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GD 11-13-2021 10:01 AM

AEW Full Gear 2021: Kenny Omega vs Hangman Page for the AEW World Championship

xrodmuc316 11-13-2021 11:35 AM

Not to jazzed about this card to be honest. Miro and Bryan will be really good. Hopefully they have a few tricks up their sleeves. Their last 2 PPVs were arguably their 2 best, certainly 2 of the top 3. This feels more like a special edition of Dynamite.

GD 11-13-2021 11:53 AM

I wish they’d done more with Kingston and Punk.

Destor 11-13-2021 01:34 PM

Eddie Kingston and CM Punk. The two biggest works in the history of the business

weather vane 11-13-2021 02:47 PM

Let’s go!

slik 11-13-2021 03:27 PM

God, they make their PPVS so hard to order sometimes...F'n annoyinhg

The only way in the U.S. to watch now is the Bleacher Report App or bleacherreport dot com (NOT B/R Live and NOT Fite TV).

They don't even have a Bleacher Report app for Apple TV so I guess I'm watching on my laptop...

slik 11-13-2021 03:41 PM

will have to look into a VPN in the future

Mr. Nerfect 11-13-2021 04:26 PM

Pretty bad build. Can’t bring myself to watch. It’s incredible how quickly Bryan Danielson went from being one of my favorite wrestlers to me not caring about him at all. He’s Kurt Angle in TNA.

Supreme Olajuwon 11-13-2021 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Slik (Post 5493706)
God, they make their PPVS so hard to order sometimes...F'n annoyinhg

The only way in the U.S. to watch now is the Bleacher Report App or bleacherreport dot com (NOT B/R Live and NOT Fite TV).

They don't even have a Bleacher Report app for Apple TV so I guess I'm watching on my laptop...

I haven’t checked in a while but last time I did they didn’t have an app for PlayStation either. Very frustrating.

Mr. Nerfect 11-13-2021 05:30 PM

So many of these feuds suck.

Page and Omega has been this weird inconsistent alternation between comedy and an attempt at drama. The Page story has sucked. They had to get him off TV to get return momentum behind him because they booked him into oblivion. He’s probably going to win the title here. It’ll get nice reactions in the buildings, but no one cares. Not really. AEW going to twiddle their thumbs until they get Kyle O’Reilly and Roderick Strong to do The Elite vs. Undisputed Era.

* Miro and Danielson is just a tournament match. Miro is probably going to win and be Page’s Kane. Cool. Miro hasn’t mattered since he got publicly destroyed by Jim Cornette and Brian Last. Doesn’t he always tank the ratings now? Let’s give that guy a main event push.

* Britt Baker is a gimmick. She’s fun, but no one really cares about her matches. Not really.

* Lucha Bros are overrated as a tag team. Fenix should be a single. FTR should win the belts here, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the Luchas win. Let’s go, 50/50 booking!

* Chris Jericho is entertainment poison at this stage. No one cares about Men of the Year. When WWE brings in green MMA fighters they get called out for it.

* Cody is forcing himself to be a babyface. Lol, not like WWE at all. PAC is great, but it’s impossible to care about Andrade or Malakai Black at this point. They’re WWE castoffs. The most interesting thing about them is their Zelina Vega connection, which they can’t bring up. Without Ric Flair, there is no purpose to Andrade.

* The six-man tag shouldn’t be happening. And now it’s a gimmick match. Super.

* It’s too hard to care about MJF anymore. His promos are always executed well, but he never delivers on anything, so who cares?

* Lol, Punk vs. Kingston. Another brilliant idea from booker of the year.

Probably a bunch of stuff I have forgotten.

Triple A 11-13-2021 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Slik (Post 5493706)
God, they make their PPVS so hard to order sometimes...F'n annoyinhg

The only way in the U.S. to watch now is the Bleacher Report App or bleacherreport dot com (NOT B/R Live and NOT Fite TV).

They don't even have a Bleacher Report app for Apple TV so I guess I'm watching on my laptop...

Yeah they still don't have an Apple TV or Google TV app for Bleacher Report... they had ones for "BR Live" but not the new one... so have to play it on a phone or computer and "cast" it to the TV, which is not as reliable... annoying

Mr. Nerfect 11-13-2021 05:47 PM

I could have shat out a better card without a moment’s thought:

* Kenny Omega vs. Bryan Danielson
* Christian Cage vs. Adam Cole
* The Young Bucks vs. Jungle Boy & TBA (ends up being Adam Page)
* CM Punk, Sting, Darby Allin & The Varsity Blonds vs. The Pinnacle
* Chris Jericho vs. Miro
* Sammy Guevara vs. Cody Rhodes for the TNT Title
* Britt Baker vs. Thunder Rosa
* Serena Deeb vs. Hikaru Shida
* Malakai Black vs. PAC

I don’t even like the product and can follow TK’s own storylines better. How is that not a better card? Omega and Danielson was the obvious direction and is a better match than Omega/Page. Cage vs. Cole happens and can actually put Cole over while The Bucks can put over Jungle Boy & Page, who subs for an injured Luchasaurus (who sucks, let’s get real).

Britt Baker and Thunder Rosa is bigger and better than Tay Conti. Serena Deeb and Hikaru Shida had something that could have very easily been pushed to the PPV to give another babyface woman a moment. Chris Jericho can get destroyed by Miro for whatever that’s worth. You’re paying for both guys, you might as well use them. Encourage Jericho to take some time off to go to rehab or something. But that at least follows up on Miro dropping the TNT Title to Sammy, who can defend it against a heel Cody Rhodes, who turns on Sammy like Sammy did on the first Dynamite.

Punk, Sting, Darby and The Varsity Blonds teaming against The Pinnacle makes sense. They all have some sort of issue with MJF. Punk gets in by virtue of being Darby’s friend. It’s November — you could make this an elimination match with proper faces and heels. And Punk can actually cut promos on a heel instead of working against the Tommy Dreamer of this company. PAC and Malakai Black would just be a heel you’re pushing going against a face that can make him look great. It’s better than Cody and Andrade getting involved for no reason.

That didn’t take any imagination whatsoever.

Triple A 11-13-2021 05:52 PM

The real card is better and makes more sense than your stupid card which sucks sorry

GD 11-13-2021 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Triple A (Post 5493761)
The real card is better and makes more sense than your stupid card which sucks sorry


Triple A 11-13-2021 06:12 PM

Just bought it on the shitty Bleacher Report app and there are like 982375879235789532987523 comments with people complaining about the shitty app... terrible

No way for me to try to test it via "Chromecast" cause there's nothing to play yet...

Triple A 11-13-2021 06:14 PM

k just tried to play an old AEW PPV I ordered and it won't play at all... "There was an error playing this video"

Not good..........

Triple A 11-13-2021 06:16 PM

Finally got it to play but there's no option to Chromecast it on my phone........

xrodmuc316 11-13-2021 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Slik (Post 5493706)
God, they make their PPVS so hard to order sometimes...F'n annoyinhg

The only way in the U.S. to watch now is the Bleacher Report App or bleacherreport dot com (NOT B/R Live and NOT Fite TV).

They don't even have a Bleacher Report app for Apple TV so I guess I'm watching on my laptop...

I used to be able to save $9 buying it with Amazon Coins, but when they did that whole B/R Live migrating to, you could no longer purchase it directly through Amazon.

Oh well, nothing else to do tonight so im in afterall.

Triple A 11-13-2021 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Triple A (Post 5493768)
Finally got it to play but there's no option to Chromecast it on my phone........

can't figure out any way to play it on a TV via Chromecast from an iPhone........ any1 have any idea?

what the fuck is t his shit... so annoyed

Sepholio 11-13-2021 06:43 PM

Bout to leave port and head out onto the open seas of the web in search of booty

ClockShot 11-13-2021 07:01 PM

PPV through the cable company is $50.

Ugh. Still steep.

Sting Fan 11-13-2021 07:18 PM

Pumped for this! Probably the most excited I have been for a PPV since the WM Benoit main evented and won.

Sting Fan 11-13-2021 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Nerfect (Post 5493760)
That didn’t take any imagination whatsoever.

Yeah we can see that.

slik 11-13-2021 07:27 PM

bleacherreport dot com stream is good so far for pre-show before buy-in

rez 11-13-2021 07:31 PM

shit. about forgot about this tonight

rez 11-13-2021 07:31 PM

someone got a link for your favorite rez?

rez 11-13-2021 07:32 PM

nm. got one. thanks

rez 11-13-2021 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Triple A (Post 5493770)
can't figure out any way to play it on a TV via Chromecast from an iPhone........ any1 have any idea?

what the fuck is t his shit... so annoyed

iphone is the problem, mate

slik 11-13-2021 07:37 PM

I think in a year Dante Martin will be at the same spot on the card Sammy, Darby and MJF are now.

erickman 11-13-2021 07:37 PM

damm leo rushes grand ma died

Evil Vito 11-13-2021 07:43 PM

BR app running without issue for me

Evil Vito 11-13-2021 07:43 PM

3 yummy women and Nyla Rose

Evil Vito 11-13-2021 07:44 PM

Nice @ Jamie’s gear going further and further up her ass every week

slik 11-13-2021 07:57 PM

Watching a ppv on facebook sounds like absolute hell but I guess good for offering the option...

slik 11-13-2021 07:59 PM

Darby/MJF opening the show, nice

ron the dial 11-13-2021 08:04 PM


rez 11-13-2021 08:04 PM

god that was annoying audio

rez 11-13-2021 08:05 PM

lolol. audio team is fucking up hardcore

Evil Vito 11-13-2021 08:09 PM

Holy shit @ OC teasing a Chaos appearance as his partner

Okada or Ishii on Wednesday plz

ron the dial 11-13-2021 08:09 PM

these two work so well together

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