!!


Rebecca Reigns 01-26-2020 12:09 AM

My husband, the big dog, will be winning so owenbrown will get to eat your pussy out!!!

Tom Guycott 01-26-2020 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by JimmyMess (Post 5316114)
is it true that 26 of the 30 rumble participants have been named?

Cause that kinda sucks. Surprises make the rumble for me. I guess 4 would be okay though

How spoiled we have become.

I remember back in the day when they would announce five entrants per week, so that you knew everyone in the rumble and there were no surprise entrants.

slik 01-26-2020 01:04 AM


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">People change and grow as time goes by. My family means the world to me, I've learned negative things make you stronger in life. I wanna say, seeing <a href="">@RealPaigeWWE</a> overcome the things she did should inspire the world. We have one life, make the best of it.</p>&mdash; Tyler Warner (@TheMadBraddox) <a href="">January 26, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Revitalization. 1.26.20 <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#WWE</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Tyler Warner (@TheMadBraddox) <a href="">January 26, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">New start with no beginning - Sounds a bit emo. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Lateworkout</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#FreshStart</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Tyler Warner (@TheMadBraddox) <a href="">November 21, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

slik 01-26-2020 01:33 AM

Another surprise entrant for the RR from rehearsal tonight



DAMN iNATOR 01-26-2020 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by Slik (Post 5316120)
I predict DBry beats the Fiend

Strongly disagree. The Fiend is literally the best thing WWE have going at this point in time. I'd be much more interested in him retaining in some underhanded way to build a Universal Championship chase to WrestleMania XXXVI.

Droford 01-26-2020 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by Slik (Post 5316149)
Another surprise entrant for the RR from rehearsal tonight



slik 01-26-2020 01:49 PM

Mike Johnson of PWInsider with a huge spoiler out there


Sting will appear tonight to set-up a match at the Saudi show

Evil Vito 01-26-2020 01:56 PM

Aside from the first one I clicked last night I've stayed away from the rest and will not be clicking any spoiler links until the show is over.

It's fun to go back to the first page after the show though to see how many were right.

Sepholio 01-26-2020 02:25 PM

Damnit really wish i wouldnt have clicked that last one :'(

Seanny One Ball 01-26-2020 02:40 PM

Entrant #4 will win or be ejected immediately.

Droford 01-26-2020 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5316182)
Entrant #4 will win or be ejected immediately.

I'm imagining a huge ejector on the ramp randomly throwing wrestlers into the crowd as they run to the ring

GD 01-26-2020 03:41 PM

slik 01-26-2020 05:05 PM

I predict Drew or Roman for the men

I predict Ronda or Shayna or Nia appear and win for the womens

DaveWadding 01-26-2020 05:05 PM





slik 01-26-2020 05:14 PM

Same setup as last year, I figured it would be.

It looks good!

slik 01-26-2020 05:22 PM

I also predict Brock gets eliminated very early

Nicky Fives 01-26-2020 05:42 PM

I really hope someone pulls out a trashcan with a Houston Astros logo on it.... Seems like it would be great for Corbin to do....

GD 01-26-2020 05:47 PM

Sleep deprived AF.

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