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Old 04-08-2021, 08:42 AM   #3020
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Raw: July 23, 2040

We open with one of the finalists for the King of the Ring, Quentin McDaniels, joining us in the ring. He boasts about how he is right where he is supposed to be. The only thing better, of course, would be sitting on that throne, being crowned the King of the Ring and then closing out the summer by taking the Unified World Title. Fortunately, all he has to do is walk into King of the Ring this Sunday and embarrass Noah Carmichael, something he's not only happy to do but more than capable of doing. Quentin claims to have been looking forward this since WrestleMania because he gets a chance to right a huge wrong.

This brings out Noah Carmichael himself to offer his rebuttal. Carmichael does hope that Quentin learned something from WrestleMania because he doesn't want to hear any excuses after this Sunday. This tournament is Carmichael's chance to right a huge wrong, too; not necessarily just getting a chance to win back the Unified Title but to once and for all shut Quentin's mouth. While he admires Quentin's new found backbone in standing up to Butch Fleming, Carmichael is less enamored with the idea that Quentin thinks he's the better man. Quentin counters that he wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't meant to be so Carmichael's feelings are irrelevant. He'll get a bit of a preview in tonight's main event. Carmichael says he looks forward to it but before he takes his leave he tells Quentin to have fun with Butch Fleming in deciding who's in charge for tonight.

First Match: WWE Intercontinental Champion Brandon Reigns and Chris Collins vs. Conner Buchanan and Clubber Harris
Before we get started Reigns wants to address what went down on SmackDown! with what he did to Seth Von Kamp. There were several reason why he did what he did in taking Seth out of the tournament and putting him out of action. "First and foremost, let it be a warning that whatever I give, I can take away. Seth wouldn't have even been in the tournament if I hadn't been generous enough to give up my invitation so he should have been grateful that I even allowed him to get that far! And had he won, all the talk would have about how much it was a mistake for me to not compete instead of talking about all the good I've done. Last, but certainly not least, it was a display that I hope Conner Buchanan learned from. All of those butterflies he's got fluttering about his stomach right now are telling to him to back out while he still can because I'm dead set on not showing any mercy this Sunday!" The match goes on with tensions at an all-time high. It concludes with Reigns with shoving Paul Andrews down on the outside which causes Buchanan to lose his shit and pound away on Reigns enough to the point where the ref calls for the bell to DQ the face team. Harris and Collins aren't exactly keeping the peace themselves and we get a brawl as we go to break. *****, 94% overall.

Backstage we see Luscious exiting a locker room. Michael Hotbody runs into her and questions her activities. Has she been going around offering her services to the guys or has she been "offering her services to the guys"? Luscious tells him to piss off and tries to leave but Hotbody insists on making an ass out of himself. He wants to know what Luscious sees in Martyn LaSalle that she doesn't see in Hotbody. Hotbody is the one with the belt. Hotbody has the undefeated streak. Hotbody has...well, he has the Hotbody. He starts his dance routine in the hopes of impressing and/or arousing Luscious until she decides to shout "Please, stop!" loud enough to the point where the locker room door where she just exited opens up...AND MARTYN LASALLE EXITS! He wants to know what the hell is going on here. Hotbody has the same question and even more. Did Luscious manage to dig her nails in LaSalle? Martyn LaSalle answers that it's none of Hotbody's damn business. Hotbody needs to worry about his Cruiserweight Title and nothing else because he's at more of a risk of losing it this Sunday than ever before. Hotbody merely shakes his head and saunters off. Luscious gazes at LaSalle with pride.

Second Match: Nigel Gallagher vs. Jerome McDougal
Hot cruiserweight action is just what the doctor ordered. Wish these guys were more charismatic but then that wouldn't justify having the lovely Fantasee on the payroll. Speaking of which she's more than happy to use her feminine wiles to distract McDougal and Nigel pounces on the opportunity with the Union Smack to pick up the win. Jerome decides the best course of action to deal with this is to throw a tantrum. ****1/2, 86% overall.

Third Match: The Play Pals vs. The Royal Effect
I mean...God damn...

Was there ever a time when a tag team match was considered MOTY???

Backstage, Haven is hassling the poor production crew over what happened last week. No one has answers for him, however, so he takes his leave but not before threatening anyone who may be lying. He walks up a hall and out of view but the camera also catches a glimpse of a figure slightly stepping out from behind an intersecting corridor that looks like its watching Haven.

Elsewhere backstage, Jenna Kyle and Faith Connors are HOT...about what's been going on between them and Leah and Hannah. They make the claim that those two bitches and any one else watching who may be getting some bright ideas in their heads need to understand that the team up of Jenna and Faith is a damn force to be reckoned with. They refuse to apologize for being recognized as the two of the best the division has to offer so all of the bellyaching that Leah and Hannah have been doing is just noise. They've provided the stage at King of the Ring; Leah and Hannah just need to bring it on.

Fourth Match: Tania vs. Cordelia
Tania claims that she might not be in the best of shape all things considered but Naomi isn't going to get the better of her, not with the importance of this Sunday on the line. She's more than welcome to try and come out and pull the same stunt as on SmackDown! if she wants. This is mainly to make Tania look good heading into King of the Ring. Naomi does indeed try to make herself a nuisance when it looks like Tania is in trouble. Tania bails to the outside and backs away from Naomi as she gives chase. She stumbles and Naomi moves in for the kill...BUT TANIA POPS UP WITH NAOMI'S SCEPTER! It must have been hidden under the ring. Naomi doubles over after taking a shot. Cordelia tries to to take advantage of all of this as she pulls Tania back into the ring but Tania hot shots her on the top rope and follows up with the Nose Dive to score the pin. ****1/2, 91% overall.

Backstage Blaine Bellamey is on his phone talking to Robbie Greer about where they're meeting up later. He stops when he sees Vivian Merrick sitting by herself looking depressed and tells Robbie that he'll have to call back. Blaine asks Vivian what the deal is with her. Vivian rolls her eyes and claims that she wants nothing to do with him. Blaine doesn't really want anything to do with her either, he was just asking a question. Vivian is taken back by this and asks for verification as to whether or not the rumor is true about the Wyldhearts being interested in her services. Blaine says that he can't speak for Robbie but he himself assumes that she's happy with her brother and her lover. Vivian changes the subject by pointing out that they really shouldn't be talking considering she's managing the team that the Wyldhearts are supposed to face this Sunday. Blaine says that he and Robbie are going to do what they have to in order to become champions...and that Vivian may have to reconsider her feelings afterwards. Vivian looks at Blaine with a ponderous look but Rick Hilton has been listening to this behind them and proceeds to assault Blaine. He warns him to stay away from his woman and demands that Vivian leave with him. Vivian appears shocked and not sure of what to do which causes Rick to yell his demand. She takes her leave but doesn't look happy about it.

Fifth Match: Shawn Dangerson vs. Doug Michaels
Sophie Waters gets on commentary to espouse the benefits of the union between her and Dangerson. People have been demanding more of Dangerson because they feel he has been underutilized. Well, having someone like Sophie Waters keeping an eye out for his career is going to open so many more doors for Dangerson. She's not saying she's using her influence with Lisa Benton but she does have some pull as someone as decorated as she is. Dangerson more than proves his worth here in an impressive showing and manages to score a submission win with the Danger Zone. Sophie applauds her charge and declares that she's making sure the gears are in motion for big things for him. ****1/2, 92% overall.

MAIN EVENT: WWE Unified World Champion Butch Fleming and Quentin McDaniels vs. Noah Carmichael and Kerry Cemenko
Fleming and McDaniels argue over who starts and it's just the opening act as far as them getting on the same page goes. It's a back and forth affair and ultimately it's the face team that has problems functioning as Fleming whips Cemenko into a corner where Carmichael is but Cemenko pumps the brakes before the two collide. They have a bit of a verbal spat but Fleming rams Cemenko from behind, sandwiching the two and gets a roll-up on Cemeno, putting his feet on Carmichael's slumped body for leverage and insult to get the pin. The heels bail in triumph as Cemenko and Carmichael exchange words. *****, 95% overall.
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