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Emperor Smeat 02-08-2021 09:07 PM

So after spending the past few weeks talking about how she didn't want to be defined by her Flair legacy, Charlotte now says the most important thing she cares about is protecting the Flair legacy for why she hasn't bothered to change anything about herself since returning.

This feud between Lacey and Charlotte sucks and even worse than Retribution and the Mysterio Family drama stuff for worst storyline on RAW these past few years.

Emperor Smeat 02-08-2021 09:22 PM

:| at Charlotte vs. Lacey ending via DQ.

Match was actually somewhat decent up until that lame finish.

erickman 02-08-2021 09:41 PM

is bad bunny in pj's

Emperor Smeat 02-08-2021 09:41 PM

WWE's production crew somehow managed to screw up something as simple as Damien Priest's flame arrow setup for his entrance.

Had the stage lights both on and way too bright during his hand arrow routine.

erickman 02-08-2021 09:43 PM

allright a lana table match tonight

Emperor Smeat 02-08-2021 09:45 PM

2nd week in a row where Priest wins via Bad Bunny distracting his opponent.

Sure both times was Bad Bunny countering shenanigans being done by Priest's opponent but that still doesn't make his wins that impressive.

Emperor Smeat 02-08-2021 09:55 PM

Were any of WWE's Vengeance theme PPVs ever held in the month of February?

Feel NXT could have gone with a much better and/or fitting name for their upcoming Valentine's Day Takeover event than just lazily using the old Vengeance PPV name and logo for the show.

At least them borrowing the Halloween Havoc name made a ton of sense for when they held the event and the spooky style hype videos leading up to it.

slik 02-08-2021 09:57 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Have only seen bits and pieces of <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#WWERaw</a>, thoughts:<br><br>* �� Edge is good <br>* �� I like Damian Priest and Bad Bunny<br>* �� @ Drew/Shane tease (will cackle if that's a WM match)<br>* �� @ setting up Lacey/Charlotte for WM</p>&mdash; Kenton (@Kenton_la) <a href="">February 9, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Emperor Smeat 02-08-2021 10:05 PM

Lee vs. Riddle was very good.

Best thing on tonight's show so far.

Emperor Smeat 02-08-2021 10:16 PM

This Orton vs. McIntyre hype video is pretty good ... too bad the match tonight is probably ending in some anti-climatic or lame BS way.

Emperor Smeat 02-08-2021 10:26 PM

Ouch at Nia slinging Lana's head into the turnbuckle.

Nia might legit be the most unsafe worker I've ever seen in wrestling.

Emperor Smeat 02-08-2021 10:28 PM

:lol: at Nia saying "my hole" while screaming in pain about her butt.

That tables match sucked a lot.

slik 02-08-2021 10:37 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Yo Nia Jax really screamed out “ My Hole “ LMFAOOOOOO im fucking crying <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#WWERaw</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; #VocallyToxic (@GetEmTriggered) <a href="">February 9, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Emperor Smeat 02-08-2021 11:05 PM

:| Orton vs. Drew ended via DQ because of Sheamus.

RAW's creative team completely sucks and been that way ever since Paul Heyman got the boot.

This week's show was average at best and that might be a bit generous. Only stuff I'd bother to recommend is the Lee vs. Riddle match and the Styles vs. Hardy match. Even then, Lee vs. Riddle had the problem where WWE quickly undid or ignored the US title contender stakes afterwards because they are lazy as hell with their booking.

RP 02-08-2021 11:09 PM


Verbose Minch 02-09-2021 12:36 AM

Why is the US title match triple threat?? Riddle lost clean to the 50 year old black fella

erickman 02-09-2021 01:11 AM

damn i went to bed to early i missed nia she needs to go back to dev, before she takes someone out.

Emperor Smeat 02-09-2021 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by Verbose Minch (Post 5423884)
Why is the US title match triple threat?? Riddle lost clean to the 50 year old black fella

Because Bruce Prichard and co. handling RAW's creative are really dumb.

Neither Lashley nor MVP got involved in any way during the match itself but because Lashley made the fatal mistake of also attacking Riddle during his post-match attack on Lee, that somehow meant it was okay to completely forget the whole purpose of that match.

Also WWE once again booked themselves in a corner for a high profile match and/or feud by not wanting Lee nor Lashley to suffer a clean loss against each other this soon.

Emperor Smeat 02-09-2021 01:43 AM

The only reason WWE could get away with their lazy booking of making it a Triple Threat was due to them not explicitly saying it was a #1 Contender's match.

That still brings up other problems like the way the backstage promo segment between Lee & Riddle went in terms of direction and the way commentary was talking during the match with MVP in the booth made it seem like the winner of that match would get a shot for the US title at EC. Riddle had his chance to prove he was worthy of another title shot but lost clean so Lee gets punished for something he wasn't even involved at all last week.

Volare 02-09-2021 05:02 PM

Here again to do my job.

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screech 02-09-2021 06:24 PM

Bummed the Nia spot didn't make the Hulu cut

drave 02-10-2021 08:04 AM

I see what you did there. Should be the highlight of the year.

Both times. First she yelled "My butttttt" then "my hooooooooole".


Lock Jaw 02-10-2021 08:23 AM

I see Asuka is fighting Lacey for the title at the PPV? So, she is 100% losing, right? So Charlotte can win the belt at Mania?

drave 02-10-2021 08:54 AM

Of course they will put the belt on Charlotte at Mania, again.

What a bore.

screech 02-10-2021 09:59 AM

I think Lacey Evans is a good character, but I don't want to see her wrestle.

But yes. She is 100p beating Asuka so Charlotte can have another WrestleMania moment.

drave 02-10-2021 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by screech (Post 5424319)
I think Lacey Evans is a good character, but I don't want to see her wrestle.

But yes. She is 100p beating Asuka so Charlotte can have another WrestleMania moment.

I really hope this is wrong, but I really don't think it is. There will most likely be some shenanigans from the Dirtiest Player in the Game who will try the same shenanigans against his own daughter at Mania.

If it isn't the above, then it'll be a triple-threat with the same end result. This level of predictability is the main contributing factor to no longer wasting time watching it

RP 02-10-2021 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by drave (Post 5424293)
I see what you did there. Should be the highlight of the year.

Both times. First she yelled "My butttttt" then "my hooooooooole".


Is there any reason why she yelled " My hooooooole " lol? Did someone jam something up there or something?

drave 02-10-2021 01:06 PM

You were dreamin dude.

I just saw the clip, so no idea. She was fighting Lana I think? Probably just fell wrong with her own weight or somethin, I dunno.

screech 02-10-2021 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by drave (Post 5424340)
I really hope this is wrong, but I really don't think it is. There will most likely be some shenanigans from the Dirtiest Player in the Game who will try the same shenanigans against his own daughter at Mania.

If it isn't the above, then it'll be a triple-threat with the same end result. This level of predictability is the main contributing factor to no longer wasting time watching it

I think this could set up a Flair "reunion" at Mania. Ric helps Lacey beat Askua, then turns on her to help Charlotte win the title.

Volare 02-10-2021 02:02 PM

Then on to Ripley...or once again another hot NXT talent fucking wasted.

erickman 02-15-2021 08:05 PM

the new song to start raw sucks

Emperor Smeat 02-15-2021 08:21 PM

:| at Gran Metalik's mask now having little cat-like ears.

If the goal was to make his mask look goofy now then WWE succeeded.

Emperor Smeat 02-15-2021 08:32 PM

Hurt Business vs. Lucha Party & Riddle was pretty good.

That Lumbar Check Cedric busted out was one of his best and brutal looking ones ever.

Emperor Smeat 02-15-2021 08:42 PM

:lol: at Bad Bunny winning the 24/7 title.

Poor Akira Tozawa, finally managed to win back the title from Truth only to lose it under a minute.

erickman 02-15-2021 08:42 PM

we just got our worst champ ever

Sepholio 02-15-2021 09:05 PM

LMFAO Lacey Evans is pregnant with Ric Flairs baby.

Sepholio 02-15-2021 09:06 PM

Whoever wrote this story should be ritually sacrificed to a filthy dumpster in a Manhattan back alley.

erickman 02-15-2021 09:07 PM

what in the blue hell is russo back

Emperor Smeat 02-15-2021 09:07 PM

Yeup this Flair Family drama stuff is easily the worst storyline in years in WWE.

A somewhat boring Women's tag match randomly ends with Lacey announcing she's pregnant and her music starts playing.

Whoever came up with this storyline should have been chucked off of WWE's HQ roof since its been god awful. Or just shown the door for a less messy ending.

erickman 02-15-2021 09:08 PM

how can smackdown be so good and raw be crap

Azriel 02-15-2021 09:12 PM

it probably won't be Flair's baby. Also, Elimination Chamber promo spoiled the upcoming match

Sepholio 02-15-2021 09:13 PM

I want whatever drugs the RAW writers are on. It's gotta be such good shit if they are convinced that this is such good shit.

Volare 02-15-2021 09:13 PM

Just pop'd in to see what's going on....I'm missing nothing apparently.

Sepholio 02-15-2021 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Azriel (Post 5426710)
it probably won't be Flair's baby. Also, Elimination Chamber promo spoiled the upcoming match

You're right. With the way this is going it'll somehow turn out that it's Charlottes baby. Yes I am aware what I said.

Emperor Smeat 02-15-2021 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by erickman (Post 5426706)
how can smackdown be so good and raw be crap

If rumors are to be believed, its a mix of Vince and Prichard being way more hands on with RAW Creative than with SD and a fear Vince has of upsetting FOX where they start to second guess wanting to stick with the lucrative tv deal for its entire length.

Plus adding Paul Heyman and Daniel Bryan to SD's Creative team has been way more beneficial to SD than Edge has been with RAW's Creative team.

Sepholio 02-15-2021 09:21 PM

So I must admit that the spot just now where Miz did the 2 neck breakers in a row on Kofi was pretty fucking dope. One through the ropes and then the other immediately after off the apron to the floor. I liked that a lot.

Emperor Smeat 02-15-2021 09:44 PM

Not sure a Satanic star circle counts as being PG.

This Fiend stuff with Bliss has really gone off the deep end. Like I don't think even Lucha Underground went as absurd in direction for their storylines as this Fiend possession storyline has gone in WWE.

Emperor Smeat 02-15-2021 09:56 PM

:| at the tease of a potential Shane McMahon vs. Braun Strowman feud in the future.

Emperor Smeat 02-15-2021 10:09 PM

Yikes at that rough looking catch spot by Styles. Kofi did that thing where he falls backwards from the apron and smacked Style' face which caused Styles to miss catching him and Styles hitting the floor hard.

:| WWE's production crew managed to botch the shot of Osmos' chokeslam of Woods over the crowd barricade.

Emperor Smeat 02-15-2021 10:15 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">&quot;I will squash you!&quot; - Omos <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; GIF Skull SIX (New Backup) (@gif_skull) <a href="">February 16, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Like who would think that would even be a good shot to use for the spot itself.

Evil Vito 02-15-2021 10:25 PM

Lacey Evans might be pregnant for real and just sticking on TV for a little while.

Evil Vito 02-15-2021 10:31 PM

Also Lacey’s unavailability for Mania just guaranteed Charlotte vs Asuka. I’m sure Charlotte will get the win as per usual.

Emperor Smeat 02-15-2021 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Conspiracy Victim Vito (Post 5426751)
Also Lacey’s unavailability for Mania just guaranteed Charlotte vs Asuka. I’m sure Charlotte will get the win as per usual.

At least that would be a better option than having Lacey beat Asuka for the belt at EC and doing a Lacey vs. Charlotte match for the belt at Mania.

Emperor Smeat 02-15-2021 10:52 PM

Less than 10 minutes left in the show and 2 more matches left in this Gauntlet match means some really dumb shenanigans are about to happen.

WWE doesn't know how to properly pace Gauntlet matches anymore since they keep having to resort to shenanigans and quick meaningless portions just to be able to finish them.

Emperor Smeat 02-15-2021 10:54 PM

Yeup Orton vs. McIntyre portion was a big bag of nothing.

Orton got counted out via wacky Bliss shenanigans with the lights and ThunderDome screens.

Volare 02-15-2021 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Conspiracy Victim Vito (Post 5426749)
Lacey Evans might be pregnant for real and just sticking on TV for a little while.


Originally Posted by Emperor Smeat (Post 5426753)
At least that would be a better option than having Lacey beat Asuka for the belt at EC and doing a Lacey vs. Charlotte match for the belt at Mania.

Stolen from front....just incase but hey I don't know what yall read.

According to reports, Evans is legitimately pregnant in real life. The news was first reported by Wrestling Inc.

Emperor Smeat 02-15-2021 11:08 PM

Gauntlet match was great up until the Orton part and then mostly tredding water afterwards.

Ending was very predictable after they had Drew go through everyone except Kofi before Sheamus arrived.

Gauntlet match saved this week's show since outside of the Hurt Business vs. Lucha House Party & Riddle and Kofi vs. Miz matches, it was trending a lot towards being a pretty boring show overall.

Emperor Smeat 02-15-2021 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by Volare (Post 5426766)
Stolen from front....just incase but hey I don't know what yall read.

According to reports, Evans is legitimately pregnant in real life. The news was first reported by Wrestling Inc.

Wonder how Vince feels since that's back-to-back years where whatever big plans he had for RAW's Women's side quickly went up in smoke due to baby related reasons.

Last year it was whatever post-Mania plans he had for Becky and this year is whatever Mania plans he had for the Lacey vs. Charlotte feud.

Maybe even a third year in a row if you count Ronda Rousey.

Lock Jaw 02-15-2021 11:15 PM

I bet David Flair is the father

Lock Jaw 02-15-2021 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Emperor Smeat (Post 5426771)
Wonder how Vince feels since that's back-to-back years where whatever big plans he had for RAW's Women's side quickly went up in smoke due to baby related reasons.

Last year it was whatever post-Mania plans he had for Becky and this year is whatever Mania plans he had for the Lacey vs. Charlotte feud.

Maybe even a third year in a row if you count Ronda Rousey.

He is going to demand total control of the sex life of his independent contractors next.

Volare 02-15-2021 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Emperor Smeat (Post 5426732)
Not sure a Satanic star circle counts as being PG.

This Fiend stuff with Bliss has really gone off the deep end. Like I don't think even Lucha Underground went as absurd in direction for their storylines as this Fiend possession storyline has gone in WWE.

I figured she was conjuring Diablo, hence Diablo 4 is coming.

erickman 02-16-2021 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by Conspiracy Victim Vito (Post 5426749)
Lacey Evans might be pregnant for real and just sticking on TV for a little while.

wonder when she told wwe have this come out a week after she put herself in a title match for the next ppv.

i would use taya let her win the belt next week heel it up then face flair

Evil Vito 02-16-2021 07:08 AM

It's one of those very WWE things to decide the last entrant in a match with staggered entry by having a match with staggered entry that's won by the last entrant.

Gerard 02-16-2021 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Emperor Smeat (Post 5426748)
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">&quot;I will squash you!&quot; - Omos <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; GIF Skull SIX (New Backup) (@gif_skull) <a href="">February 16, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Like who would think that would even be a good shot to use for the spot itself.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Azriel 02-16-2021 09:48 AM

I have to say, for my first Raw in like, 12 years, that was rather meh

Savio 02-16-2021 10:12 AM

How have you been Azriel?

Azriel 02-16-2021 10:20 AM

Can't complain. Living life best I can

Big Vic 02-16-2021 10:53 AM

Happy to see you back, most c-fedders are gone.

Bad News Gertner 02-16-2021 12:58 PM

Whoa, Azriel Abyss returns!

Evil Vito 02-16-2021 01:25 PM

Azriel's posting for the first time in nearly 13 years. Now that's a return.

xrodmuc316 02-16-2021 07:06 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">ℍ�� �������� ���� ������������<a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#WWERaw</a> <a href="">@RandyOrton</a> <a href="">@AlexaBliss_WWE</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; WWE (@WWE) <a href="">February 16, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

XL 02-17-2021 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Emperor Smeat (Post 5426704)
Yeup this Flair Family drama stuff is easily the worst storyline in years in WWE.

A somewhat boring Women's tag match randomly ends with Lacey announcing she's pregnant and her music starts playing.

Whoever came up with this storyline should have been chucked off of WWE's HQ roof since its been god awful. Or just shown the door for a less messy ending.

Wouldn’t be a messy ending. Everyone that gets thrown off the roof lands on a ledge 6 feet below.

Emperor Smeat 02-22-2021 07:53 PM

Preview for tonight's show:


Originally Posted by
Raw preview, Feb. 15, 2021: The Miz to present a special WWE Championship celebration episode of “Miz TV”

After cashing in his Money in the Bank contract and laying claim the WWE Title at WWE Elimination Chamber, the Miz will have a special WWE Championship celebration episode of "Miz TV" tonight. Don’t miss Monday Night Raw, tonight at 8/7 C on USA Network.

Raw Preview : Quick Hits
  • The Miz to present a special WWE Championship celebration episode of “Miz TV”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Technically speaking Bad Bunny is the #1 contender for the WWE Title. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#RAWTonight</a></p>&mdash; WWE Creative Humor (@WWECreative_ish) <a href="">February 22, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Even angry miz girl is happy for the miz <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; 👑Adam Goldberg👑 (@adamgoldberg28) <a href="">February 22, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

erickman 02-22-2021 08:01 PM

let's see if miz can make raw better tonight.

Emperor Smeat 02-22-2021 08:07 PM

WWE splurged on pyro for Miz tonight. Gave him the special double pyro entrance treatment.

Back in their cheapass days, that would have been like a year's worth of pyro budget they just used.

Sepholio 02-22-2021 08:10 PM

It was a pretty sweet pyro display tbh.

Lashley here to collect his debt.

Zeeboe 02-22-2021 08:11 PM

Wow. Lashley’s mic skills are so horrible, it’s funny.

Sepholio 02-22-2021 08:12 PM

Its kinda weird seeing Miz and Lashley standing next to each other. Lashley obviously way more jacked but Miz is right there in terms of his height. Kinda jarring because my mind is convinced that Miz is just not that big of a guy.

Zeeboe 02-22-2021 08:13 PM

This Riddle guy looks like he’s the creation of Shawn Michaels and Edge having sex with each other.

Gerard 02-22-2021 08:13 PM

Lastly looks like he was just done drawing on his eyebrows with a sharpie.

Sepholio 02-22-2021 08:13 PM

Fuck yes Zeeboe posting in the RAW thread. Glad you finally came out of that one thread dude.

Supreme Olajuwon 02-22-2021 08:13 PM

So they’ve turned Riddle into a full on retard


Supreme Olajuwon 02-22-2021 08:14 PM

Happy for the Miz to reach the top despite the haters.

RP 02-22-2021 08:15 PM

Riddle looks like he just rolled out of bed to defend his family from intruders.

RP 02-22-2021 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Supreme Olajuwon (Post 5428665)
Happy for the Miz to reach the top despite the haters.


I actually love The Miz with the belt even though he'll probably lose it in the next hour or so.

Emperor Smeat 02-22-2021 08:16 PM

USA Network probably mouth watering right now over that new WWE reality show suggestion from Lashley.

Gerard 02-22-2021 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Supreme Olajuwon (Post 5428664)
So they’ve turned Riddle into a full on retard


RVD version 2.

erickman 02-22-2021 08:18 PM

countdown clock love it

Emperor Smeat 02-22-2021 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Supreme Olajuwon (Post 5428664)
So they’ve turned Riddle into a full on retard


He originally felt like a PG version of RVD early into his call-up but for some reason they decided to swing hard into that direction for his character these past few months.

Supreme Olajuwon 02-22-2021 08:22 PM

Need a Morrison and Ricochet feud where they just find the most creative ways to bounce of the ropes

Supreme Olajuwon 02-22-2021 08:24 PM

Dang Bert Kreischer showing up on WWE and AEW at the same time.

Power move.

Emperor Smeat 02-22-2021 08:24 PM

Ouch at that rough landing by Morrison on the outside.

Can't really blame Riddle for the botched catch since Morrison overshot his twisting flip. Like Charlotte Flair tier bad for how inaccurate Morrison was with the spot.

Sepholio 02-22-2021 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Emperor Smeat (Post 5428678)
Ouch at that rough landing by Morrison on the outside.

Can't really blame Riddle for the botched catch since Morrison overshot his twisting flip. Like Charlotte Flair tier bad for how inaccurate Morrison was with the spot.

Sir no one is Charlotte tier bad besides her. She will try to jump onto MULTIPLE targets and air ball all of them.

Supreme Olajuwon 02-22-2021 08:29 PM

This match is very good!

Supreme Olajuwon 02-22-2021 08:31 PM

That match was very good!

Emperor Smeat 02-22-2021 08:32 PM

US title match was pretty good.


Originally Posted by Seph (Post 5428680)
Sir no one is Charlotte tier bad besides her. She will try to jump onto MULTIPLE targets and air ball all of them.

For someone who was a former gymnast, its sort of crazy how utterly bad she is with rhythmic-like spots in WWE.

Emperor Smeat 02-22-2021 08:35 PM

Bit surprised both of the call-ups from the Rumble got sent to the RAW brand.

Would have thought Ripley would go to the Blue Brand because Damien Priest is on RAW. Then again RAW's Women's division needs Rhea way more than SD does because of how much of a dump their division has been over the past year.

Emperor Smeat 02-22-2021 08:37 PM

:lol: R-Truth

Supreme Olajuwon 02-22-2021 08:38 PM

Why is Bad Bunny and Damian Priest a compelling tag team

I hate it. I love it.

RP 02-22-2021 08:45 PM

Unless Bad Bunny is a wrestler, this is an incredibly amount of time spent on a goof. And it smells like desperate to me.

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