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drave 05-05-2016 10:19 AM

Played a few matches as Reinhardt and LOVE it. So far all the characters feel "fun to play" which is great. Also, GG Blizzard.

Normally don't go for snipers in game, but Widowmaker is a beast and her grappling hook makes her so incredibly mobile.

road doggy dogg 05-05-2016 10:21 AM

yeah, I like Widowmaker too...

<iframe src='' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' width='640' height='359.5505617977528' allowfullscreen></iframe>

road doggy dogg 05-05-2016 10:21 AM

dat ass

drave 05-05-2016 10:24 AM

LOL! It would be the dwarf watching. Perfect height.

Shadow 05-05-2016 11:48 AM

Bastion get's countered haaaaaaaaaaaaard by any one who can get behind him. Reaper's got a teleport that allows him to get in behind without entering the killzone in front for example. But for beginers, he's basically God/Devil. Also because headshots exist in this game, you can sit back with Widowmaker and Hanzo and snipe the hell out of 'em. And then Hanzo get's his ult and well....dragon time.

drave 05-05-2016 12:41 PM

Hanzo in the hands of someone who can use him is a fucking nightmare.

This game is so good. God damn it Blizzard, TAKE MY MONEY!

road doggy dogg 05-05-2016 12:43 PM

I'm prolly gonna just get the shitty cheapest version. The $40 one. I maaaaaaaaay be persuaded into the Origins Edition since it comes with all the other shit for other Bliz games... dammit, you did it to me again, Blizzard.

Kalyx triaD 05-05-2016 01:10 PM

I'm having XBL sign in issues but the response I'm reading here lights my soul on fire.

You have no idea how long I waited to see character discussions in this vein here.

Fignuts 05-05-2016 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Shadow (Post 4807166)
Bastion get's countered haaaaaaaaaaaaard by any one who can get behind him. Reaper's got a teleport that allows him to get in behind without entering the killzone in front for example. But for beginers, he's basically God/Devil. Also because headshots exist in this game, you can sit back with Widowmaker and Hanzo and snipe the hell out of 'em. And then Hanzo get's his ult and well....dragon time.

The big things though are his lack of spread, and his healing. Ecause there's no spread in sentry mode, it's effectively a gattling sniper rifle. I was killing little specks in the distance last night.

And even if a sniper like widow maker or Hanso gets a good shot on me, I can duck around a corner and heal.

VSG 05-05-2016 03:54 PM

Dunno.. I feel like once you are at level 5 and above people are experienced enough to figure out what's going on. Like Shadow said, get behind Bastion in sentry mode and he's dead before he turns (as I found out lol). His jump is basically useless so it comes down to strafing and the different modes.

Fignuts 05-05-2016 05:59 PM

That strategy is fine against tne average player, but it will be difficult to get behind players who know how and where to use the turrwt mode effectively.

There are are some spots on the map that bastion can hold, where flanking behind is very difficult, even with teleporters. I know, because I've wrecked a few teams myself this way.

ClockShot 05-05-2016 06:54 PM

Tinkered with some of the characters in training/tutorial.

Probably dig the outlaw the best so far. But obviously this isn't your typical multiplayer shooter. I'll mess around with a few other characters from the other classes to see who I'll be comfortable with.

Neat concept here.

VSG 05-05-2016 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 4807249)
That strategy is fine against tne average player, but it will be difficult to get behind players who know how and where to use the turrwt mode effectively.

There are are some spots on the map that bastion can hold, where flanking behind is very difficult, even with teleporters. I know, because I've wrecked a few teams myself this way.

Yeah I've done that, and almost immediately the enemy team swapped over to snipers to take me down from far as well. Ditto with the hook + melee attack combos. There are ways to counter everyone, but I am sure there will be some re-balancing done for the retail release.

Fignuts 05-05-2016 07:14 PM

Does the highlight only go to the most kills in quick succession? Never see a healer get the highlight.

drave 05-05-2016 09:25 PM

I've had support highlights. I cannot stop playing this game :D

drave 05-05-2016 09:35 PM

Haven't played all the tank characters yet, but D.Va and her mecha are fucking amazing. Jumped off a ledge and flew in through a window just to self-destruct (ultimate) and get a team kill :D

I had something ridiculous like 79% kill participation that round. Reaper is fucking deadly when you figure out how to keep moving with him and how to tele in and out of SNAFU situations.

Heisenberg 05-06-2016 12:54 AM

played a few rounds of this, not too shabby. Trying so hard to get the play of the game.

#BROKEN Hasney 05-06-2016 04:32 AM

Mystery Hero seems to be where the higher level players are going, which is great, because it's a really fun mode for getting used to all the characters.

road doggy dogg 05-06-2016 11:21 AM

Only support potgs I've seen are when mercy gets a big Rez of like 3+ people off at a crucial moment

drave 05-06-2016 12:51 PM

Tombjorn regularly gets me p's of the g :D

If you can put a turret down in a good spot and keep the team armored, it can win you many games.

Last game I just finished was capture points. I was Reinhardt and put a shield in front of the turret since everyone was assaulting. The turret was never down and we obliterated the other team :D

<3 D.Va so much.

road doggy dogg 05-06-2016 01:15 PM

you playing on console or pc drave?

Kalyx triaD 05-06-2016 01:36 PM

Couldn't play much due to connection issues on this house side of things but I can say this game is just the joy. I don't think I ever so hype looking at the options screen. Of any game. Ever.

Alva tried to send an invite but I dropped out. Gotta get this internet up to speed.

(Btw; now have a steady place to game so I'll be on xbl way more often than the last three months)

drave 05-06-2016 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by road doggy dogg (Post 4807469)
you playing on console or pc drave?

Ecks Bawks Wun

road doggy dogg 05-06-2016 06:34 PM

Mystery Heroes is fun, makes me play people I really try to avoid. I think Symmetra is my least-favourite hero

road doggy dogg 05-06-2016 06:35 PM

Been playing a lot more Mercy lately too. Think I prefer Lucio to her for a support though, he heals more like a Resto Shaman :D

Wehttam 05-06-2016 07:28 PM

open beta on ps4?

drave 05-06-2016 08:52 PM

Yep. Ends on Sunday though, get going now.


drave 05-06-2016 09:01 PM

I really like how if you want to actually be good you need to learn a few different characters rather than just sit on one. Some mastery is good, of course, but it really pays more to know the various roles.

Recently finding a big love for tanking :D Makes sense I guess, I was always a tank in WoW or other mmo's. Reinhardt super fun. I PINNED a Reaper player across the map earlier today. It wasn't the highlight but it sure felt awesome to slam him into a wall and see him die from it.

road doggy dogg 05-06-2016 09:18 PM


Shadow 05-06-2016 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by drave (Post 4807693)
I really like how if you want to actually be good you need to learn a few different characters rather than just sit on one. Some mastery is good, of course, but it really pays more to know the various roles.

Recently finding a big love for tanking :D Makes sense I guess, I was always a tank in WoW or other mmo's. Reinhardt super fun. I PINNED a Reaper player across the map earlier today. It wasn't the highlight but it sure felt awesome to slam him into a wall and see him die from it.

Oh man I had some fun with bots.

Just messing around on the Greek map and I was Reinhardt. Had a Hanzo plant a sonic arrow on the wall and saw all 5 bots charging in a line down this one ally. So I set up, and charged them. Managed to grab the Bastion and send him to his doom down a cliff with me while 3 of the other 4 bots come tumbling after for a Quad kill and a play of the game. Was damn near falling off the couch. Yeah it's stupid bots but it was so damn funny.

alvarado52 05-07-2016 12:46 AM

Pretty damn balanced game...exception for Bastion. Fuck that turret mode...needs a nerf to either damage, movement speed, or direction (the fact that the turret can spin 360 degrees makes it a pain to get around.

drave 05-07-2016 09:37 AM

I've found sniping bastion works well. Also with McCready, flashbang + unload.

Bastion is tricky though for sure, very dependent on the map. I think his weaknesses will show the more the game is played.

drave 05-07-2016 10:02 AM

Mei is also highly undervalued/rated.

If you time the ice wall right, you can instakill with it and/or send them flying through the air. Trapped fatass Roadkill between a pillar and the icewall and took him down.

Love the random shit that can happen each match. Each match really does feel different.


Kalyx triaD 05-07-2016 01:57 PM

For the love of god every team needs at least two Mercy's and you're golden.

Gonna main DVa and Phara for now. I like the ninja tho, but he's highly situational.

road doggy dogg 05-07-2016 03:18 PM

Genji is the best counter to lazy Bastion players, but I don't use him too much

alvarado52 05-07-2016 03:18 PM

Ive found myself cycling DVa, Phara, Mei, and Reinhardt depending on what side of the fence the team is on.

#BROKEN Hasney 05-07-2016 03:42 PM

I prefer Reaper to take down Bastion. Teleport in close, shadow to get around and it's about 2 shots to finish.

I don't think he needs a huge nerf, just needs to be less effective at long range, like maybe some bullet spread. The distances he can be accurate are ridiculous right now.

road doggy dogg 05-07-2016 07:12 PM

I'm digging D'Va on offense right now. Never liked her but playing Mystery Heroes mode or w/e kind of forced my hand so I ended up as her for a while today. Had a good run. Her damage kinda sucks but launching your mech into people is so friggin' cool.

Loving me some Junkrat on defense too.

road doggy dogg 05-07-2016 09:14 PM

Really getting annoyed at seeing Bastion POTG. Not even salty about the hero in general just so annoying seeing a triple kill from a stationary turret be lauded, especially after I just had a game where I had a solid 4-5 kills in a 10 second span as a Junkrat... MFersw

Shadow 05-07-2016 09:46 PM

Every time I see a Bastion Play of the Game I always quip, "you sure left click good there Bastion". I don't get a response but it's my petty way of voicing annoyance.

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