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slik 12-10-2018 10:34 AM

Sonic The Hedgehog (2019)
Sonic definitely does Crossfit

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Kalyx triaD 12-10-2018 02:19 PM


Sixx 12-10-2018 02:37 PM

Too bad Dom DeLuise is dead. We could get a Mario movie.

Kalyx triaD 12-10-2018 03:02 PM

We are. All CGI, Nintendo involved.

Sixx 12-10-2018 03:09 PM


Fignuts 12-10-2018 04:22 PM

He looks like a monkey with Sonic's head.

Sixx 12-10-2018 04:29 PM

Producer of "The Fast and The Furious".

I guess he likes the "fast" part.

Seanny One Ball 12-13-2018 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by SixxT9 (Post 5204201)
Too bad Dom DeLuise is dead. We could get a Mario movie.

Have you never seen Super Mario Bro's.? Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo. I think Dennis Hopper was in it.

Sepholio 12-13-2018 09:15 PM

Watching the Mario movie makes it easy to understand why there has always been such a stigma attached to converting game franchises to film.

Fignuts 12-13-2018 09:31 PM

There’s a stigma attached because they’re all awful. Even the ones that are dumb stupid fun like street fighter and mortal kombat are still objectively terrible.

But it’s okay. We have Castlevania on Netflix. The shining light in the darkness.

SlickyTrickyDamon 12-14-2018 12:02 AM

If Jaleel White isn't Sonic than fuck it.

RP 12-14-2018 12:11 AM

Fred Savage as Sonic... confirmed.

Sixx 12-14-2018 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5205447)
Have you never seen Super Mario Bro's.? Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo. I think Dennis Hopper was in it.

I have.

DeLuise would have been better.

Sixx 12-14-2018 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by RP (Post 5205470)
Fred Savage as Sonic... confirmed.

That's... savage?

Sixx 12-14-2018 12:52 AM

For some reason I was sure Fred Savage OD'd and died years ago.

Sixx 12-14-2018 12:52 AM

Then again it's what I think about all the child actors.

RP 12-14-2018 12:59 AM

This will be a disaster.

SlickyTrickyDamon 12-14-2018 01:52 AM

Fred Savage about the same. I'm waiting....

Kalyx triaD 12-14-2018 05:02 PM

Mortal Kombat was a good movie.

Change my mind.

Seanny One Ball 12-14-2018 05:21 PM

Yeah I'm not on board with any Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter movie hate.
Christopher Lambert as Raiden in MK was a bit mental but Wes Studi and Raul Julia as Sagat and M. Bison were excellent pieces of casting. I could watch Street Fighter right now quite happily.

Seanny One Ball 12-14-2018 05:22 PM

Using a Belgian to play the All American is the sole strike that Street Fighter the movie has against it in my mind.

You could probably just tell kids that Guile was from Louisiana if they asked though.

Kalyx triaD 12-14-2018 06:13 PM

Mortal Kombat, despite the abysmal sequel 2yrs later, is never credited for lighting the spark that eventually led to the martial arts resurgence in Hollywood (which made for a transition the very next year in 1996 with New Line's Jackie Chan showcase Rumble in the Bronx). MK also introduced the world to how well karate and techno music mixes together. The fights are still amazing and I very gladly call it one of the best 90s martial arts movies period.

People who cite MK1 as an example of terrible game adaptations makes me wonder if they watched the damn thing.

Sepholio 12-15-2018 01:28 AM

Liu Kang! Your brothers soul is mine! You. Will. Be. Next.

Rammsteinmad 12-15-2018 06:38 AM

I love Street Fighter! That film is a guilty pleasure, and not in the so-bad-it's-hilarious way. Although it is that, too. But I just genuinely love it.

Ditto for the first Mortal Kombat.

And the soundtrack to Mortal Kombat: Annihilation is incredible.

Sepholio 12-15-2018 08:12 AM

The soundtracks for both Mortal Kombat movies are incredible. I had both of them when I was a kid.

A.J.K 12-15-2018 12:46 PM

Mortal Kombat was really good.

Mortal Kombat 2- it's a guilty pleasure.

Swiss Ultimate 12-15-2018 04:45 PM

You realize Tetris the movie is coming.

Tom Guycott 12-16-2018 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 5205627)
Mortal Kombat, despite the abysmal sequel 2yrs later, is never credited for lighting the spark that eventually led to the martial arts resurgence in Hollywood (which made for a transition the very next year in 1996 with New Line's Jackie Chan showcase Rumble in the Bronx). MK also introduced the world to how well karate and techno music mixes together. The fights are still amazing and I very gladly call it one of the best 90s martial arts movies period.

People who cite MK1 as an example of terrible game adaptations makes me wonder if they watched the damn thing.

Especially since what we had until then to go by was: the universally panned Super Mario Bros, <s>the 90 minute commercial for Super Mario Bros 3</s> The Wizard, Street Fighter and Double Dragon.

My only problem with the first MK movie was something that actually soured me on ANY hype and adverts for new movies to this day - the fact that between the three different versions of "the making of", the trailers, and interviews with b-roll segmented in between questions, the only part of the movie I hadn't seen by the time it actually came out was the fight with Reptile. Otherwise, I had seen the entire rest of the film aside from the credits, just out of order.

Danny Electric 12-19-2018 06:55 AM

Loved the Street Fighter film , poor Raul Julia dying making the film though. Always remember as a kid trying to see where they had used CGI to put him in, think it’s the end fight scene.

Kalyx triaD 12-19-2018 03:31 PM

A stuntman obviously did all the fights but Raul got to do a few reaction bumps at the end. Otherwise it's all him in his scene stealing glory.

slik 04-30-2019 09:06 AM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">He’s a whole new speed of hero. Watch the new trailer for Sonic The Hedgehog, in theatres this November. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#SonicMovie</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Sonic The Hedgehog (@SonicMovie) <a href="">April 30, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

slik 04-30-2019 09:16 AM


Fignuts 04-30-2019 09:43 AM

Jesus give me strength.

slik 04-30-2019 09:45 AM

Why would you make a Sonic movie and take away the settings of Sonic, which are one of the best things about every Sonic game ever??

Seanny One Ball 04-30-2019 11:03 AM

Ben Schwartz as Sonic. I will watch it when it's out on dvd.

Lock Jaw 04-30-2019 12:12 PM

Seems like a sure thing for Best Picture at next Academy Awards

Kalyx triaD 04-30-2019 02:29 PM

Sonebody at Sega will be fired over this.

Seanny One Ball 04-30-2019 02:30 PM

Nah. Sega has a strong and storied history of disappointing its fans.

Seanny One Ball 04-30-2019 02:31 PM

I was a Sega guy growing up. Saturn was the tits.

Shadow 04-30-2019 03:22 PM

My god......

At least Jim Carrey's doing his best.

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