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Old 10-27-2018, 09:45 AM   #45994
Tom Guycott
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Originally Posted by Rammsteinmad View Post
I use to love all that Indy nonsense, in particular, back around 2008-2010 or something I was a huge Chikara fan. But now I just see all these crap and none of it seems funny anymore.

The guy with the super strong penis who keeps flipping people over with it... never laughed once. Think I've lost my smile.
Originally Posted by Noid View Post
I think at some stage it's natural for wrestling fans, given the stigma associated with wrestling, to say "Of course we know it's not real -- look at how deliberately fake it is." And that gets compounded with so many wrestling tropes being smacked over our heads that anything that subverts it seems "fun." But wrestling is really conflict drama. It has goals (winning and losing) and it should have stakes in order to justify emotional investment.

The thing with all the comedy wrestling is that is completely defeats the point of any of that. I don't think it's impressive to go out there and pretend that the goals and stakes are ludicrous. And I think to non-fans, as opposed to being an obvious edge into to a staged form of entertainment, it's actually as silly as someone trying to do a comedy song but not being able to remotely play an instrument or be able to sing. "Why do you watch this shit? You know it's fake, right?" "Of course I do! Look at that guy swinging people with his penis! They're clearly not trying to fool anyone!" "Yeah, but why do you watch this shit?"

It's got even less of a point than WWE's sports entertainment, and I actually consider it a very self-conscious and self-hating form of wrestling. I'm sure the guys who do it think it is funny, but I can't help but think that they must be deeply insecure to need to overtly discredit any form of irony bribe. It's like they are too scared to actually try. And it's riddled with 15-year-old boy syndrome.

I think the issue is that it has become too much. Like with anything, a lot of it is fun in moderation. A goofy spot or a comedy match should be a palette cleanser. As should a hardcore brawl. As should a match chock full of "flippy shit". Problem is, now the wrestlers on every match of every indy show think all three of those thongs should happen in every match. It's too much, which makes it hokey.

It's why I personally dislike Young Bucks matches... I get the whole rebellion thing works for them, and that's fine, but the "a match isn't good unless it has at least one dive" philosophy makes dives not special. Cramming 800 finishes into a match before it is even halfway done might be ok periodically, but not every. single. match. Even the Joey Ryan dick flip was funny IN CONTEXT of the first time it was done (wrestling a guy who always went for a testicular claw, and having him suggest Ryan not only not sell, but actually reverse it because "American penis so big; so strong"): something that has been long since lost in all the time afterwards spent either having someone like Cornette only see the clip and focus on the spot itself or Joey making his penis into his whole one-dimensional gimmick. It was a time and place thing that was only good a hand full of times (not a pun). Instead, it was run into the ground.
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